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Olix (DayZ)

Same character as my brother

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Hey everybody, i have a problem i keep on logging into the same character as my brother who bought the game before me.

He first bought the game and played it, so he talked to me about buying arma and playing, so i did. I bought the game arma on a different steam account and tryied to play it on his computer, but then again i logged into his character ( i know it's his because i spawned in a forrest with a pistol and a rifle ). So i tought that it was because i was playing on his computer. About a week later i finally got my computer and when i installed arma that i took from his computer via usb ( I don't think it's the cause of the problem because my brother got it from usb too from another guy :) ) and i installed six launcher etc etc. and when i came to play i logged in the middle of a forest with a pistol and a rifle wich mean that i logged into his character again...

Help me, i really want to play this awesome mod :)

PS: I just came back from a long shift at work so sorry if i'm not making a lot of sense :)

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If you're using the same CD key of arma2 as your brother, that's why. If you want your own character, you need your own CD key.

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Are you sure it's the same account and not just the same profile name?

Edited by smasht_AU
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it is the same character what i mean by that is if i kill the character that i'm playing on, when he log on he's gonna be dead, and no it's not the same cd key Allyourbase51 i bought the game on a different steam account

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yep having the same kind of problem , I posted earlier but with no replies. doen't matter what pc I use or which account, the character is the same only the player name changes

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Smasht got this kind of fixed for me, its something to do with cdkeys in the registery, there's a youtube out there somewhere that a mate of mine say and we got it fixed, But it was Smasht that got us started, get your brother to log in to HIS steam on HIS pc and then run Arma2 and Ao to the main menu then you log in to steam on YOUR account on YOUR pc and do the same, I think as long as you both own copies of the game it should reset your cdkeys

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