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[BSB] Network - Looking For Mature Gamers

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"Strength In Unity"


Web: www.bsbnetwork.com


Who Are BSB Network?

We are primarily an open gaming community for mature and fair gamers. We aim to accommodate all types of gamers from those who are looking for social or casual gaming, to more dedicated competitive gamers. Our network aims to provide a resource for gamers, clans and guilds providing a consistent, friendly and fun community to participate in online gaming with other decent people. We have no silly rules or restrictions, all we ask is that players have a bit of common sense and play fair (as in don't use cheats or exploits).

Everyone is welcome to get invovled with no obligation to even join our own clan.We have been gaming as a community since 2002 and have supported many different games during this time. We have more than 1700 registered members of our community and more than 400 of those are Day Z players! For more information about The BSB Network, including our aims and objectives, what we offer, the games we play and Frequently Asked Questions, please refer to the "Info" section of our website.

DayZ Support & Objective

We have supported Day Z since it's launch last year and will continue to do so into the Stand Alone, where upon we will support the full release as well as continue to support the mod. Our other recruitment thread can be found here http://dayzmod.com/f...mers/#entry6814 & here;


We aim to accomodate all kinds of Day Z players, from newbies and "bambis" to more skilled mercenaries or bandits. We divide our players into 2 ongoing rival factions, BSB Ravens (Less hostile, more focused on stealth and survival) and BSB Scorpions (More hostile, focused on bandit game play). Those who havent been selected for a faction yet, or who don't wish to be part of a faction permanantly are classed as "Lone Wolves" and are welcome to tag along with either faction members as and when they wish (at their own risk!).

What Can We Offer?

Well we primarily aim to offer a good stable resource for decent, mature/adult gamers. Benefits of being a part of our community (and not necessarily a member of our clan) include;

- Dedicated community servers (Day Z and Wasteland)

- Well administrated servers

- Relaxed and friedly community

- Coordinated team work in-game

- Strength in numbers (we are already stable and established)

- Free ublic TS3 server (

- Cool interactive website & forum (http://www.bsbnetwork.com) with an active and friendly community

- Friendly Euro (UK) based with English speaking international members from over 36 countries

- Organized and structured clans on various games, for those wishing to join

- Lots of active members (on at all hours of the day throughout the week)

- Multiple game suppor for when you fancy playing other online games with friends!

- Regular tournaments and events

- ESL Registered teams (ready for competitive play)

- Experienced & stable clan leaders and Senior members having served between 6 - 11 years with BSB

- Fair server rules based on common sense

- Zero tolerance on hackers, glitchers and cheats

- Regular meet-ups for paintball, airsoft, BBQ's and general pi$$-ups!

- Clan matches

- Membership ranking and awards system

- Gaming with integrity

How Do You Join?

Anyone is free to join in our games and get involved on Day Z & Wasteland. Simply add our servers to your favourites and join them, membership isn’t necessary but for those who are interested in joining us, register at our website and submit the Affilaition form (Join us page under the Community Menu).

Website addres is ;http://www.bsbnetwork.com

It's best to use our TS3 server too if you want to get invovled with groups already playing!

Servers & Resources




Edited by Box

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You dont have DayZ channel on you ts...

We had been using a social channel and the ARMA 2 channel. The Day Z is now on the TS3 server though.

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Two days I was sitting in your ts... and no one is playing DayZ... Maybe it is too early for you to announce about your clan in this game?

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at present theres 5 members playing, i havent been on much this week cos of work but i havent seen you on our ts server when I have been on with our lads and your account says you have only been on 80 minutes....? It's a mostly adult clan and you have to remember our lads arent going to be on 24-7 but most nights of the week around 8pm gmt onwards you should see members on.

Also it's worth checking the other channels, particularly the social channels as our members tend to be more social and use different channels while they play.

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Still here, more members now playing. 7-8pm GMT seems to be a good time to join in the fun and start grouping up. Jump on our TS or visit our forum to get involved

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Sounds like you guys aspire to be what I'm looking for in a gaming clan. I'm available, usually between 9-11 CST (Central Standard Time), and I would like to get involved in a group.

I'll hit up your site, and see if I can get integrated.

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Momentum is really picking up now with some coordinated games taking place over the last week.

Our band are presently fliting between Cherno and Electra to rendezvous with clan members as they spawn and keeping equiped. We will be hanging around this area for a couple of days and then pressing north. Members and friends are still welcome to join us as we move north but will have to either follow us or meet us at pre-arranged destinations.

Visit our website or TS for more details


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Backstreet Boys?

yeah,...that was semi-funny the first time I heard it back in 2002 when people actually knew who the Backstreet Boys were!

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Always recruiting friendly mature gamers. Details onour website www.bsbnetwork.com

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Our group is floating around the south coast arranging meet ups for another week or two before heading north to secure a "base" ground. Visit our website and TS for more details!


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Well that's fantastic.

Anyway [bSB], still here and still surviving. Get involved on our TS and website for more details


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Still looking for players to join our community and get involved with organised games.

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All matuer/adult co-operative players welcome to get involved! Join our TS server to join in.

