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Log out in stary, log in on the coast near solnichniy.

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Logged in to, I think, one of the spawn points rather than where I had logged out. Timing coincides with new patch. Retained all my gear and stats, so no big deal.

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Corrupt character data or excessive server changing with failure to login will screw you over. Before you would be totaly screwed and spawn in the debug plains, often without any gear, but now atleast you spawn on the coast :)

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Well.. sounds to me like this is intended. Anti server-hopping, I'd wager.

So this means no more easy farming of stary / NWAF .. gotta hike up there every single time =)

On the plus side: everyone, regardless of gear, spawns in the south now. you see where Im going with this... >=]

Edited by wahnsinn

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Yea....no that's not cool, even for people who don't server farm, If I log out in a certain area I wanna log back in in that area ( same server) Now if I log into another server then OK I can understand, but if I log out at my camp I wanna be at my camp when I come back....

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this has nothing to do with hackers. for some reason there is a bug that will sometimes spawn you back at the coast with all your gear

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