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Thermal sight needs to be removed

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Why can the guy above post his picture np but mine gets turned into a link. What kind of sorcery is this?

L33T troll sorcery. Or your image is too big.

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L33T troll sorcery. Or your image is too big.

I resized it really small using the editor in the chatbox, but nothing happend :(.

Btw they are right CZ does 8000 damage max whereas the AS50 does something like 30k.

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This seems to be hard for people to grasp.

When sniping, you are unlikely to hit a moving target, unless you are a pro or they are moving to or away from you.

When sniping another sniper, both of you are probably not moving.

The first one to spot the other gets 1 shot. They get the advantage to shoot first. 1 shot will kill a person with either gun (CZ550 with a headshot, or AS50 anywhere). As the target will not be moving, the AS50 does no have an advantage. 10 rounds means nothing when it takes 1 round. 1-hit kill means nothing when the target isn't moving (headshots are EASY).

So the AS50 has NO advantage against a single target that isn't moving, against a CZ550, UNLESS and only if it is further than 800 meters away. The CZ550 can not zero past 800 meters, whereas the AS50 CAN.

So. Unless the CZ550 is further than 800 meters away, the AS50 does not have an advantage over it.

It does have an advantage if you have a moving target (hitting the chest is easier than the head), or if there are more than 5 targets (10 magazine, thanks to the M107), or if you are beyond 800 meters away from the target.

If none of those conditions are met, it has no advantage.

And to answer Sakeoe, CZ550 can zero in for distance, making it very easy to get a headshot on an unmoving target. That is ALWAYS a 1-hit kill, even with the 889 damage 9mm rounds ingame. 8k versus 37k means nothing when a headshot is an instant kill. Note for one last time, the target is a sniper, and thus is not moving.

Edited by Zeromentor

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You sure do have of lot of those pointless and sadly unfunny pictures don't you?

Got any that are actually funny? You know, the kind that make OTHER people laugh?

Seriously, I don't mind trolls, but bad ones are just... Ugh.

Lol u mad, just face it... just cause a CZ is old school doesn't make it better, the AS50 is just better in every way.... you'd get shot down before you could even return fire with that crappy rare weapon

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Why can the guy above post his picture np but mine gets turned into a link. What kind of sorcery is this?

Forum doesn't seem to like displaying jpgs. That being said, excessive (and large) meme pics will be hidden.

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Lol u mad, just face it... just cause a CZ is old school doesn't make it better, the AS50 is just better in every way.... you'd get shot down before you could even return fire with that crappy rare weapon

I didn't say it was better. For the purpose of killing a sniper, under 800 meters, they are the same.

I'm not mad, just disappointed. I wish you had something better in your collection.

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they are the same.

They're completely different! lmao are you silly?


Why can the guy above post his picture np but mine gets turned into a link. What kind of sorcery is this?

Use imgur lol

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It's an OP POS... BUT I think is should stay. It's a holy grail. Something end-game characters still wish for. When the duping and cornucopia clips are fixed, it's numbers can be regulated. At the end of the day, it's better then the other sniper rifles... and the sniper rifles are better then the iron site stuff the new characters have. Yet you have NO problem shooting them from 500m away.

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Always funny to see people using 1 hit kill guns say they are skilled in using it. No skill is worth mentioning in an FPS unless its about headshots, which no one goes for if they are using 1 hit kill guns.

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I think zeromentor is forgetting that geting a headshot with a sniper (especially the cz) is pretty difficult especially since the cz only has one giant chevron which makes it difficult to get an accurate shot if there's any range excess to the zeroing.

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1 - Assuming OP's scenario of stationary shooters both roughly knowing each other's location over a range of less than 800m, the biggest advantage the AS50 has is the scope - mil-dots allow much better range estimation than the CZ's chevron and ticks. I know the AS50's is slightly out of scale but using an adjusted target height takes care of that.

2 - Not everyone who disagrees with you, OP, falls into the category of duper or never-held-one. I have an L85. I haven't duped it and will not. It's the only one I've seen. If I lose it I expect to take a long time to find another. I don't think it should be removed - I think duping should be addressed.

