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So the first time i get banned for ever, is for no reason, just me and a couple of mates playing dayZ having fun. Not doing anything unlegit (unless you call running though a barn being chased by zombies unlegit) and then suddenly i get globally banned, i write to Battle Eye explaining the situation and no reply. so thats £20 down the drain, i then go and buy a new copy( from steam) of AO (£15) and everything works fine for at least... 6 hours? then im running down a road to a city, with my friend, guess what pops up? Global Banned. WTF?! you make me spend £35 fucking pounds on a game that you have arseholes trying to prevent cheating? why dont Battle eye go and find the hackers instead of fucking banning me! you owe me money, what youre doing is not fair and people wanting this game should be careful about there actions of buying and think twice because things like this happening just ruins the fun. you need to sort this out because you dont understand how annoying this is. Sort. it. out.

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me and my friend shot you and your friend 17 times and you didnt die, twice on the same server you joined and hacked, glad you got banned and wasted your money

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