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Siggy (DayZ)

(Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

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This is completely fucked ... I log back into my regular server and am instantly told via the message displayed that I've been killed, sitting in limbo-death-land with nothing in my inventory so log to a different server, spawn on the coast again with nothing, NOTHING - not even a single bandage in my inventory ... and yes, I was wearing my ghillie ... I'm getting to the point where 'testing' this mod is over for me and I'll be happy to wait for The War Z to drop

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This is completely fucked ... I log back into my regular server and am instantly told via the message displayed that I've been killed, sitting in limbo-death-land with nothing in my inventory so log to a different server, spawn on the coast again with nothing, NOTHING - not even a single bandage in my inventory ... and yes, I was wearing my ghillie ... I'm getting to the point where 'testing' this mod is over for me and I'll be happy to wait for The War Z to drop

Alpha testing isn't for everyone.

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Same problem here. Not server hopping, but having a hard time picking a server when I try to play. Usually it takes ages to load on some servers (so I alt+f4) or when I log in to the correct timezone server and there is night for no reason, or I'm getting low fps, also for no reason... So before I used to spend 30 minutes at best trying to find a fitting server to play in and now I just get teleported back to the shore...=\

I'm being scared s***less of getting sniped by some random person I try to stay away from shores, but now I'm even scared to try and log in to servers because there's a huge chance that I get teleported to the shore.

And while I see how this is a reasonable way of preventing people from "server hopping", it is extremely stupid to add it on alpha stage when the game has so many bugs and hackers.

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If this is a punishment for Server Hopping, then a clearly defined explanation of "Server Hopping" should have been / be communicated, stating exactly what constitutes a meta-game crime and the ensuing punishment.

If it is for continually joining/leaving the same 2 servers, then that's understandable. But, if it punishes players for problems beyond their control (game crash, server crash, chronic fps drop, kicked by admin abuse, ping issue, BE screwing up, etc, etc), then that's totally unacceptable.

If this is one of Rocket's "undocumented changes also for the lulz", then I hope he realizes that this kind of unprofessional action will not win him any beans and may harm his credibilty regarding the future standalone game.

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I have to agree with you Mercator; I will “Give people working on this mod some time to work out where things go wrong and right”, but I won’t be giving them my in game time until something changes. Those of us who are suffering from this problem and are expressing it are understandably upset. We have given plenty of our time to this mod and now for us it has become unplayable. Would anyone play chess if after every move made the pieces where reset to the beginning?

As for our reactions being “childish and silly” to you, for someone who seems understanding, you seem to lack compassion. I seriously doubt anyone here feels they are the “centre of the universe”. We want to be part of the DayZ community, that’s why we are here posting. When we post, we hope someone will listen. We hope for change.

How about this for an idea; every time, before you log off, run to the beach

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I have to agree with you Mercator; I will “Give people working on this mod some time to work out where things go wrong and right”, but I won’t be giving them my in game time until something changes. Those of us who are suffering from this problem and are expressing it are understandably upset. We have given plenty of our time to this mod and now for us it has become unplayable. Would anyone play chess if after every move made the pieces where reset to the beginning?

As for our reactions being “childish and silly” to you, for someone who seems understanding, you seem to lack compassion. I seriously doubt anyone here feels they are the “centre of the universe”. We want to be part of the DayZ community, that’s why we are here posting. When we post, we hope someone will listen. We hope for change.

How about this for an idea; every time, before you log off, run to the beach

Maybe I should have mentioned it in my previous post, but I did in fact experience the same thing as so many of you that posted here did. Logged out near the NW airfield yesterday, because me and my buddy flipped an ATV going too fast over a bridge and wanted to wait for the server reset. Needless to say, if you spawn on the coast afterwards, it's definately annoying since, as you probably know, vehicles can be hard to come by. So am I "compassionate" about what's happening...? Ofcourse!

Doesn't change my opinion about the bulk of the posters here. The "universe" comment still stands. The "I want it! Right now, dammit!" attitude is still displayed by a majority of the forum members here. That...is what strikes me as childish and silly.

When we post, we hope someone will listen. We hope for change.

