TheMadBomba 12 Posted August 11, 2012 Hello.So in the next week I'll be starting a YouTube series of me just going around blowing stuff up (sadly my Xsplit isn't upgraded yet so can't record anything for a few more days).Anyway my clan is pretty much providing me with a constant stream of satchel charges that they got from trades/raiding other camps/whatnot.I therefore am open to be hired by others.What I do:Blow up vehiclesTents included (although flattened tents just come back straight after a restart so it's more vehicle ownage than anything).Optional: Waiting for the clan/owners of the camp to return to base before setting off charges for maximum humiliation.The catch:I prefer to attack/blow up camps/vehicles owned by those who cheat/abuse. I get no enjoyment from blowing up camps that people have legitimately worked hard to get and DEFEND.If you ever found another clans camp/server owners camp on any server and they ban you because you found it, I don't like that, therefore these types of people are my prefered target.Everyone knows the kind of people I mean, we get enough server reports of "admin abuse" by people being banned for finding camps.Instead of just reporting it, let me have a crack at it. ;)How this started:I have a friend who came to me yesterday because he was on a DayZ server (US199) and he was riding around on a pedal bike heading up north. Well he stumbles upon this clans camp and he says in direct chat that he doesn't want to raid their camp, well they start shooting him and he's forced to open fire and kill the 1 guy at the camp. So he moves a bit down the road and he stumbles upon part 2 of their camp, well theres someone else there and he to starts opening fire. Well he's forced to kill that guy aswell. Well after that he gets banned, basically because he'd killed the defenders (he wasn't going in to check tents, he just wanted his pedal bike back and to leave).Well then he gets banned because that clan had noone back at camp defending it.So I go in with my satchel charges and blow up:1 Ural, 1 Flatbed, 1 pedal bike, 1 motorcycle, 1 red car, 1 ATV.Morale of the story: Don't ban people for finding your camp otherwise if I find out about it i'll be coming for you to exact some revenge for the common man (been banned in the past for finding peoples camps aswell and i'm tired of it).If you'd like my assistance in blowing up peoples camps:Send my a PM/Message saying:What they did to deserve such an act (not just gonna bomb people who don't have it coming)What server they're onCoordinates (general coordinates 1000m2 radius would be prefered as a minimum standard)Number of Vehicles (Blowing up tents just wastes my satchel charges)Why this is in Server General: Because it's the best place to put it, as I raid servers who're owned by those who ban for finding camps/other similar reasons 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bushmaster14 51 Posted August 11, 2012 Oh lets not forget that the "other guy" had been waiting while your pal there left the server,went ghosting back up the hill then pulled out an AS50 TWS and popped me in the back. I was scanning for his ass right where he combat Alt F4'd only to take it in the back by a hacked weapon.Your buddy is a combat Alt F4 hero,a ghoster and a hacker. Real stand up friends you have there,I'm sure someone would love to hire your services. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMadBomba 12 Posted August 11, 2012 Oh lets not forget that the "other guy" had been waiting while your pal there left the server,went ghosting back up the hill then pulled out an AS50 TWS and popped me in the back. I was scanning for his ass right where he combat Alt F4'd only to take it in the back by a hacked weapon.Your buddy is a combat Alt F4 hero,a ghoster and a hacker. Real stand up friends you have there,I'm sure someone would love to hire your services.Oh I know him (Mr A) is a coward. I've satchel charged his ass for ALT F4ing multiple times, I consider ALT F4ing cowardice and anyone in my clan/group that ALT F4 usually get murdered at some point.Regardless he ALT F4's the moment he knows someones near him so yeah, I just came on the attack because he said he was banned.I'm not going to show any remorse because after launching my attack you attempted to take the server down/restart to prevent me from completing my attack. I'm 90% sure that I managed to get those last of your vehicles just in time (literally 5 seconds before restart).So don't come on here trying to act innocent when you clearly went to the server admin saying to restart the server to stop my attack which is just cheapIn the future fight like men instead of restarting server/banning people for finding your camp.My "buddy" even snuck up to one of you and tried saying in direct chat he didn't want any trouble and you turn around and try to murder him, what do you expect him to do? If you weren't so violent your vehicles would be fine right now wouldn't they.Regardless I'm still open for hire against those who admin abuse/other things. Feel free to contact me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viles (DayZ) 93 Posted August 11, 2012 sounds so legit. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMadBomba 12 Posted August 11, 2012 (edited) sounds so legit.Totally is :P Edited August 11, 2012 by TheMadBomba Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bushmaster14 51 Posted August 11, 2012 (edited) So alls I gotta do to get this job is use Alt F4,ghost around and use hacked weapons. Man I think I'll give up chopper wreck hunting.Oh and Regardless: adjective. 