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x/post from Reddit.com/r/dayz: This mod is generating sales.

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This mod is exploding in popularity. There is an obvious gap in realistic survival games. The ARMA engine, with all of its flaws and quirks, is probably one of the best engines for pulling this off correctly. I really am looking forward to the ARMA 3 engine running this.

Rocket, soon you won't have just a bunch of people saying BIS should invest in this mod. You will have numbers showing it is generating sales.

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I think its great that A2 is getting a lot of interest out of this but I can't help but feel that we might be attracting the wrong crowd because of the general interest in all things zombie at the moment. I'll be glad of the influx of like minded players who haven't heard of A2 before but wary of all those other players who are accustomed to modern FPS conventions and have little to no idea about tactics who've joined the game simply because its a great zombie game they heard about.

Heck, we've all seen the suggestions that basically try to counter the very nature of this mod or address issues that are actually ARMA features. don't get me wrong I am glad for the popularity A2 and DayZ is getting but I hope we don't get too large an influx of players who aren't the types for A2.

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Trust in rocket, i don't think he will completely denature and destroy his work just because the wrong crowd is attracted.

tl;dr : Even if the popularity explode and DayZ is getting rushed by an army of retards, it will stay the same game with the same goals. Nothing to worry about. Just shoot them and it's k.

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I hear you Lev. But I think Rocket and to an extent the BIS team have a strong pulse on what the community is looking for and staying true to the core values of this series.

There are a lot of people I have introduced the OFP, ARMA series to, who are weary at first. To me this mod is a great ambassador to those communities who have never experienced the series before. Simply put, there is no way this will turn into Left for Dead and the people that want it to be that will never be satisfied. But there are a lot of gamers who want to play a game like this who just don't know about it.

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Rocket will stick to the original intention: That it's a survival simulator, an anti-game, in his own words. The wrong crowd may be attracted to it initially, but after player the game for a few weeks or even days, they will leave, and all that will be left are those who you actually want to stay.

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  'Lev said:

I think its great that A2 is getting a lot of interest out of this but I can't help but feel that we might be attracting the wrong crowd because of the general interest in all things zombie at the moment. I'll be glad of the influx of like minded players who haven't heard of A2 before but wary of all those other players who are accustomed to modern FPS conventions and have little to no idea about tactics who've joined the game simply because its a great zombie game they heard about.

Heck' date=' we've all seen the suggestions that basically try to counter the very nature of this mod or address issues that are actually ARMA features. don't get me wrong I am glad for the popularity A2 and DayZ is getting but I hope we don't get too large an influx of players who aren't the types for A2.


I've stopped going to the suggestion forums. All it does is make me want to kill myself. It's absolutely horrible.

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Guys you mention all the silly people joining doesn't that just mean more targets :D grab all your kit now and then be ready for them

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A thread that was posted here, then posted on Reddit, then posted here again.

Reddit sucks, etc. but it is good for making sales.

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Well, I heard about Dayz via Reddit's Project Reality subreddit (which...as the title suggests, gravitates towards "realism" games). Not a bandit. Only gotten the chance to play a handful of hours, and i'm loving it. Don't be too quick to generalize, those of us that heard of the game via reedit aren't all Meme-spouting, 15 year old sheeple. :)

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It's the only reason I bought Arma 2. I wasn't too impressed with Arma 1, so I decided not to get 2 until last week when I heard about this mod.

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