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Im new, and curious about this mod.

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Hello gamers, my name is Kyle irl, and my IGN is DeathsDealt. I have taken high interest in this mod even though I have never played Arma II. So, I have not purchased this game yet, but I would like to know tips and tricks. Im one step away from playing this game. Can someone help convince me to play? I freaken love Zombie games, mods, and everything surounding that field. But I just want to know more. I mean, it seems very complex. Food, drink, ect. How will I go about playing this game? I will buy this for a few of my friends as well as my self today if this game seems so epic like youtube vids I have seen. Please help.

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Yes, at the state this game is in, you will only find it boring with all the hackers.

Wait for standalone to get the real experience so you dont judge dayz for what it is now.

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You should really, REALLY think carefully about getting ARMA 2: CO for DayZ. Or even trying DayZ if you have it already.

Read the two links in my signature, under the image.

Then I'd like to let you know that most of the mod's servers are infested with hackers that will turn you into various animals, break your legs, run around invisible, teleport you into air, shoot you across the map, and so on.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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It's amazing. As long as you remember it's an alpha with lots of bugs, has hackers/cheaters due to the nature of arma 2 (highly mod-able). Has little balance (on purpose). Has no real goal or achievements. Rampant PVP etc etc.

But if it wasn't DIFFERENT, then this mod would have bugger all players.

There's a standalone coming out later this year, but for the price of arma 2: combined ops... even if you get 10 hours play out of it, it's been worth it imo. I've played 200 hours currently, and actually have only seen a hacker once in that entire time. Other people claim to see hackers 5 times a day, so who knows :P

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It's an amazing mod. Just don't do what a lot of people seem to be doing and jump on the bandwagon expecting a shiny AAA complete game. It has bugs, it also has a hacker issue at the moment too which is slowly being dealt with.. If you can handle that then I highly recommend you get involved. It's the best thing I've played in a long time.

As for eating/drinking and general survival tips, you'll have to figure that out for yourself, that's where the fun is.

P.S - I agree with the above, I've witnessed two hacks since I started playing and neither really affected me at all. Some people seem to witness game breaking hacks every time they play. If you find the right server to call your home hacking doesn't need to be a big issue for you.

Edited by Fraggle

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Wow, I clciked on the links and will read what this mod is all about. Thanks sofar for such excelent feed back. I have a few friends on skype and we are going to read more about DayZ because, simply, survival is at its finest with this game. Thanks for the input.

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I myself am new as well, and I have played for a few hours well maybe 15. Personally I love it this game its ingenious, well thought out, and innovative. I have bought arma 2 CO, and I will buy the stand alone game as well. As for hackers, every game has hackers even mainstream multi million dollar titles...so who cares. Its a total blast. Except my graphics card totally sucks so I only get 15 fps, unless im staring at the ground when im running, but I got anewe graphics card so hopefully that will fix it. Nuff said'

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Well I bought the game. I will install then see how I do. I love a epic challenge. And even know I might die easily, I will do my best to stay alive.

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