1. having or showing no regard; heedless; unmindfulThere in the bottom left corner of the screen upon login is the MOTD (message of the day) and it states the following: No death dodging/Verbal Abuse = Ban. Edited August 11, 2012 by Bushmaster14 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMadBomba 12 Posted August 11, 2012 So alls I gotta do to get this job is use Alt F4,ghost around and use hacked weapons. Man I think I'll give up chopper wreck hunting.I never ALT F4, Haven't even thought about itAnd I don't use hacked weapons, i use a AS50 basic, no attatchmentsThe guy with the thermal AS50 would be Mr A who as I said I don't agree with his ALT F4ing and I promise you later today he will be receiving a satchel charge to the face Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avallac 0 Posted August 11, 2012 Oh u guys forgot to mention how I was running around a guy at your hill camp about 500m from where I altf4d saying I'm friendly I don't care about your camp, when he proceeded to unload a couple of as50 clips when i shot him with L85 thermal. Why was i checking out the camps? Because I found 4 AS50 TWS and g36 on your server in 2 camps suspiciously not far away from your main camp. 108013 and 110025. Then I kept riding my bycicle (after putting 10 mapmarks saying im friendly and shit) where a guy logged in right infront of me. So if you are gonna complain about me alt F4 you should log in a bit further from where I was at. Then I whent back on my server and got one of those AS 50 TWS I found on your server the day before. After waiting about 30 minutes. I wouldn't have shot the guy in the back with AS50 but since he refused to leave my bike alone that was the only option to get it back and keep going where I was. So stop bitching since you allow your friends to use AS50 TWS with G36 and only ban peopel for it when they find your camp or kill one of your guys. There were about 15 gps 10 rangefinders 10 NVG etc as well in those 2 camps i mentioned. Very legit guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted August 11, 2012 There in the bottom left corner of the screen upon login is the MOTD (message of the day) and it states the following: No death dodging/Verbal Abuse = Ban.This is actually a violation of the DayZ server hosting rules, and for this your server can be blacklisted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMadBomba 12 Posted August 11, 2012 (edited) They also banned me for using one of the AS50 thermals I found at this camp actually.Very legit server but as I said, I'd rather just bomb these people rather than get them blacklisted.I hate admin abuse so yeah if anyone knows of any other admin abusers and you might know the general area of their camp just send me a PM ;)Once I found out it wasn't legit I dumped it in the sea for a basic AS50, I prefer the scope on that baby anyway :) Edited August 11, 2012 by TheMadBomba Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
F4ll3N 28 Posted August 11, 2012 This is actually a violation of the DayZ server hosting rules, and for this your server can be blacklisted.And is banning for exploiting ie: alt f4 against the rules? no it is not. You may be banned for exploiting period. I am tired of little kids that think they have a say in the rules laid out by rocket.I have said it before, people that use hacked items or exploit are 2 kind of people, people that are willing to use illegal loopholes to get a leg up on legitimate players and pure hackers, neither of which are desired in a legitimate server.I temp ban people for having illegal weapons telling them to remove from inv before entering server. I DEMAND a legitimate environment in my server and if people arent giving it they are gone plain and simple.Do you kids actually think these server rules are going to make it to the standalone release? please these are here because there is so little cheat protection and cheat detection so its to avoid admins from abusing power and banning for scripts that are actually ok. Now that the cheats have been flying we know what is ok and what is obviously cheating.Dont like it play on a diff server, cause I really doubt rocket will blacklist my serv for banning exploiters and asking people to remove hacked weapons and not even rocket can stop me from banning people for being racist or uttering threats to a persons life out of game... thats in the realm of the law not rocket.US199 is my server and if i find tents duping satchel charges they will be destroyed, If ic some dumb ass running around griefing my server by destroying all building every restart he will be banned, if i see people obviously leaving to another server and then coming back into attack people from another flank you will be banned, if you exploit by alt f4 you will be banned, if you grief with wire kits and such excessively you will be banned, if you use illegal scripts you will be banned, if you spam markers for stupid reasons you will be banned. Basically if you step outside legitimate gameplay and into the realm of exploitation I will ban you.If you have any problems with this and you with to think nagging a forum mod is a form of power for you then please tell him to review these. If he says I cant bann for any of these things I am stopping my server and not hosting one because I am here to play a legitimate survival game and if I cant do the bare min to keep it that way I am not playing.So please children go try and survive legit and when you find out you suck at that and are total fail, go play another game dont resort to exploits and hacks and expect the devs to blacklist a server for combating you.,F4ll3N Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
