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(PvP) What's your combat preference?

(PvP) What's your combat preference?  

151 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your favorite thing to hunt?

    • Bandits
    • Well Armed Survivors
    • Barely Armed Survivors
    • New Spawns/New Players
    • Whatever is on the other end of my scope
    • Zombies

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When you are engaging in killing other players, who is your preferred target? Do you like hunting down helpless people? Or do you like killing other bandits?

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Blood for the Blood God!

Skulls for the Skull Throne!

No matter who is on the other end of my scope : ghillie or cap.

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It's very rare I'll hunt players on purpose, but when I do I tend to ignore players with a hatchet or a pistol. No fun in it.

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I will engage armed players. I will pass on the unarmed. Though I might pop a shot near them just to get their heart rate up. Did that just the other day and the guy tracked me down and asked me to kill him for a better respawn. So I obliged. :D

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LOL, i wonder how many of the cowards who pop fresh spawns/noobs will actualy say so..

my guess is VERY few..

obvious coward is obvious

I don't kill them, I just break their legs.

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LOL, i wonder how many of the cowards who pop fresh spawns/noobs will actualy say so..

my guess is VERY few..

obvious coward is obvious

i do it because the chance of dying is slim to none and you dont need to be well geared to kill unarmed person. also im no moral fag so nothing people say online will phase me and couldnt care less.

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I like killing snipers. Most of them aren't real bandits, so I just picked the 'Well Armed Survivors' one. Easy places to find them are:

North of Stary, on the hillside overlooking the tents.

North-East of Electro, on that massive hill nicknamed, "Sniper Hill".

North of Electro, on the smaller hill with the power lines.

North of Cherno, has a TV broadcasting tower on it.

North-West of Cherno, hill covered in trees and bushes, harder to find them unless they fire off a round.

They tend to have any scoped, high-powered rifle (DMR, M107, or an M4A1 CCO SD, though rarely you'll find them using an AS50), a Coyote Backpack, and every tool (minus GPS, and maybe flashlights) in the game. Some have ghillies, some don't, but if they aren't wearing camo of one form or another they'll be hiding in a tree. Move slowly, wait for them to fire (get a friend to run through town to get their attention) and make sure you are close enough to not miss. Free lootz for you if you land a lethal blow. BUT HURRY, these players are known for quick logging, and their gear will sink into the ground soon enough.

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i do it because the chance of dying is slim to none and you dont need to be well geared to kill unarmed person. also im no moral fag so nothing people say online will phase me and couldnt care less.

You admitted to killing unarmed players because you could die to them if they have weapons, proceed to call anyone that doesn't do this, "Moral Fags" and then add that you aren't phased by this and couldn't care less.

You, sir, are a coward (and you ARE phased by this).

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LOL, i wonder how many of the cowards who pop fresh spawns/noobs will actualy say so..

my guess is VERY few..

obvious coward is obvious

They will probably vote like I did "whatever is on the other end of my scope(sights)". I don't go out looking for PvP but if I see someone on the end of my sights I might shoot it. Maybe he had that option to trick the spawn camping noobs into picking it, since he used the word scope instead of sights. I shoudla picked Zombies.

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On the statistic thread, they said that bandits rarely kill other bandits. Something along the lines of a 12:1, survivor to bandit ratio. Made me wonder if it was just because survivors are more common or if bandits think other bandits are too dangerous. Half the PvP posts on here talk about it being exciting to hunt players, but you aren't hunting the dangerous players? To me, the more dangerous the opponent the more fun. If I hear gunshots and see a kill message, I make a beeline to the sound.

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I've never (Intentionally) killed a player. A player killed himself on my S1203 when he ejected out while i was doing 80 outside of elektro.

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just as i suspected..

considering how many times fresh spawns/noobs are getting popped, basicly no one has fessed up and admited to doing it..

typical.. i guess all those deaths must be from sheer fright.


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I have never once sniped on the coast. That's just dumb, and you don't get anything out of it. However killing the snipers up north, THAT is fun. I usually just read a book until they wander into my crosshairs. I try to pop them at 1000+ meters, otherwise it isn't really a challenge for me. What I mean by a challenge is that chances are I will miss, they will hear a gunshot and a bullet will blow up something near them. I am reasonably sure this adds to their experience in the game. Though this is only me positing my reactions upon the hypothetical minds of my targets.

Edited by Pook

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just as i suspected..

considering how many times fresh spawns/noobs are getting popped, basicly no one has fessed up and admited to doing it..

typical.. i guess all those deaths must be from sheer fright.


You're coming to this conclusion based on 112 votes across all answers when there are currently 1,052,437 unique players in DayZ. That's not even 1% of the total user base surveyed and that result is still true even if you consider there's only 86,354 forum members. Whilst I agree with you that some users may be reluctant to admit they hunt new spawn survivors, I don't agree with your implication that everyone who has voted is a coward and must have lied in their poll answers. Trying to undermine the community's integrity and honesty with comments like that defeats the entire purpose of even visiting this forum in the first place - why read or discuss anything, if you're just going to label everyone a cowardly liar anyway?

So, yes. /Facepalm indeed.

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I didn't put anything. If I see guy with something I want I try to rob the guy. If that is not possible then I shoot

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I like fighting Zombies. They are the only ones that can't teleport to you with god mode on.

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