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Gender switched back to male after death.

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What happened:

Logged in, choose female - play. Then i was killed, and respawned as male.

Where you were:

Middle of chernogorodsk.

What you were doing:

I was killing people.

*Current installed version:

1.6.0 Dayz

ArmA 2 Beta 93160

*Server(s) you were on:

DE4 or EU22, not sure.

*Your system specs:

IntelCore i7 2600k

8gb RAM

ATI Radeon HD6970 2gb.

*Timeline of events before/after error:

1-Logged into a server

2-Chose to have my character female.



5-Male again

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I just had a similar problem.

What happened:

Logged in, choose female - play. Logged out, reloaded on another server, still female. Logged out, loaded a third server, suddenly male again.

Where you were:

The last hangar of the six at the NW airport (northernmost hangar in the line of six on the NE side).

What you were doing:

I was logging in and eating foods and stuff.

*Current installed version: Dayz

*Server(s) you were on:


*Your system specs:

IntelCore i7 2600k

8gb RAM

nVidia GTX 285

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Same thing happened to me. My penis grew back... :(

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Same bug here, i hope we won't get stucked to male gender now since it was a one time choice :(

What happened:

Scavenging a house, got shot by someone entering. Left the server then because it wouldnt let me go past "waiting for server response".

Where you were:

Can't really say, a house near a forest on a hill, north of Chernogorsk.

What you were doing:


*Current installed version: Dayz

*Server(s) you were on:

Atlanta 1

*Your system specs:

IntelCore i7 2600 cPU @ 3.40GHz

8gb RAM

ATI radeon 5890

Edit - Maybe this will be relevant, i got to chose my gender on a character that was alive, so this character was a male to start with.

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Same thing happened to me, is there a way to fix this? I pressed respawn to try to spawn closer to my friends and came back as a boy.

Date/Time: 5/27/2012 2200'ish utc

What happened: Respawned as male despite previously being female

Where you were: On the coast

What you were doing: Pressed respawn

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: dallas 4 maybe

*Your system specs:

I7 920 @ 2.66

ATI 5870

8gb ram

*Timeline of events before/after error: Was female, pressed respawn, became a boy :(

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Same thing happened to me.

Got the gender window and choosed female. I got killed a couple of hours later and then I pressed respawn and respawned as male.

Can this be reverted?

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Also got this

Date/Time: 1 AM GMT-5

What happened: Gender switched to male from female after respawning

Where you were: Military camp near Stary Sobor

What you were doing: Dying from zed attack

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Chicago 26

*Your system specs: Core i5 750 overclocked to 4 GHz, 8 gigs DDR3 ram @ 2000, GTS 450

*Timeline of events before/after error: Chose female gender, survived for a bit, died, respawned as male.

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This happened to me.

Was on low health after a fight with a bandit (had just spawned) decided to respawn, became a man D:

*What happened:

Respawned, became a man.

*Where you were:

Electro I believe.

*What you were doing:


*Current installed version: Dayz

*Server(s) you were on:

Believe it was Virginia 4

*Your system specs:

i7 960

6gb DDR3 RAM

nVidia GTX 275

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I had the same thing, even though i chose female at the start i logged in as a male ( i didnt even get it for a little bit before dying :()

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My female character who survived a few also got switched back when I died while the server had some lag. I spawned back as a male character.

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*What happened:

The popup came up. I (definitely) selected female. I'm still a male. I tried respawning and changing servers.

*Where you were:


*What you were doing:


*Current installed version:

1.7 with Beta client

*Server(s) you were on:

LA 7

*Your system specs:

i7 960

12gb DDR3 RAM

nVidia GTX something

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Same except my female was alive since the change around 2 to 3 weeks?

Now im a small chinese man :(

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Well. Just joined SE6, it gave me the choice of being man or women, i chose women and still playing male. Very nice.

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