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New Server: US 2135 Dallas

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I would like to anounce that a new server has opened: US 2135 Dallas hosted by Moustache Club of America. I would like to welcome all players, bandits and survivors alike, to come play on the server.

Currently the server restarts at 2am and 2pm Hawaiian time. This is subject to change and if it does it will be noted here. I will also be looking into a way to send warnings to players about server restarts starting 15 minutes before the restart.

If you wish to make this server your home, please subscribe to this thread, as changes and unscheduled restarts will be posted at least a day in advance here.

Warning!!! - I will not, under any circumstance, restart the server for personal or player gain. Period. All requests will be ignored. You have been warned!

Note: I will be editing this post later with more information.

Any questions - feel free to message me and happy gaming!

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Joined, seems like a good server! Finally found one thats new, so clans dont have every vehicle >.> Prob will make this my home! But be warned! I shoot on sight... sometimes.

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Joined, seems like a good server! Finally found one thats new, so clans dont have every vehicle >.> Prob will make this my home! But be warned! I shoot on sight... sometimes.

Noticed you online tonight, good to have you!

Yes - as far as I know there are no clans which consider 2135 their home. Some friends of mine and myself play on the server but we're not exactly organized. We were out in Cherno tonight repairing a bus - then took it for a little drive through the countryside.

I don't shoot on sight! <--- Medic. I will defend myself though. Most of my friends are also friendlies.

PS - seems like the server is having some connection issues but it seems like mine may not be the only one.

Edited by Maroite

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Hey Maromite,

Thanks for the server. We're a small group (3-4) we play on 2135. Just a small issue sometimes after a restart the server doesn't seem to have vehicles or tents. Anyways thanks man

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