By all means, continue to do so...it's what this forum is partly for. And we all hope that someone reads it and takes notice. However, I can guarantee you, yours and everyone else's comments and suggestions will be taken a lot more seriously when drafted in a less abrasive and sometimes downright insulting fashion. Or do we really need to include a fuck, shit or douchebag comment in every post we make, in order to make our post stand out from the rest? I'm afraid that, on this forum, it's the other way around.

Apologies if my earlier post rubbed you the wrong way, fella.

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You'll die of boredom from the speed of swimming

You understand that we're not respawning on coast having died.. We're logging in from a game where we haven't died and could be anywhere inland - only to find that we've been moved to the coast on our next log in..

Just seemed like you thought we were complaining about DYING then being placed on the coast, which of course is fine.

@Manta_Avoid - I think you misunderstand, its not respawning after death that people are talking about in this thread...its being warped back to the coast from anywhere on the map simply because they changed servers/lost internet connection or the server they last played on is no longer up. Far as your comment about swimming...umm you do know you lose your backpack and all your gear when you swim, yes?

Read the thread before you post would help.

AAh, yeah - too many pages guys. Forgive me? :blush:

I can see the merits of this - if it's to stop people from server hopping. But it seems like it's put everyone under the same umbrella.

I can't attest to having experienced this problem myself as I don't migrate from one server to another. However, I hope it gets fixed soon

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Not confirmed but i think i Figured it out chaps. If you jump onto a server then go onto a server it will spawn you on the coast and vice versa but if you pick one version and just stick with it, it shouldnt happen. give it a try


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I thought the 5 minute timer on logging back into a server too soon was quite effective.. Only issue is that it only happened on about 10% of servers I was on.. I didn't mind losing 5 minutes of my time if it meant actual ghosters not being able to do their cowardly acts.

Anyway asides from that everyone is still talking as if this is DEFINATLY a feature added in by the team and not a bug.. Where are your sourses to say this is the case? The closest I can find is the patch notes saying that if you spawn in debug forrest you will be moved to the beach upon re-logging.. Which I belive worked quite well in the previous patch, when it was implimented.

Waiting on confirmation on Devmagic's temp fix too!

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I too am experienced the same issues. Spawned on the coast.. thought it was weird and continued to play with my friends. Logged out and came back to play later. Logged in and it said "Adam was killed (friendly fire)" and I was standing off the map somewhere at a pile of dead bodies... Wasn't sure if it was a hacker or what so I logged and switched servers. Spawned on the coast without ANY items but I'm wearing my ghillie suit.... I understand everyones frustration but please remember this is ALPHA. Just thought I'd share my experience.

Edited by lanik

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I thought the 5 minute timer on logging back into a server too soon was quite effective.. Only issue is that it only happened on about 10% of servers I was on.. I didn't mind losing 5 minutes of my time if it meant actual ghosters not being able to do their cowardly acts.

Anyway asides from that everyone is still talking as if this is DEFINATLY a feature added in by the team and not a bug.. Where are your sourses to say this is the case? The closest I can find is the patch notes saying that if you spawn in debug forrest you will be moved to the beach upon re-logging.. Which I belive worked quite well in the previous patch, when it was implimented.

Waiting on confirmation on Devmagic's temp fix too!

Let me know how it works out.

I too am experienced the same issues. Spawned on the coast.. thought it was weird and continued to play with my friends. Logged out and came back to play later. Logged in and it said "Adam was killed (friendly fire)" and I was standing off the map somewhere at a pile of dead bodies... Wasn't sure if it was a hacker or what so I logged and switched servers. Spawned on the coast without ANY items but I'm wearing my ghillie suit.... I understand everyones frustration but please remember this is ALPHA. Just thought I'd share my experience.

Sounds like bug/hack to me.

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May i also add that i lost as50,ghillie,nightvision,rangefinder, pd sd, but i still have all my same stats... zombies, blood, murders, etc

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So it spawns you on the coast when you force shutdown?

Wow. This explains so much. We couldn't connect to our usual server anymore so we had to find a server all six of us could connect to. Well that worked out well with me and my friends respawning on the coast multiple times until we finally found one that worked. Then the next day we find out we have four days to transfer all of our stuff before the server shuts down. Oh. Oh joy.