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I thought I'd update this thread with the exploits of our BSB Survivors story. The stories are regularly published on our website (www.bsbnetwork.com) ont eh features page.

The Begining

The story of the BSB Survivors starts 13th of May 2012 when I joined the EU2 server late in the evening (10pm GMT I think). After speaking to BSB member Dusk at work we had planned to get on at some point through the weekend together but had managed to miss each other a couple of times. We managed to get online together and joined the same server, obviously as it was so late the game server was in night time mode and was pitch black! Survival and meeting up with friends in this game is hard enough in the day light so we knew things were going to be rough tonight!

I was starting a fresh character after dying on my last game, Dusk had recently spawned and was still close by the South coast. As I spawn I get get a glimpse of my spawning location , as luck would have it I was on the West of Elektro and Dusk was on the East of the city so we decided to try and meet up, him heading west and me east.

As we progressed cautiously along the coast Dusk tells me that he'd spotted two players also heading west along the coast two. Whilst stalking them he found an M16 on an dead player that the two players he was stalking managed to miss! However getting the rifle he managed to lose the two players and continue on in the same direction hoping to catch up with them. Meanwhile I spotted a flare being lit up in the distance just off the coast towards a set of farm buildings so immediately headed for the light. As I approached I seen a lone survivor moving into the light, being very cautious for stray zombies but leaving himself very vulnerable to other players. I droped down to my knees and slowly pressed forward as he moved out of view through an opening in the fence.

Just as I was approaching the illuminated area I noticed a second player creeping through the light along the same path as the first. I instantly dropped to a prone positon thinking this guy was sure to spot me at any second.... However he continues on his path. I presumed that these two were a team and out looking together and was planning on giving them a wide birth when I suddenly heard shots fired from the direction the two guys went. I hadnt seen any walkers but presumed they must have spotted one. As I cautiously creeped around the farm house I and could hear the flys buzzing around - a tell tale sign of a human fataliy! so was a little curious and thought id maybe found a dead body with some loot on it close by. I headed towards the opening in the fence the two guys had gone through a few moments earlier, presuming they would be busy looking for loot and taking care of the zombies the probably were shooting at.

Upon going through the fence I see a dead survivor, i moved towards the body and just as I did so I spotted one of the guys I had just seen heading for the same body. He hadnt seen me, but it suddenly occurred to me that the two guys I had seen werent working as a team , but simply an unfortunate newbie being trailed by a bandit! I decided I would take this guy out and claim the spoils of both of these guys in a split second! In any other game I would have said this was uncharacteristic of me and my normal reaction would have been to befriend another gamer but this is Day Z and it's a harsh game world!!!

I shot at the guy as he went to check his victims gear, at least one round hit him and he immediately returned fire, clipping me as i moved for cover. Luckily he was using a markarov the same as me and it's relatively weak round wasnt fatal with a single hit! I double backed around the building and managed to sneak round behind him as he moved cautiously to my previous position. I shot 4 or 5 rounds off and hit him with at least one but he still managed to squeeze a few shots off himself. He dropped to the ground but was still alive. I walked over to him and finished him off. However it wasnt without it's toll as I was bleeding badly and needed to bandage myself. I had lost a lot of blood but stopped the bleed and taken some pain killers by this point, but I was still in a bad way and needed blood.

I began looting the corpses of the two other survivors. Lots of food and Markorov rounds, a few flairs and the usual beginners kit. However I also managed to get a Frag grenade, a watch, a Lee Enfield rifle (with no rounds) , a chemical light (red) and a hunting knife. I moved to the coast to continue with my Rendezvous with Dusk. We met just a few minutes later along the shoreline, as it turned out the two guys I had run into must have been the two he was stalking! It didnt matter now as I had paid a harsh price for very little reward! I needed blood! Unsure on how to do a blood transfusion (or if we even had the right kit!) we decided the best place was the nearby city of Cherno which has a hospital. My blured vision and the poor light meant it was difficult for me to find my way there so I gave the chem light to Dusk so i could follwo him, at least while we were in the rural parts of the map. Then the plan was to hole me up in a barn, house or other shelter while he went for the blood under the cover of darkness. I was toast if we had any entanglements with Walkers or bandits anyway!

We pressed towards it following the coast for about 15 minutes. I passed out several times. During this point Kindy logged into TS and joined our server. We believed he had spawned to the west of the city of Cherno. Eventually we reached Cherno Dock lands and headed for a warehouse. As we approached the familiar sound of a nearby walker loomed. This was particularly concerning for me as I had very limited vision and was really struggling to aim with my poor health! As we moved slowly towards teh warehouse Dusk spots the walker, through the first floor window, then we spot a second wandering around the ground floor. We decide i need to move inside quickly if I'm to stand any chance at all!

As we moved inside Dusk snapped off his first shot at the walker on the ground floor but it doesn’t take it down and it started lunging forward towards me! My vision was seriously impaired because of the blood loss I’d suffered but I tried to shoot the walker anyway, I quickly fired between 4- and 7 rounds off at the walker hitting it at least once (but also missing at least 3 rounds because of the blurred and shaky vision!)

