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Post Process Effects Need to be Nerfed.

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After having barely survived an encounter with a bandit and a couple of zombies I was left with a very low amound of blood in my body.

I was unable to see colour and the screen was pulsing a blur effect. I tried to carry on moving out to search for animals or something to get my blood level higher but it was next to impossible to tell what was ahead of me through the extreme blur effects that kept fading in and out.

I decided to just kill myself rather than keep on fighting. Not because it seemed like an impossible task but because my eyes were hurting so much from tying to focus on the constantly blurring screen. It was like looking directly into the sun, I could feel the strain in my eyes for hours after I had left the computer.

Please reduce the amount of post-process effects the game uses or at least make them go away after a short time period or something. These current effects are directly unhealthy for your eyes and personally I'd take a turbo realistic bloody screen over these effects any day.

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Just disable post process effects in the graphics options, and all the blurring goes away

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That is practically cheating and if disabling graphics options in-game is the way people should deal with it why have it exist at all?

A warning sign would be sufficient to tell you that your blood levels are dangerously low if the red droplet isn't enough.

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That is practically cheating and if disabling graphics options in-game is the way people should deal with it why have it exist at all?

A warning sign would be sufficient to tell you that your blood levels are dangerously low if the red droplet isn't enough.

Because configuring your graphics options is totally cheating and not available to everyone else.

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To the carebear guy above: try getting your own material.


That is practically cheating and if disabling graphics options in-game is the way people should deal with it why have it exist at all?

A warning sign would be sufficient to tell you that your blood levels are dangerously low if the red droplet isn't enough.

Because configuring your graphics options is totally cheating and not available to everyone else.

To everyone else: I had to disable post processing because my game would crash or I'd get really bad artifacting, so I didn't even know there was screen effects. For those who really care here is the obligatory, immature "lolumadyusomad4". Get over it.

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Maybe take out a lawsuit buddy, get your eyes fixed and some wonga. Win, Win!!! :p

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Post-processing is a massive pile of suck anyway, just disable it.

It's a military simulator, not a myopia simulator.

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I too have found it really quite painful to have to deal with that constant pulsating blur when low on blood, its completely unnecessary. I wouldn't mind if it was just a permanent, stable blur, if rocket insists on having it in some form, but having it pulse over and over has caused me to simply suicide due to not wanting a migraine

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Is this what your talking about?


Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BKsc5Km_38&feature=youtu.be

If so, please post in that thread what build of the game your using or not just wait until it's fixed or play on 87580. When you start the game look at the bottom right corner for what build your using. Cheers.

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Post-processing is an arma effect that simply can not be removed from days. Adjust your graphics settings. It isn't cheating.

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  '.:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ said:

Is this what your talking about?


Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BKsc5Km_38&feature=youtu.be

If so' date=' please post in that thread what build of the game your using or not just wait until it's fixed or play on 87580. When you start the game look at the bottom right corner for what build your using. Cheers.


Its an effect similar to the one in the video but as the screen is pulsing there is also a blur fading in and out.

I was playing with dayz 1.6.0

Bottom right corner says my build is "Version: 1.60.87580"

I know you can disable Post Process but the whole screen blur thing is obviously made so that having low blood levels would put you at a disadvantage and if you can just disable a graphics option to make that disadvantage go away there's not really any point of it being there.

It is very lame when graphics options put you at a disadvantage rather than only make the game look prettier.

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