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Gender errors

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No I think you have to change it in your player profile screen. Like make a new char, but you loot does come with you...that's all based on GUID.

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@OP: from the 1.6 thread

Gender problems (lol)' date=' email dayzdevteam with "SERVER GENDER SELECTION" in heading with your PlayerID. Limited time only, I haven't slept or eaten all weekend and I'll be going out to the supermarket in a few hours.


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I died almost instantly' date=' either because I accidentally threw a frag or someone threw one at me.


Did you accidentally join a deathmatch server? You don't spawn with frags in DayZ.

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I died almost instantly' date=' either because I accidentally threw a frag or someone threw one at me.


Did you accidentally join a deathmatch server? You don't spawn with frags in DayZ.

You do if you had them on you when you logged out.

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i just bought the game and had no option to choose gender when started as well :(

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I chose Fem when asked, then server died before I could join the game, so i joined another server and I still got male model.

I know it doesn't change the stats or anything, but would liked to play as one. And from this kind of thread, looks like quite a few people have the same problem.

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Wasn't gonna change but never got asked anyways.

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Probably a server side error' date=' sorry about that. If you could email dayzdevteam@gmail.com with your RPT file, I will see if I can reset you.


I got no message about chosing genders at all, but my friend did - is this a bug? =/

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Same problem with gender offer. I just got no message about gender, someone is fixed it? D:

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the thing is it'll never ask again so most of the players will remain in male model. sure, it doesn't change the game mechanism at all, but damn, can they fix this thing?

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I chose Fem when asked' date=' then server died before I could join the game, so i joined another server and I still got male model.


Same here.

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