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Thermal sight needs to be removed

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Don't get me wrong, I love the L85, and if this game didn't have such a massive problem with duping, I wouldn't mind if the gun was in the game. It would make a great end-game epic weapon balanced out by the fact that you could lose it if you die and have a hard time finding one again.

However... because there are so many simple ways to dupe items in this game, and because it is unlikely that there will ever be a fix for this problem, this gun really needs to be removed.

I've run into so many tards with an AS50 / L85, gillie suite, NVGs, laser range finder, etc. All they do is park their ass on a hill, scan with thermal, pick you out, swap to the AS50, and one shot you. It doesn't matter if you have any kind of camo clothing, or if you are moving slow and carefully, and being stealthy, the thermal sight will pick you up in an instant.

I don't mind fighting against people with the AS50, as I can do just as well as they can with a CZ 550... but you simply can't compete against some tard that dupes L85's

Edit: Just watch the video. This is a perfect example of some L85 dupe moron. If it wasn't instantly obvious to you, you can also tell straight away by how he happens to have 10 grenades in his backpack and 3 in his inventory. I'm sure he must have gotten those legitimately. The game is full of so many of these idiots at the moment.

Edited by SpeedyBanana
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course you can. if you get caught by thermal you're not concealing well enough. try harder.

works fine. working as intended.

don't be butthurt.

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First you have to fix the duping (Which probably won't happen, because standalone.) and then you have to test it to see if it really is as crippling as you say without an infinite amount in circulation.

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I just got my first L85 last night, and I'm going to have to agree. There's no reason for this thing to be in the game.

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someone has a case of the butthurts...

Yeah , Lilwestofsannity , you're butthurt for being a cod player and sniping on hills. Back then in the days it was fun till you cod kids ruin the game.

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Yeah , Lilwestofsannity , you're butthurt for being a cod player and sniping on hills. Back then in the days it was fun till you cod kids ruin the game.

erm. actually sniping fits in more with the tactics of arma than that of CoD.

in the real world us military folks would rather shoot people from a distance, and not get hit. it's a tactic which has worked for the SAS, the SBS, the RM, and the Paratroopers for a very long time.

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I don't mind fighting against people with the AS50, as I can do just as well as they can with a CZ 550...

i lol'd

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Yeah , Lilwestofsannity , you're butthurt for being a cod player and sniping on hills. Back then in the days it was fun till you cod kids ruin the game.

wtf are u talking about cod is fucking terriable bf3 much better imo and the ppl that snipe new players are faggots that cant kill someone who actually has a chance... anyways i hope u enjoy yur miserable life u fucking douche ^.^ p.s sorry for sny grammer errors usong a touch screen phone.

[Warned - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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First you have to fix the duping (Which probably won't happen, because standalone.) and then you have to test it to see if it really is as crippling as you say without an infinite amount in circulation.

This wouldn't be bad if there wasn't any duping. The gun is very rare and you would always be paranoid about losing it. However, the moment you get one yourself, you can just dupe the hell out of it (LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING), and you would never leave home without it.

People who disagree either have never even used this gun or are themselves the duping tards I speak of, and they don't want this to end.

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i lol'd

Zeroing in on an unmoving target means you can easily net a headshot with a CZ550.

AS50 just let's you hit the chest and still get an insta-kill.

In all seriousness, you CAN do the same with with a CZ550, and most players use the AS50 from 500-700. Usually, no more. The CZ550 gets that range just as easily (note: It zeros to 800).

Neither are likely to hit a moving target. I know, I had a bad M107 user miss 20 rounds before giving up on me.

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i lol'd

Cause you're a goof. The CZ is very effective even up to 800 meters. If you didn't have an L85 you would never be able to pick out targets more than 400 meters away anyways unless they are in the middle of an open field and also happen to be standing still for you to shoot them. Most engagements happen 400 meters or less, and at that distance, if you can spot the other sniper before he spots you, you can kill him even if he has an AS50... but hell... I don't even know why I'm trying to teach anything to someone who's clearly a moron.

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I agree with OP. He described very well how I play. I scan with thermal, get out range finder if needed, and take out the target with AS50.

I do it because I always try to be the most efficient, and right now that's the only way. I would rather have gameplay balanced around night vision only (also remove that DMR/NV shit, or allow every weapon to do it) at night and normal vision during the day.

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Cause you're a goof. The CZ is very effective even up to 800 meters. If you didn't have an L85 you would never be able to pick out targets more than 400 meters away anyways unless they are in the middle of an open field and also happen to be standing still for you to shoot them. Most engagements happen 400 meters or less, and at that distance, if you can spot the other sniper before he spots you, you can kill him even if he has an AS50... but hell... I don't even know why I'm trying to teach anything to someone who's clearly a moron.


If you ever get into a gun fight against a person capable of using the AS50 or M107 and you're stuck with a CZ good luck, you'll need it lol...

Just cause you took out a script kiddie who wasn't looking at you from 200m doesn't make you a bad ass... lol i killed 2 hackers with a double barrel with only 4 bullets, that felt good men.

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course you can. if you get caught by thermal you're not concealing well enough. try harder.

works fine. working as intended.

don't be butthurt.

I can't cover myself in mud Predator style bro.

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If you ever get into a gun fight against a person capable of using the AS50 or M107 and you're stuck with a CZ good luck, you'll need it lol...

Just cause you took out a script kiddie who wasn't looking at you from 200m doesn't make you a bad ass... lol i killed 2 hackers with a double barrel with only 4 bullets, that felt good men.

1. They were bad hackers, most use GODMODE.

2. Moving targets are very hard to hit at long ranges, unless they are running directly away from or towards you.

Most snipers sit in one spot, and the get shot because they were spotted. Unless you run right up on them, or miss your first round, the first person to spot the other wins. An AS50 has no advantage over the CZ550 unless you are beyond 800 meters away. A well zero'd CZ550 will kill you. A well zero'd AS50 gives you leeway, as you can miss the head and still get a 1-shot. But that, and the increased zero range, are the only advantages it has over the CZ550 (oh, and M107 magazines have 10 rounds instead of 5).

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If I insult CoD will I be cool too?

Naah, you have to put a big ass picture in your signature for that.

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Unless you are beyond 800 meters. As I said.

Thanks for using my words out of context, though, shows what kind of troll you are.

Anyhow, you have proven that you lack experience with fighting snipers. The first one to spot the other wins, and a CZ550 zero'd to your location is just as deadly as an AS50. No advantage unless you are past 800 meters, where the CZ550 is unlikely to hit you, even if he spots you first.

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You sure do have of lot of those pointless and sadly unfunny pictures don't you?

Got any that are actually funny? You know, the kind that make OTHER people laugh?

Seriously, I don't mind trolls, but bad ones are just... Ugh.

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Unnecessary, human specialising, overpowered*, +1 for removal..

*evidenced by being a staple to all the snipers and squads who get their hands on it.

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An AS50 has no advantage over the CZ550 unless you are beyond 800 meters away.



Why can the guy above post his picture np but mine gets turned into a link. What kind of sorcery is this?

Edited by Sakeoe

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