3 - To those that say it's only use is PvP: you may be right the overwhelming majority of the time but I find it extremely useful for avoiding player contact. It also saved my arse in another way once - I was teleported to the beach by a script kiddie recently and was trekking through forest back to my preferred stomping ground at night. Was low on food to the point of losing blood in rain and darkness and the L85 found me a rabbit. Not everyone plays the game the way you do or the way that people that annoy you do.

Finally, does anyone else appreciate the irony of this thread being started by someone with the following as a signature?:

"There is no balance, other than the balance you will put in. I will put in the features required for you to either destroy this world into mindless PVP, or create something else. Don't look to me for that balance, because I will not give you it.


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Honestly I agree with the OP. I have a L85 and would love it if it didnt have that scope. Yes yes the scope it amazing in certain circumstances. But for general play I would much rather just having an ACOG or evena Reddot sight on the L85. Currently it seems useless during the daytime.

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1 - Assuming OP's scenario of stationary shooters both roughly knowing each other's location over a range of less than 800m, the biggest advantage the AS50 has is the scope - mil-dots allow much better range estimation than the CZ's chevron and ticks. I know the AS50's is slightly out of scale but using an adjusted target height takes care of that.

2 - Not everyone who disagrees with you, OP, falls into the category of duper or never-held-one. I have an L85. I haven't duped it and will not. It's the only one I've seen. If I lose it I expect to take a long time to find another. I don't think it should be removed - I think duping should be addressed.

3 - To those that say it's only use is PvP: you may be right the overwhelming majority of the time but I find it extremely useful for avoiding player contact. It also saved my arse in another way once - I was teleported to the beach by a script kiddie recently and was trekking through forest back to my preferred stomping ground at night. Was low on food to the point of losing blood in rain and darkness and the L85 found me a rabbit. Not everyone plays the game the way you do or the way that people that annoy you do.

Finally, does anyone else appreciate the irony of this thread being started by someone with the following as a signature?:

"There is no balance, other than the balance you will put in. I will put in the features required for you to either destroy this world into mindless PVP, or create something else. Don't look to me for that balance, because I will not give you it.


The OP does not have a signature, but thanks for trying to link me to him. I have no problems with the L85, thermal or no. My posts are for people that think that one weapon has some kind of unseen advantage over another when your target needs 1 round to die (an unmoving sniper, perching on a location overlooking another place of interest). To PinheadLarry, the chevron is actually very easy to use, just mount the target's head on the tip. Make sure the distance is equal to or below what you are zero'd for, as aiming at their head zero'd at something like 600, when they are 625 could mean a miss. Finding distance is very simple on most servers (Regular with range finder on scroll wheel) or by using a range finder ingame. If you have an AS50, chances are you have a range finder. Infact, I dare say the CZ550 is actually just as rare if not more so.

I tried to put this down as a post, but the forums crashed for me, so the best I could do was copy it before it was lost:

They're completely different! lmao are you silly?

Use imgur lol

Let me put this into perspective for you.

You are on Hill 1, 600 meters away from Building 2.

You have a choice between the CZ550 and the AS50.

Sniper on Building 2 has a super telephone pole launcher with infinite ammo, given to him by a hacker that was just banned. It doesn't matter, he is killable and not moving.

CZ550, zero'd to 600 on the guy's unmoving head. You fire he dies.

Rewind time. AS50 zero'd to 600 on the guy, doesn't matter where, you fire and he dies.

Unless you are a terrible shot, the target is moving or he is past 800 meters, they are the same thing. You only need 1 round.

I can say the same thing one million times, if you haven't gotten it yet, I doubt you ever will. In this situation, the AS50 does not have an advantage mechanically.

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They've removed about 3 other different ways of duping which were much easier than the current ones. It's only a matter of time before there are no more ways to dupe items, or it takes so long to dupe them that it's not worth it.

Until then, just stay in cover. Make sure you can't be seen from the popular sniping spots for extended periods of time.

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Yeah , Lilwestofsannity , you're butthurt for being a cod player and sniping on hills. Back then in the days it was fun till you cod kids ruin the game.

Oh, yeah, another one of THESE comments.

