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Banned from US360 for 'apparently' Hacking

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This server is so corrupt.. you only have to be on there for 20 mins to realize its fishy, the admin's who own the server; hack. There are vehicles everywhere, they ban people for looting their camps and ban people who pose a threat to the server and admins themselves.

And that's where my story begins. I got banned for no reason for 'cheating and hacking', from one of the admins. Unless they provide proof of me hacking - I surely deserve to be un-banned from this server.

Thanks, Gardij06 ing name Luculentkhan

Edited by Gardij06

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implying I knew that before i joined...?

Edited by Gardij06

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shit server, filled with abusing admins that ban u for looting their camps / bodies, vehicles spawning on beach, ammo crates all over filled with guns. Shots out of nowhere, the full package of a derp server

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obviously a hacked server, was on balota airfield trying to meet up with my clanmates when suddenly a guy just appeared right next to me and shot me with a DMR in the face right after my clanmates found an ammobox on top of the ACT tower (weird location, don't you think?)

Edited by Head090

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I am a member of this server and know the admins. It was none of us that shot you in Bolota. every server is full of hackers and we are constantly being killed by them as well not just you guys. Now you say we ban you for looting our tents or posing a threat? thats bullshit. We may kill you for looting our camps but thats because we usually have someone at the camps at all times. We have maybe 30-40 people who play on this server with us all around the world in different time zones.

what is your in game name? the admin will gladly download the logs to see what you pick up and how often you are logging in and out server hopping or doing whatever your doing which is an exploit. If its teleporting we cant prove that unless its on one of our guys who has it filmed with fraps.

we hate hackers and cant wait for them to leave so we can play fairly like when we first started. Its people like you who attract hackers on to this server. Hackers troll thr forums and see what servers people are talking about so they can ruin them and ruin the game. This happened last week and after soemone posted about the server everyone playing on the server for the next 2 days or so were killed / nuked / had cows, tractors, busses, artilery shells and everything else fall on them and it was impossible for anyone to play because hackers read how mucy fun they can have. we only mannaged to ban 2 people who hacked in a few choppers when the only legit in game chopper was not due to spawn for a few more days still. also our admin was away on a course so we couldn't do alot.

we are trying to make the game as fair as possible how about you blame the people who are hacking on the server and not the admins.

Edited by spawn

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Fuck me i am so sick of this shit....I am one of the admins who run this server and im fucking pissed off that u have accussed myself and 1 other admin for hacking this server with out any proof....

Yes this server has been the target of virgin hackers, but so have a lot of other servers aswell...and from what i have read of your first post your making refference to the 2 trolls named strikegtx and praytella

who failed to mention that they where seen (by 3 verified whitnesses) spawning in a chopper that just so happened to be stollen from them....funny how these 2 clowns try to put in on that its the admins fault.....hmmm

Im going to say this once and for all we dont ban for no reason when the ban is imposed by the admins it is not done unless we have proof either by 3 whitnesses, or by an email report to the email address that comes up in the lobby screen when logging in (down in the left hand side of the screen)....

now was your ban an server admin ban or a battle eye ban....if it was a battle eye ban then thats got nothing to do with the server admins....if it was an admin ban then there would be a reason why.....you'd wanna make sure your telling the truth in your story wouldnt wanna see you globally banned or perm banned for the forums for false accusations

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implying I knew that before i joined...?

Ok, why would you want unbanning then? Assuming it is a local.

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Fuck me i am so sick of this shit....I am one of the admins who run this server and im fucking pissed off that u have accussed myself and 1 other admin for hacking this server with out any proof....

