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Is it luck? or is it not that common?

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I have seen lots of rants about hackers saying it happens all the timebut i have never seen a hack or been hacked on a server. Also, i hear people saying they get killed alot but the only person i ever saw was on the NW airstrip and i just watched him even thought i had my AS50 zeroed and aimed (just incase). Im not new and i have player for a long time. Am i lucky or is it not that common and it just seems like its alot?

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lol you should consider your self very lucky then. 96% of the people who play dayz are hackers or have been hacked.

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Depends, it happens a lot more on high population servers than on medium or low pop servers.

Sure though, if you don't see script addicts making you their plaything consider yourself lucky.

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I've only seen one hacker fly overhead in a jet in 200 hours of play (since start of june), and that was about a week after I started. Guess we're just lucky.

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It depends on your "play style".

It took me a month to see a hacker, but I'm pretty sure I saw one now.

If you want to have more PvP, camp certain high traffic areas. Cherno, Electro, Balota Airfield, NW Airield, etc.

I personally spend as little time as possible in those areas to avoid all the player killing.

Currently Day 7.....

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Today after 13 days of survive, 748 zombies, 270 headshots, 14 kills.. i was killed in a really hidden area of the map, really low traffic/none... when i was going with my bike to take a gas can for my ATV, there was like 12 ppl on the server.... and the guys who killed me had a quad, 1 guy with ghilie and 2 without camo, five minutes later i was at cherno and them too when i was killed at 5/6 kms far away.... so or admin or hackers.... it sux.

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I've been thunderdomed once, other than that, haven't had anything hack related happen to me. I guess I've been lucky too.

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I tend to stick to low pop servers, but even I've seen a server wipe (all 6 of us).

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Only once for sure here (and maybe a second time im not sure of). The obvious one was just teleporting everyone to a castle and shooting us from ambush.

The one I'm not sure about was in the middle of the night, in pouring rain. I was in a bush between two trees and looking at my map when i heard a vehicle. I closed my map and saw the guy 700+m away in a UAZ moving to my left, he then stopped and made a beeline right to me. Luckily i didnt have much on me either time.

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