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Brains (DayZ)

Trading for SVD/M24 , M9 SD + Possible others

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Yo, I have myself a pair each of NVGs and Rangefinders and a GPS I'm looking to get rid of, as the title suggests I'd like to get my hands on an SVD/M24 (with sufficient ammunition) and an M9 SD. I also might be looking for an M4A1 CCO SD and ghillie suit.

I want to trade my;




AS50 w/ 4 (I think) Nato mags and 1 M107 mag.

What I want in return;

M9SD w/ 4+ mags

SVD w/ 3+ mags

M24 w/ 4+ mags or 2 DMR mags


If you have any of these let me know and we'll work on a combination.


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you can use a DMR with NVG's

DMR is the same as an M24 but with a larger magazine so no idea why you wanna use the M24 (same damage, range, sound)

I do have an extra to trade if interested

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Do you have any lightmachine guns apart from the saw? we have M9 SD and gillie suits

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Sad thing is we had 2 48s and a SAW in our hands earlier today, just couldn't carry them all from this clusterfuck we found! - No

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