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Whats the best place just to kill random zombies without attracting bandits?

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Ive got 6 AK mags on me atm but the thing is i cant shoot a zombie anywhere near the coast without the risk of a bandit coming to pop me in the head 10 minutes later, So what inland town would be best for killing a crap load of zeds?

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hello there

I dont know why you'd want to waste ammo on zeds, but each to their own :)

The best place is to find a lone house, there are many sprinkled about, a little north if the coast. they spawn a small amount oz zeds and should be far away enough from predators.

Remember though that gunshot noise travels quite a distance, so wherever you are you may attract an unwanted presence by shooting.



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Find one of the smaller with low yield villages with few enter-able buildings. There's quite a number of them down the west of the map.

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Small villages away from the south coast. It's good for practising with different weapons.

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Why? The higher your zombie count the more noob you are. As far as bandits go, don't be in the same position in 10 mins. If your just after target practice I suggest you load up ARMA armoury.

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my recipe for raking up Z kills: run around a larger vilalge and city, then into a building. stand in the door and hatchet away while the whole population lines up in front of the door. regarding town coice: every town with a significant Z population also has enough loot spawns to attract a wandering bandit. you might want to check Berezino though, i heard its more calm there.


The higher your zombie count the more noob you are

not sure if troll or plain....

Edited by e47

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Why? The higher your zombie count the more noob you are. As far as bandits go, don't be in the same position in 10 mins. If your just after target practice I suggest you load up ARMA armoury.

Eh im not really bothered about being a noob or not i would rather use up some ammo and have some fun rather than spend hours sneaking around collecting decent guns and get shot by a bandit before i even get to use them. Edited by Luke688

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Why? The higher your zombie count the more noob you are.

God forbid you don't enjoy the game the way this guy does, you're doing it wrong apparently.

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God forbid you don't enjoy the game the way this guy does, you're doing it wrong apparently.

I'm open to trolling, hell I troll plenty. The simple facts are though that zombies are easy to avoid, easy to lose without firing a shot and it gives away your position if you fire your weapon like a goose. Bring on your argument, being a fuckwit doesnt qualify you for a battle of wits though.

Edited by SP45M

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*thee hee hee* If you just want to shoot something, there's always COD. :P

Anyway, find a semi-small village where you know there are enterable houses. Make sure you run trough the village, attracting as much Z aggro as you can. Then enter a house. Have fun!

Oh, and when you run out of ammo, remember to drop your gun and heft off your hatchet.

@SP45M: My daddy has less Z kills than you!

Edited by kebman

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