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Can someone help me get started?

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Just got this game today and i have no possible clue how to play DayZ. Like what do i do after i spawn near the shores? Can someone maybe help me get started and teach me?

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Best thing I can say is get the controls down through the actual boot camp in the game. Arma 2. Then after that look at the websit dayz db they have a lot of answers there. And a map so you can have an idea of we're your going and what to look for. Certain buildings need to be recognizable so your not just running around to prop buildings. YouTube all day man. They teach you and eventually you'll get your own tactics. Im hopeing to finis a group of friendlys soon. That's when the game will just expand like crazy. Humans vs zombies camp up that would be sick.

Good luck mn nd have fun. And don't be to bumed if you die you'll learn we're to go to get right back on track

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yes, learn the controls asap, it will make your gameplay much easier...

Also DO NOT TRUST anyone, just assume they want to kill you!

You will die, sometimes it will be intense and other times you will be like WTF?!?!? :o

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Check this out it explains most things in easy terms, it also has short tutorial videos (unlike most YouTube vids that feel they need to be27 minutes long to show you how to start a fire)

Also don't fall for this DO NOT TRUST anyone bullshit, they tell you this and now everyone is so scared they all shoot on sight. Fact is most people playing are friendly and have no interest in killing you, it is the smaller percentage of players that will kill you.

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Get eaten couple of dozens times by zombies while trying to loot in a small settlement, learn how to manage zombie aggro and cross the fucking road.

Get killed a whole load by other players, learn to be quick and efficient when visiting cities and LEAVE THE COAST, go north.

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Good choice i love watching sacriels videos hes very serious about the game and of course i love ' THE SACRIEL TREATMENT'

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This was me getting started:

Oh okay this moves him. What does this do? Uhhh...

How do I open my bags? *hits B button* Well, that's not it. Ummm...

*hits every button on keyboard*

Okay then, now what? Let's go over this way...


Look at that, what is that thing coming? Is that a zomb...


Rinse and repeat about 50 times lol. Practice makes perfect! XD

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Rule 1: Don't get attached to your early-starting gear.

Rule 2: Don't trust anybody as far as you could throw them. They are expendable.

Rule 3: Prone is your friend.

Rule 4: We don't talk about that mountain. Don't go there. Ever.

Rule 5: Try to join a group on the forums and, at very last...

RULE 6: Have fun! It's a game, and it's meant to be fun. Don't take it too seriously, and just go with it. ;)

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