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Only a tiny fraction of the player base are registered on the forums.

Only a tiny fraction of the players registered on the forums are posting in threads complaining about the issue.

People usually post when they have problems, the majority never post because they are happy, or accept the change.

This issue only seems to be affecting people who jump from server to server, for whatever reason, and are asking for it to be fixed.

Players who usually play on one server are not affected.

Making claims like 95% of the player base are against this, or everyone is against this, is ignorant.

Don't get attached to your gear. Saying you won't play because you might lose your gear is beyond my comprehension.

Players get sniped on the coast all the time, the difference if you have gear is that you are able to fight back for once.

Login problems and stuck on loading screen are due to the fact that "you" or the server do not have the most up to date versions.

If you use six launcher, you will have this problem. Six launcher does not update to Use DayZ commander to check your versions (top right corner).

Play on server(s) with the same version as you. Period.

The sky is not falling. We don't know if this is a feature or a bug. If it is a feature, then rather than discarding it, improve it.

Increase the number of coastal spawns all the way up to Berezino. It's on the coast and it is just as probable that you could get washed ashore there as anywhere else.

More potential spawns and the less likely to get killed on the coast. At least until we know if this is intended or not.

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I can understand them wanting to fix server hopping, it's a legitimate issue... But right now, with the way the game is, there are way to many legitimate reasons to leave a server as many people have pointed out.

I've been teleported in game by hackers more than once. I've come upon huge stashes of weapons clearly spawned by hackers. I've seen hackers spawn vehicles, and I've been told that they're not even spawning them, they're teleporting the vehicle from somewhere else on the map, Making it that much harder for legitimate players to find vehicles.

I mean the game is hard enough to progress in for most people, you shouldn't get teleported away from tents, vehicles, or any other things you have saved / setup on your server. This is just complete bs...

I really enjoy the core of this game, but these patches should be fixing things, not making them worse...

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Like if you're on your home server with your tents and vehicles or whatever, and all of a sudden a hacker or three log in, it happens, are you just supposed to log out and stay offline until the fucking hackers have had their fun? Sorry but I choose to go play on another server for awhile until the hackers are gone, but now if you do that, you're teleported to the fucking coast. Sweet.

Do the devolopers even realize how fucking rampant hacking is? The best part is, shit like this will just encourage the less patient of us to get those hacks just to teleport around and bypass this stupid shit. This game has terrible issues with progression. You can't really rely on tents or vehicles, and that's not even considering other players finding them, they're just incredibly unreliable with the way the servers work... So it's really hard to simulate past the first few days of survival imo. You can only keep so many things on you securely, and there's no way to progress past that point with a camp because the game just doesn't work properly. So now, people trying to cling to their progression, get randomly fucking teleported halfway across the map directly into the line of snipers. Sorry but this is completely fucking stupid. It makes trying to progress feel fucking pointless, and just makes this feel like a Pvp circle jerk deathmatch game.

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Like if you're on your home server with your tents and vehicles or whatever, and all of a sudden a hacker or three log in, it happens, are you just supposed to log out and stay offline until the fucking hackers have had their fun? Sorry but I choose to go play on another server for awhile until the hackers are gone, but now if you do that, you're teleported to the fucking coast. Sweet.

Do the devolopers even realize how fucking rampant hacking is? The best part is, shit like this will just encourage the less patient of us to get those hacks just to teleport around and bypass this stupid shit. This game has terrible issues with progression. You can't really rely on tents or vehicles, and that's not even considering other players finding them, they're just incredibly unreliable with the way the servers work... So it's really hard to simulate past the first few days of survival imo. You can only keep so many things on you securely, and there's no way to progress past that point with a camp because the game just doesn't work properly. So now, people trying to cling to their progression, get randomly fucking teleported halfway across the map directly into the line of snipers. Sorry but this is completely fucking stupid. It makes trying to progress feel fucking pointless, and just makes this feel like a Pvp circle jerk deathmatch game.


plus hackers dont usually tend to stick around to long so sometimes you can just wait a few minutes

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Didn't read all the comments, but I've completely updated ArmA2 and DayZ and have only had this happen one single time. It was after i tried joining a server I didn't realize was 7.4 and not 7.5.