F4ll3N 28 Posted August 11, 2012 They also banned me for using one of the AS50 thermals I found at this camp actually.Very legit server but as I said, I'd rather just bomb these people rather than get them blacklisted.I hate admin abuse so yeah if anyone knows of any other admin abusers and you might know the general area of their camp just send me a PM ;)Once I found out it wasn't legit I dumped it in the sea for a basic AS50, I prefer the scope on that baby anyway :)lol that is me and my friends camp I have banned many things from being in any of the tents, those being wire kits - sand bag traps - satchel charges - and hacked weapons> I go threw every tent daily and look for illegal items and remove them and save the tents if there was any (which there never has been cause we are good people) So no I have all the logs any dev may need to prove that we are legit and that you and ur bromo friends entered into my server with TWS and proceeded to go directly to players and kill them. You may think that if you dont teleport you wont get caught but thats not true when ur dumb ass travel across the map to go directly to a player and kill him.You friends with those dupes that we banned for massive scripting and server killing and then banned from our TS for trolling us. Or your the guy that came into my server for banning his friend saying he is a mod from this site named Griff (who I spoke with) and he is not a mod just a lying little kid that has no power of his own obviously.I love how you people exploit and hack then try and make some plausible deniability story never realizing that the logs show EVERYTHING. The real moral of the story is not to come into my server with hacked weapons and player detect and grief my shit when the server is watched 24/7 or youll get banned.also please search the forums there is a thread where a person found our camp killed us all and became our volunteer public enemy and we all had a blast. I dont care about anyone finding our camp at all its part of the game and the excitement nor do I care about your little mad bomber thing (though I know you didnt get them legit) when these redundant little script kiddies get dealt with that would be an awesome job to have on a server..... but until then and because you duped the charges to get them it just makes you look like a griefing dick. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
F4ll3N 28 Posted August 11, 2012 (edited) Oh u guys forgot to mention how I was running around a guy at your hill camp about 500m from where I altf4d saying I'm friendly I don't care about your camp, when he proceeded to unload a couple of as50 clips when i shot him with L85 thermal. Why was i checking out the camps? Because I found 4 AS50 TWS and g36 on your server in 2 camps suspiciously not far away from your main camp. 108013 and 110025. Then I kept riding my bycicle (after putting 10 mapmarks saying im friendly and shit) where a guy logged in right infront of me. So if you are gonna complain about me alt F4 you should log in a bit further from where I was at. Then I whent back on my server and got one of those AS 50 TWS I found on your server the day before. After waiting about 30 minutes. I wouldn't have shot the guy in the back with AS50 but since he refused to leave my bike alone that was the only option to get it back and keep going where I was. So stop bitching since you allow your friends to use AS50 TWS with G36 and only ban peopel for it when they find your camp or kill one of your guys. There were about 15 gps 10 rangefinders 10 NVG etc as well in those 2 camps i mentioned. Very legit guys.thats not our camp thats 2 other peoples camp that arent in our group so enjoy. and again you seem to be forgetting I HAVE LOGS THAT SHOW EVERYTHING and can provide them to devs so please stop making baseless claims.seeing as there is so many baseless claims and accusations from people that can be proved wrong I am asking a mod to review and lock this thread. Edited August 11, 2012 by F4ll3N Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMadBomba 12 Posted August 11, 2012 (edited) thats not our camp thats 2 other peoples camp that arent in our group so enjoy. and again you seem to be forgetting I HAVE LOGS THAT SHOW EVERYTHING and can provide them to devs so please stop making baseless claims.seeing as there is so many baseless claims and accusations from people that can be proved wrong I am asking a mod to review and lock this thread.Firstly, we didn't travel half way across the map to kill you/grief you.You put your camp in the most god aweful position ever? How do I know? Well my clans camp also was there (until yesterday), as was the guys from about 3 other servers which we've used (mainly for travel).Avallac sometimes has trouble connecting to our server so he was using yours to get up to where ours is on our server whilst he couldn't get onto ours. Hence why he was using a bloomin pedal bike.Want to accuse him of hacking? Want to accuse him of using a ESP hack? If he has an ESP hack then he can see all vehicles on the map, what sort of moron would go around on a pedal bike if he could see all the vehicles.He was using your server to transport, hence why he didn't want any trouble, but your lot started shooting first forcing him to retaliate.And feel free to give the server logs to the devs, We found those guns in those tents, I didn't even know they were hacked in to begin with (only played DayZ for maybe 2 weeks now and never played ARMAII before DayZ so I wouldn't know that stuff).I personally picked it up through ignorance. I'm using a basic AS50 now as I said, you can personally come check my character right now if you want.And i'll thank you for not trying to get this thread closed, I used your server as an example of the servers/camps i've destroyed, It was your guy who decided to come in here spouting accusations first.This threads about me being open for bombing things. It's server GENERAL. Not Server REPORTING. If you want to continue to try to get this thread closed I can go report you for it if you want, wouldn't be hard considering you've admitted to doing it in this thread. Edited August 11, 2012 by TheMadBomba Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avallac 