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Why I play a female character even though I am a dude

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The reason I will play the female character whenever it is given as an option is simple. If I am going to be staring at the backside of anyone for any extended amount of time, I would prefer it to be a backside I want to stare at. Since I am straight, I would just simply rather look at a female backside.

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And so chaps, we will get many stories of female characters with a masculine voice in direct comms.

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The fact that you don't like man ass is a significant personal shortcoming that didn't need to be aired out in the forums.

Now please continue to tell us how straight you are so we can all have a laugh when you get 6 beers in you

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The reason I will play the female character whenever it is given as an option is simple. If I am going to be staring at the backside of anyone for any extended amount of time' date=' I would prefer it to be a backside I want to stare at. Since I am straight, I would just simply rather look at a female backside.


Why does this need to be voiced? Denial perhaps?

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Why are you playing on sissy 3rd person enabled servers?


And ontop of that, the "I like to look at females" argument is nullified by the fact that this isn't a mythical fantasy based Skyrim copy where there are thousands of different sexy armors and clothing types available - It's a post apocalyptic simulation where there is scarcity, murder and infection.

If you would rather stare at the back of a dirty, stinky and unshaven woman then feel free, friend ^.o

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In the survival game should be better to look around.

What about size advantage, who knows, maybe later will come stamina disadvantage..

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I bet it has advantages playing as female. Say you encounter a stranger - Wouldn't you be less likely to shoot if it was a female?

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3rd person lol.

Why are you playing on sissy 3rd person enabled servers?


Looks like the "you're not cool unless you play in veteran servers only" mentality has caught on.


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Your character is your avatar, it's a direct representation of you in the virtual world.

Thus, if you play a girl in game ..

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The reason I will play the female character whenever it is given as an option is simple. If I am going to be staring at the backside of anyone for any extended amount of time' date=' I would prefer it to be a backside I want to stare at. Since I am straight, I would just simply rather look at a female backside.


I did that for awhile. Than I stopped. What a simple minded reason. When the Mass Effect series came out, I discovered i'd much rather have immersion in my games.

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*facepalm at this OP's argument* Will be shooting you fruit-cups with more spite than usual. Enjoy staring at the back end of your character when it's face down in the dirt, lol.

Also, if you feel your sexuality is in question when playing a male character just because you see his backside, you got problems. Try IRL girl's backsides, they're better.

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You're playing female because you're a horny teenager who can't get no one irl so you use video games to pleasure yourself.

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The reason I will play the female character whenever it is given as an option is simple. If I am going to be staring at the backside of anyone for any extended amount of time' date=' I would prefer it to be a backside I want to stare at. Since I am straight, I would just simply rather look at a female backside.


you just wish that you are a little girl

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Now, I'm no bandit, and am in fact friendly in most situations, but if I encounter a female character with a man's voice, I'll shoot "her" on the spot.

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