Since then I have not had a single problem and have even moved servers probably 3 times last night within a 4-5hr period. (all times coming back in exactly where I had left off, as did my friend)

ArmA2 Version: 95883

DayZ Version:

I did notice however a couple of the servers that claimed to be night (10:00PM-1:00AM) weren't night at all. Just seemed to be a cloudy day... (using DayZ Commander)

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I haven't realy tested it yet, but when i played last night first time on a server i did spawn on the coast, made my way inland, had to log off for a bit, so just went to the lobby, went back in, and i spawned right where i was.

While this 'bug' can be annoying if it happens on the same server everytime, it would be a decent fix for serverhoppers though. if the Hive only remembers the location on the last server you were on, and only applies it to the last server you were on, you will never be able to 'ghost' into a location through some other server, nor would you be able to camp/serverhop loot locations or sniper spots.

While on the one hand i like the persistance across servers, it does result in some 'exploitable issues', but seeing camps are server restricted, once you make yourself a camp, or pick a home server, the only thing that truely matters is persistance on your homeserver. If this is the way the bug works than: 'is it realy a bug?' because what it does is exchange the following true issues:

- server hopping

- 'ghosting into locations'

- Alt+F4 ghosting revenge

Into the inconvenience that if your 'homeserver' doesn't have a free slot, and you WANT to play you start at the beach on another server, this then becomes your new persistant server. So if then a slot frees up on your homeserver, and you move back to it, you spawn there at the beach...

If that is what it does, then PLEASE LEAVE IT IN! ... the minor inconvenience doesn't way upto all the other things it fixes! atleast untill there are other ways to fix the above issues...

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i have the same problem i loged in to FR140 server in dayzCommander last night and everything was ok but two times later i spawn at the beach with all my gear and stuff but still really annoying.

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plus hackers dont usually tend to stick around to long so sometimes you can just wait a few minutes

This one guy harassed my friends for about a half hour the other night until they gave up and quit, losing their vehicle and one of them being killed with over 600 kills and 20+days survived......

You don't seem to get that a ton of regular players hack in weapons and gear, then go around and hunt other people, generally the legit players. It's not just the crazy hackers that spawn heli's and teleport everywhere. I've met a "friendly" hacker, gave me a bunch of loot way more than he could have been holding.... Was actually one of my first DayZ experiences..... ( I got sniped out about ten minutes later. )

I play on low pop servers as well and I still see it regularly. I've never found a server to stick with cause I constantly run into bs. maybe I just have badluck I dunno, but it's incredibly frustrating. When I search for servers now, I avoid joining games with people that have have douchebag names, like clan tags and capitalizing every other letter in their name.

So yeah, my experience, isn't much of a survival game, more of a random deathmatch game. You can say what you want but that's how I see it for the most part, this last patch just made it a hell of a lot worse for me.

Afterthough; I feel like it's less of a zombie survival game, and more of a hacker survival game.

Edited by Hysterics

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I can understand them wanting to fix server hopping, it's a legitimate issue... But right now, with the way the game is, there are way to many legitimate reasons to leave a server as many people have pointed out.

I've been teleported in game by hackers more than once. I've come upon huge stashes of weapons clearly spawned by hackers. I've seen hackers spawn vehicles, and I've been told that they're not even spawning them, they're teleporting the vehicle from somewhere else on the map, Making it that much harder for legitimate players to find vehicles.

I mean the game is hard enough to progress in for most people, you shouldn't get teleported away from tents, vehicles, or any other things you have saved / setup on your server. This is just complete bs...

I really enjoy the core of this game, but these patches should be fixing things, not making them worse...

True, I play dayz alot and pretty sure we all do but your character and location is stored on the hive for a reason. Now lets say Im banned from a server where Im all the way up at the NWAF. I have to now walk all the way back up. Now lets say the server shuts down while Im going to the airfield. Now I have to do it again for the 3rd time. This game won't be fun if this is an actual feature in the game.


Im pretty sure this is a bug because my friends aren't having this problem and its only me spawning back at the coast with all my gear.

Edited by Shadownick1

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