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stop bitching get one urself if u care so much

I DO have one you tool... and it's overpowered as f**k

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The OP does not have a signature, but thanks for trying to link me to him. I have no problems with the L85, thermal or no. My posts are for people that think that one weapon has some kind of unseen advantage over another when your target needs 1 round to die (an unmoving sniper, perching on a location overlooking another place of interest). To PinheadLarry, the chevron is actually very easy to use, just mount the target's head on the tip. Make sure the distance is equal to or below what you are zero'd for, as aiming at their head zero'd at something like 600, when they are 625 could mean a miss. Finding distance is very simple on most servers (Regular with range finder on scroll wheel) or by using a range finder ingame. If you have an AS50, chances are you have a range finder. Infact, I dare say the CZ550 is actually just as rare if not more so.

My apologies - I thought you were the OP. That'll teach me for skimming the thread. So discounting the L85 stuff and going back to the CZ - I'm not saying it's hard to aim the CZ I'm just saying the lack of rangefinding measurement with it make it inferior to the AS50. Like you say, some servers display range anyway. I don't have a rangefinder so if I use a mil-dot weapon I still use it to measure - hence my opinion that the biggest advantage of the AS50 is its reticle.

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My apologies - I thought you were the OP. That'll teach me for skimming the thread. So discounting the L85 stuff and going back to the CZ - I'm not saying it's hard to aim the CZ I'm just saying the lack of rangefinding measurement with it make it inferior to the AS50. Like you say, some servers display range anyway. I don't have a rangefinder so if I use a mil-dot weapon I still use it to measure - hence my opinion that the biggest advantage of the AS50 is its reticle.

I can generally tell distance by the actual distance. (servers usually don't let you see that far, stopping between 1200-1600 meters)

I could understand that using mildots to tell distance would be an advantage to you. In this case, if you couldn't tell distance accurately, or needed help (using mildots would be that help) then an AS50 could be better for you.

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After running around with a squad that had an L85 I must agree that [edit] thermal vision [edit] has no place in this game. If you/your squad does not have one of these, you are easy pickings for any sniper that has one as it can detect heat up to a near 1000 meter range. NVG's are one thing, but this item IS godtier in a game of survival.

Edited by Deneme
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I got a tonne of L85 AWS and yeah i use it whilst it's here makes it easy to spot campers, but the main time i used it is to spot through bushes and woods and also when sniping myself.

It does need to be removed to be honest though because it makes the Ghillie suit 100% useless and most people have thermals in their group.

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I can generally tell distance by the actual distance. (servers usually don't let you see that far, stopping between 1200-1600 meters)

I could understand that using mildots to tell distance would be an advantage to you. In this case, if you couldn't tell distance accurately, or needed help (using mildots would be that help) then an AS50 could be better for you.

Yeah, I grew up in ArmA vanilla where the draw distances are longer and I like to be exact lol. Truth be told I'd rather they pissed off the AS50 in favour of my beloved green L115 but meh, thems the breaks.

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I got a tonne of L85 AWS and yeah i use it whilst it's here makes it easy to spot campers, but the main time i used it is to spot through bushes and woods and also when sniping myself.

It does need to be removed to be honest though because it makes the Ghillie suit 100% useless and most people have thermals in their group.

Ghillie Pro: You can hide in many areas due to the color of local grass or bushes. You can also remain concealed behind objects that most would be easily spotted near (Like cows).

Ghillie Con: You can't hide in cities on the streets inside buildings. You can't hide from thermal. You can't hide from zombies, more than civies.

Notice: Civies and camo also can't hide on streets, inside buildings or from thermal, nor have any extra effect on zombies.

I think it makes it fair.

Snipers camping all day have the unique ability to ambush passerbys. The only two things that give them away (gunfire and dead bodies) can be hidden (Silenced weapons, hide bodies). Thermals, although vastly more powerful in spotting targets, are attached to a weapon that is not nearly as effective as other more powerful weapons. So it goes like this:

Normal Civies<Ghillies<Silenced Ghillies< Thermal Platform User < Guy with a automatic weapon at close range

Note: Ghillie>Guy with Automatic weapon

Edited by Zeromentor

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Thermal has absolutely no place in this game. It needs to go away.

P.S. I do have one. I really wouldn't mind losing it if it meant nobody had one.

Edited by Falcrist
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If you don't have one of these things or don't generally PVP then go on YouTube and check out a few videos about this and you can see how OP it is... this ESPECIALLY goes for all the morons that reply with "just use cover better"... because you guys clearly never seen this thing in action.

And no... I'm not butthurt... I HAVE an L85 and it ruins the whole sniper game.

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