We quickly pressed on to the back of the warehouse toward the stares as other nearby walkers who were alerted by the gunshots were now advancing on the warehouse. As I I climbed the stares I spotted the walker up there on the first floor heading towards the stairs for me, I heard Dusk shooting away at the advancing walkers now coming through the entrance to the warehouse following us inside. Thankfully, the game AI stops the "sprinters” dead in their tracks as they enter a building and they continue their advance at walking pace, making it a little easier when in doors (buildings are a great salvation when being chased by a horde!) I again fired a couple of rounds off at the first floor lunger heading straight for me, with Dusk following me and also shooting at the same zombie now having cleared the ground floor. We managed to clear the first floor and caught a breather.

The first floor of some of the warehouses is bugged and part of a tree’s foliage warps through the wall and blocks part of the walkway up there. I’d seen this before and knew you could "climb” (default ‘V’ button) through the branches and leaves and emerge on the other side of the walkway safe and it offered me a great position to wait while seriously injured as I could sit tight relatively safe from zombies (as I’d be able to hit ay that did wander in by chance as they climbed the stairs and struggled with the bugged branches ) and it had windowed vantage points that I could check to see approaching flares or if I heard footsteps of voices (There’s proximity voice comes built into the game so you hear people talking in your immediate area!)

As I pressed my V key to climb through the foliage DISASATER hits home! With my impaired vision I had climbed over the safety rail and fell from the first floor to the ground below and broken my legs and died form blood loss! Nightmare!!!!!

I told Dusk to get my positions and pick up the useful – especially THE BEANS! I decided to spawn again , luckily I spawned in a similar position as I had earlier and was able to follow the coast west again retracing the steps I’d taken with Dusk earlier. After about 10 minutes I had met back up with Dusk again on the south coast who had headed out of Cherno docks – it was pointless heading into such a dangerous city at night now as we didn’t need blood any longer. Kindy, who was still in TS and still in the game somewhere was unable to tell where he was and sounded like he was heading North somewhere, it was going to be next to impossible to meet up with him till he could find a landmark so Dusk and I decided to head for "Rog” instead – a hill top vantage point with a fort ruin and a military commandeered deer stand near by – sure fire place for some "Gucci” kit to be found! Rog was a good distance from the location we met at between Cherno and Electro cities, sitting a few Kilometres to the Northeast of Electro. It would need a serious navigation as it lies deep within forest and plains with only dirt track and side roads running near by. It was unlikely we’d reach there for another day or so, ideally we’d need day light too!

We pressed ahead anyway to break some of the distance down, heading towards Electro city, intending on circumnavigating it. As we proceeded we again seen a flare in the distance. We stopped and watched for a moment to see what was happening. Dusk spotted a single survivor in the light moving around an old farm building. We decided to move forward to get a better look and decide if it was worth killing him for his supplies.

As we approached we split up, I took the left flank, Dusk taking the right flank by the sea. We both pressed on the survivor sticking to the darkness and not venturing into the intense red glow of the flare. By this point we’d lost sight of this guy, but knew he was still nearby as another two flares were thrown. He was moving around somewhere between the three flares and the abandoned farm building.

We both navigated around the edge of all the flares and met up on the other side –scaring the shit out of each other as we did so and Dusk almost shot at me as he was expecting me to be in a Bandit outfit (as I had been when we first met up!). The same caution and hesitation to shoot could have cost us dear on another day! Neither of us had seen the guy we’d been looking for, it seemed unlikely he’d headed off into the darkness without us at least seeing him do so. We split up again to scavenge the site to look for goodies or clues, it looked like this was just some random newbie spawning... Then out of nowhere a random Markorov gunshot rang out, I immediately dropped to prone and scanned around to see where the shots were coming from, dusk did the same although I couldn’t see where he was! I called to Dusk asking him if it was him who had shot.

"No it’s the noob” He replied!

Then a couple more shots rang out, one of them just missing Dusk who said he’d heard the round whistle past his head. We both saw the muzzle flashes of random fire in the darkness to the north of the flares, around 30 feet outside of the illumination. Before I could get a shot off Dusk ahd plunged 3 or 4 rounds into the noobie, killing him. It looked like the guy was randomly firing into the darkness and wasn’t actually aware of us being there, although I guess we’ll never know now! We scavenged his kit and took his Beans and Markorov Rounds.

At this point it was getting uite late, around 12;30 AM and we deicide to call it a night so we headed north for a while and found some shrubbery and trees to disconnect from (meaning when we reconnect we will do so with minimum risk of being spotted by randoms!)

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Still looking for UK/Euro based gamers

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Still here and surviving. Day Z campaign has been improved and is very popular so check us out! www.bsbnetwork.com

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  On 5/28/2012 at 2:49 PM, Eccentric said:

I am curious, what does BSB stand for?

Check out the website (intel page) for that! ;)

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Just applied online, hope to join in DayZ soon :)

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  On 7/27/2012 at 1:15 PM, Chryme said:

Just applied online, hope to join in DayZ soon :)

Hi mate, yea got your form and have responded. Welcome tot eh community, hope to catch you online soon! Look out for Zenatsu (Braveheart in game), he's our Day Z campaing manager and will help you settle in!

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