Yes this server has been the target of virgin hackers, but so have a lot of other servers aswell...and from what i have read of your first post your making refference to the 2 trolls named strikegtx and praytella

who failed to mention that they where seen (by 3 verified whitnesses) spawning in a chopper that just so happened to be stollen from them....funny how these 2 clowns try to put in on that its the admins fault.....hmmm

Im going to say this once and for all we dont ban for no reason when the ban is imposed by the admins it is not done unless we have proof either by 3 whitnesses, or by an email report to the email address that comes up in the lobby screen when logging in (down in the left hand side of the screen)....

now was your ban an server admin ban or a battle eye ban....if it was a battle eye ban then thats got nothing to do with the server admins....if it was an admin ban then there would be a reason why.....you'd wanna make sure your telling the truth in your story wouldnt wanna see you globally banned or perm banned for the forums for false accusations

UNBAN ME THEN! - in-game name - Luculentkhan - and it was an admin ban... fail to provide proof of me hacking and not unbanning me may result in your "server of 40 player's" being blacklisted.. so watch out.

Edited by Gardij06

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Fuck me i am so sick of this shit....I am one of the admins who run this server and im fucking pissed off that u have accussed myself and 1 other admin for hacking this server with out any proof....

Yes this server has been the target of virgin hackers, but so have a lot of other servers aswell...and from what i have read of your first post your making refference to the 2 trolls named strikegtx and praytella

Trolololo. Yep must just be trolling when multiple players call out your server as being dodgy. Acutally I don't recall the first post menitoning my name at all.

who failed to mention that they where seen (by 3 verified whitnesses) spawning in a chopper that just so happened to be stollen from them....funny how these 2 clowns try to put in on that its the admins fault.....hmmm

LOL. You failed to mention that actually. Show me in the other thread/s where this claim of 3 witnesses (please use a spellcheck next time) that saw either of us in a heli. This is the first I've heard of it. Nice coincidence that both you and Spawn post in here again on behalf of US360 admin, after the last two threads where you admit admin encourage hacks.

Feeling hurt much? Since the forum doesnt like links much, I've included the search entries.

http://dayzmod.com/f...0-admins-tents/ (search: 360 admin tents)

http://dayzmod.com/f...k-knight-style/ (search: Claims US360 admins encourage hackers)

I assure you that no one that I know of has been party to this thread until my post now. I have no idea why you name me or Strike for, but again, just like in the links above, it's other players and groups of players saying the same thing. Your server admins stink of hacks, and you guys have already stated you allow hacks to "fight fire with fire".

Don't drag me or for that matter Strike into this as you're just burying your head in the sand, and for the record I never went close to a heli in your server, except when it buzzed overhead. You're a liar.

Since I haven't bothered to even attempt entry into US 360, I find it hilarious to find out I have been banned.

.....you'd wanna make sure your telling the truth in your story wouldnt wanna see you globally banned or perm banned for the forums for false accusations

Bit of a laugh coming from you with your silly claims above. Probably should ban yourself from ever posting again. But what's even funnier is having NightStalkerNZ give you his hacked beans. Sounds about right acutally, considering he tried to play happy hacks with me the other day:


You might want to give him back his beans. You're only stinking up your rep even more being associated with him.

Edited by PrAyTeLLa

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Yes this server has been the target of virgin hackers, but so have a lot of other servers aswell...and from what i have read of your first post your making refference to the 2 trolls named strikegtx and praytella

who failed to mention that they where seen (by 3 verified whitnesses) spawning in a chopper that just so happened to be stollen from them....funny how these 2 clowns try to put in on that its the admins fault.....hmmm


we apparently spawned in a chopper now did we?

fucking something new on every post. your a joke.

Like seriously i had who was the scrub now? SalzAssasin? is that his shitty name? follow me into a Lingor server claiming id been global banned or some shit after my thread got locked?

The guy cant even land a hit with a pistol from 10m on a moving target and hes talking shit?

I really hope you get blacklisted sooner or later.

Edited by StrikeGTX

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Closing this thread because this is not how you ask for a ban on you to be appealed by a server admin.

If you wish to report server admin abuse, we have a forum specifically for that. Just make your report following the stickied guidelines.

Thank you.

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