0 Posted August 11, 2012 Check the logs atleast 3 days back fallen. You should be able to see those TWS and g36 in the second camp being there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YeeDeed 13 Posted August 11, 2012 You're like Robin Hood with explosives bro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bushmaster14 51 Posted August 11, 2012 And yet I found your post out of shared interest in sabotage. You guys lack some serious intelligence.Here are the things you did wrong:You ran into and stopped at a camp. You failed to secure the area.You were shot at by my brother who hesitated to kill you but got no response. He is not the best shot in the world and that saved you.You rode your bike down a hill in the open and stopped at another set of tents just 270 meters from the place you almost died. I was out in the open as you rode by,had you paid attention you would have actually seen me. You also failed to look around the hostile area you stopped in because again you would have seen me approaching.You took fire and Alt F4'd.You returned to the game shortly at another position with an illegal weapon.Also in your original and as of this time unedited post you mention vehicles and tents but fail to mention hacked weapons. Had there been hacked weapons I believe this would have been a massive justification for using demo charges on the site yet you fail to mention this. Were you just feeeling gracious?Furthermore the camp was not undefended. There were 5 or 6 others within 500-1000m on other vehicles fast on their way. We were looking forward to a fight even against a ghosting Alt F4 hero. But you had to go script an illegal weapon in. Such a disappointment. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
F4ll3N 28 Posted August 11, 2012 Check the logs atleast 3 days back fallen. You should be able to see those TWS and g36 in the second camp being there.Yeah its not our camp I put out the word I am going there myself and deleting them myself I have also PM the people whos camp it was and warned them not to hold hacked items in tents. thank you for the heads up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMadBomba 12 Posted August 12, 2012 (edited) Oh so this is all resolved then, good. Yeah as I said I don't really do the thermal AS50, I just grabbed it from lack of a regular one/Ignorance in whether it was actually in the game, I've seen so many in tents around the place on different servers that I was under the belief that it was in the gameGood to see that we weren't lying about not hacking in those weapons lol.Sorry for demoing the heck out of your camp, from what I was told you just pretty much insta banned him when he saw your camp. There sometimes is a bit of misunderstanding between me and Avallac.I don't really like demoing those who don't really do anything wrong, I mean I wasn't impressed by the server restart right as I killed the only 2 defenders of the camp but at the same time I understand that I was using the AS50 thermal which at the time I thought was a legitimate item in the game.I try to play this game as it was meant to be played, I reguarly have a go at people who I know who ALT+F4 or ghost. I even have a go who disconnect because of zombies. It's annoying personally and I usually end up killing them if I deem that they would have died without that ALT+F4.And yes, I am like Robin Hood but with satchel charges, so much so that I just killed a guy who somehow immediately teleported back to my position with his thermal assault rifle back, I tried to flee but to no avail, So I guess I gifted him a blue hippie bus with about 12 satchel charges. It will take me a few days to get those back :( Edited August 12, 2012 by TheMadBomba Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YeeDeed 13 Posted August 12, 2012 So I guess I gifted him a blue hippie bus with about 12 satchel charges. It will take me a few days to get those back :(Ah well I know just the place where you can find a new ride! This bus depot! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bushmaster14 51 Posted August 12, 2012 Fair enough. Dropping the issue. Best of luck with the demo work. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
F4ll3N 28 Posted August 12, 2012 best of luck, issue dropped ban is temp ur welcome back after it runs out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunter2123 106 Posted August 12, 2012 (edited) So alls I gotta do to get this job is use Alt F4,ghost around and use hacked weapons. Man I think I'll give up chopper wreck hunting.Oh and Regardless: adjective. 1. having or showing no regard; heedless; unmindfulThere in the bottom left corner of the screen upon login is the MOTD (message of the day) and it states the following: No death dodging/Verbal Abuse = Ban.Facepalm at hosts who don't know the rulez Edited August 12, 2012 by HunterBoy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avallac 0 Posted August 12, 2012 Yeah its not our camp I put out the word I am going there myself and deleting them myself I have also PM the people whos camp it was and warned them not to hold hacked items in tents. thank you for the heads up.Sorry about your camp, I've mistaken you for hypocritical asshat admins as in many other servers and called in the mad bomber.It would be good if there was a message in the lobby that you temp ban for AS50 TWS and whatever else thats wasn't put in the game legitimately. Some people are just getting those from hackers dropping them or ammo boxes in the fire stations and don't know that its bannable to use them in some servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMadBomba 12 Posted August 12, 2012 Took down US1917 for Admin Abuse/mass duping/bans for finding campsites.Gimme m04R to blow up! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites