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Hackers are just crappy players with small wangs

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The psychology of hacking has long been thought to stem from the idea of 'penetrating' a system in a quasi sexual way.

Many players in games associate (subconsciously) their character with themselves and see the success of winning as 'penetration', hence the common computer gaming slang of 'raped'.

Hackers (or more accurately, script kiddies) are poor players, slow of mind and body and with no ability to learn the game and succeed on merit.

Because of this they turn to scripts to help them get weapons, become 'god' and 'dominate' other players.

One very common thing hackers seem to do is play without 'god mode', then after being killed, flick their god mode switch and spawn back beside you to exact their revenge.

They most likely justify it to themselves in some manner, 'he was probably cheating too', 'he didn't play properly, he had an unfair advantage' etc.

They probably know however, that it's just because these players are better than them.

It's my belief, that hackers have small penises.

They must compensate for this inability to achieve penetration in real life with 'virtual' success in online games.

It's the same reason guys with tiny wangs drive big cars and act like douche bags.

It's also probably the same reason people whine about being killed so often on the forums, these people are all script kiddies waiting to happen.

Owned in game? off to google to search for DAYZ MEGA SCRIPTZ!

-waiting for hackers with micro penises to tell me I'm wrong and they're 1337-

Edited by TheMachine
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I'm not a hacker, but I'm here to tell you that you're an unconstructive poster and we don't need more threads like these.

Edited by Swineflew
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I'm not a hacker, but I'm here to tell you that you're an inconstructive poster and we don't need more threads like these.

I'm not a hacker, but I'm here to tell you that you're an inconstructive poster and we don't need more threads like these.

Keep raising that post count with your super constructive posts bro.

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i don't script and mine is tiny. Explain that.



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teenagers / butthurt dwellers with no skill when it comes to games. Sexual frustration leads people to do drastic things to compensate for that feeling of satisfaction . Same with dudes who use steroids to get jacked, when all they have to do is eat right and work hard. But no they would rather stick something in their ass and slack it. then they walk around thinking they are johnny nails

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OP, this thread is simply pointless troll-feeding. hackers are d-bags, yes, but it's been said about 1592 MILLION TIMES ALREADY!

so, what was the point of this thread?

no offense, but it makes you look pretty bad, not just the hackers

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OP, this thread is simply pointless troll-feeding. hackers are d-bags, yes, but it's been said about 1592 MILLION TIMES ALREADY!

so, what was the point of this thread?

no offense, but it makes you look pretty bad, not just the hackers

We got a small wanged scripter here.

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The psychology of killing fresh spawn in dayz has long been thought to stem from the idea of 'being superior' while having no skills.

Many players in games associate (subconsciously) their character with themselves and see the success of winning as 'being superior', hence the common computer gaming slang of 'pwnd'.

Spawn killer (or more accurately, unskilled player) are poor players, slow of mind and body and with no ability to learn the game and succeed on merit.

Because of this they turn to cheapness to help , become 'god' and 'dominate' other players.(because they can't shoot back)

One very common thing Spawn killer seem to do is play without 'humanity', then after being killed, flick to their forum whine mode and talk about you to exact their revenge.

They most likely justify it to themselves in some manner, 'he was probably going to threatening me', ' He could have thrown me harsh word, he had an unfair advantage' etc.

They probably know however, that it's just because these players are better than them.

It's my belief, that Spawn killer have small penises.

They must compensate for this inability to achieve penetration in real life with 'virtual' success in online games.

It's the same reason guys with tiny wangs drive big cars and act like douche bags.

It's also probably the same reason people whine about being killed so often on the forums, these people are all Spawn killer waiting to happen.

Owned in game? off to low populated server, get gear, gome back near the coast

-waiting for Spawn killer with micro penises to tell me I'm wrong and they're 1337-

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We got a small wanged scripter here.

the funny thing about that reply is that i don't have ArmA II yet, i'm only here on the forums to see if it's worth getting XD

think before you post, i was only saying that your "theory" is everywhere.

Edited by El Barto 227

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The psychology of killing fresh spawn in dayz has long been thought to stem from the idea of 'being superior' while having no skills.

Many players in games associate (subconsciously) their character with themselves and see the success of winning as 'being superior', hence the common computer gaming slang of 'pwnd'.

Spawn killer (or more accurately, unskilled player) are poor players, slow of mind and body and with no ability to learn the game and succeed on merit.

Because of this they turn to cheapness to help , become 'god' and 'dominate' other players.(because they can't shoot back)

One very common thing Spawn killer seem to do is play without 'humanity', then after being killed, flick to their forum whine mode and talk about you to exact their revenge.

They most likely justify it to themselves in some manner, 'he was probably going to threatening me', ' He could have thrown me harsh word, he had an unfair advantage' etc.

They probably know however, that it's just because these players are better than them.

It's my belief, that Spawn killer have small penises.

They must compensate for this inability to achieve penetration in real life with 'virtual' success in online games.

It's the same reason guys with tiny wangs drive big cars and act like douche bags.

It's also probably the same reason people whine about being killed so often on the forums, these people are all Spawn killer waiting to happen.

Owned in game? off to low populated server, get gear, gome back near the coast

-waiting for Spawn killer with micro penises to tell me I'm wrong and they're 1337-

Someone's mad he can't get out of a coastal spawn region without getting killed by a makarov.

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lol i'm near north west air field with a m4a1 cco sd want me to take a screenshot for you?

+ when someone are not going with the flow of your idea he mut always have some kind of problem riiight? ''having small penis'' ''me can't get off the coast''

jeez...grow a little bit man :)

Edited by JuniorQc

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The psychology of hacking has long been thought to stem from the idea of 'penetrating' a system in a quasi sexual way.

Many players in games associate (subconsciously) their character with themselves and see the success of winning as 'penetration', hence the common computer gaming slang of 'raped'.

Hackers (or more accurately, script kiddies) are poor players, slow of mind and body and with no ability to learn the game and succeed on merit.

Because of this they turn to scripts to help them get weapons, become 'god' and 'dominate' other players.

One very common thing hackers seem to do is play without 'god mode', then after being killed, flick their god mode switch and spawn back beside you to exact their revenge.

They most likely justify it to themselves in some manner, 'he was probably cheating too', 'he didn't play properly, he had an unfair advantage' etc.

They probably know however, that it's just because these players are better than them.

It's my belief, that hackers have small penises.

They must compensate for this inability to achieve penetration in real life with 'virtual' success in online games.

It's the same reason guys with tiny wangs drive big cars and act like douche bags.

It's also probably the same reason people whine about being killed so often on the forums, these people are all script kiddies waiting to happen.

Owned in game? off to google to search for DAYZ MEGA SCRIPTZ!

-waiting for hackers with micro penises to tell me I'm wrong and they're 1337-

10/10. Beans. Win. I could go on.

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Someone's mad he can't get out of a coastal spawn region without getting killed by a makarov.

I hope he was posting with no small sense of irony on your other useless post in which you drivel on about killing fresh spawns with your AK. You mock someone for 'being killed with a makarov' when you yourself have to resort to an AK??

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Oh yea, quick update on the situation today.... I've been killed by a cheater again... The most ridiculous way !! Dude teleported all players into a field, as sheeps... yea, sheeps. Then I alt'F4'd, and get a message : ""you don't get out this easy, I remapped alt F4 to suicide""... Man I couldn't even abort from the esc menu, the option was unavailable, pretty much had to Ctrl Alt Supp it... so all in all today... hacked to death 3 times in 2 hours... awesome !! Well that's it as far as I love the game I'm not touching it again till at least a temporary solution is available...

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Keep raising that post count with your super constructive posts bro.

Man you were quick on those quotes.

I'm just doing my part to make the forums a better place for all mankind.

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