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NocturnalS1n Tents and Vehicle Inventories not saving.

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same here, was able to put a few things in but after that nothing saves..

Your signature is annoying as all fuck.

Edited by DemGators
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Finally found a car and filled it up with some supplies. Saved the car. Logged out and back in to see if it all worked and sure enough it was all gone.

US 1601

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Same issue on our server.

Any new gear that we need to keep has to be stored on person - anything in tents taken out is being duped back in.

(Which is kind of shit since there is an obvious camp somewhere on our server that a hella lot of people probably know about that has FAL/CZ550s/L85 in there.)

They should wipe all tents - it's an arms proliferation.

Edited by Bacon Surfboard

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We are receiving reports of having the same issue on:

US 1967



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Can also confirm - UK123 just updated today to and our tent is now empty and re-empties itself after every restart. Also all our vehicles have disappeared. I suspect back to where we found them. Our other regular server, UK190 is also in a groundhog day state where every time we login everything is back where it was when the issue started happening. Really surprised there's no word from the devs on this issue - it's a total gamebreaker, way worse than the artifacts - you can work around them, but lack of reliable storage/vehicles is really putting us off playing. Also the item duping is getting a bit silly - if rocket launchers weren't also broken we could be having a field day with our infinitely replenishing stocks of rockets. I suspect a full wipe of vehicles and tents may be on the cards to clean up after this mess

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same here. newest patches, server isn't new and nothing is saving. repaired the chopper and after a restart it's gone. FIX THIS ASAP! WE ARE PAYING FOR YOUR FUCKING SHIT AND ARE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING WITH THE SERVERS!

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Any chance you can tell me who your provider is? Ours is HFB, and there may be a chance that the first deployment of the patch earlier today might have borked something.(Nothing against HFB <3 them, but just trying to narrow down any issues at all.)

I am a new server owner with HFB and experiencing the same issues.

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Hey, not sure if its fixed yet or if you figured this out, but I downgraded back to and hive 0.7.2 and all the vehicles and tents work again.

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same here. newest patches, server isn't new and nothing is saving. repaired the chopper and after a restart it's gone. FIX THIS ASAP! WE ARE PAYING FOR YOUR FUCKING SHIT AND ARE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING WITH THE SERVERS!

This is an issue. They will deal with it

You are not paying for Day Z. You are paying for a server in which you can provide a means for testing which you have been doing. Please don't feel entitled to anything because ultimately you are playing a free mod.

All you need to do is post feedback and then they can respond to it.

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Tents and vehicles only seems to save once (or not at all), after that no change can be made. Aside from that vehicles are transforming into other ones after server restarts (the bus changed into a bicycle and the bus respawned at the original saved spot)

Edited by SoulAssassin808

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New server here, no vehicles are spawning, tents are not saving in fact they are disappearing completely upon server restart.

US 2503 Dallas Veteran Code Killers

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Same issues here, Vehicles randomly get replaced with something else on restart or just disappear. Tents de spawn or end up being fully stocked again even after we have moved them. Also the worst part was last night me and 2 friends managed to repair a chopper on it's spawn point, we was up until around 3am doing this, we flew it back to our camp and logged off. This morning I logged on to check all was ok, our chopper,tents and ural where all still there. I do the daily server restart to refresh downed choppers and do a corps cleanup, log back in and the ural is now a push bike and the chopper is gone, I'm guessing it's now back on its spawn point and back in the state it spawned in.

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i posted allready a fix....even the dayz devs should find this bug easy...

Edited by ShadowDuke
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My team has 5 or more tents set up around Cheneraus. We have had some of these since and they all worked. Now they sometimes Dupe items (not consistantly) or they just delete items after server restart.

Using tents right now is a crap shoot at best. Sometimes items will be there, sometimes they wont, sometimes you put 1 in and get 2 on return.

I have one tent we call the FOOD tent because I put like 14 steaks in there.... took them out to go on a long run... came back 3 days (real life) later and had maxed the tent out and steaks were all over the place :) Tent was spitting them out like a hillbilly redneck with a mouth full of bacca.....

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i posted allready a fix....even the dayz devs should find this bug easy...

i see the fix. Is this exclusive for vehicles & their inventories, or tents also?

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Happening on my server too....

Game is pointless at the moment. DayZ is fun because of the persistence it brings, strip that out, and all you got left is a shooter...

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Hope this can be fixed soon. Getting tired of all these issues present with Granted, it is an alpha mod. But it would be nice to be a bit more informed.

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ok.........So on my teams server which is fully updated arma2 version and dayZ version blablah.5

i set up 10 tents, save them each, put something in 2 of them and saved them again.

restarted server. all tents there with gear in them.

havent check vehicles yet.

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Tents and vehicles only seems to save once (or not at all), after that no change can be made. Aside from that vehicles are transforming into other ones after server restarts (the bus changed into a bicycle and the bus respawned at the original saved spot)

Yeah that one-save makes sense - have experienced similar stuff on our server (UAZ changed to Bus on server restart :D what a trade lol and after next restart UAZ appeared on it's original location...) Now we are testing if that works = after server restart moved vehicle and saved it once after it was moved to new location...

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