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1.6.0 Helicopter crash site unlootable/enterable

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had the exact same problem with 2 crashed helis i encountered. also found a repairable car near stary sabor but wasn't able to enter it. i believe repairable vehicles are also glitched.

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I can confirm this bug as well, just found a heli east of NW Airfield, no loot, no enter able gun etc.

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Thought it was just me, figures first time I find a crashed heli it bugs.

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yup first time finding one and no loot ;( all excited for nothing. lol

Ver 1.6.1

server eu20 i belive

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Confirming this. Found 2 crashed helis with this bug.

Ver. 1.6.1

Server: Dallas 3 Hardcore

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no response from the devs... kinda odd that this is the 4th patch in a row that clams its fixed...

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Same thing to me. Found two helos was wetting myself praying for a ghillie to find the muzzle flash locked and it unlootable. On UK1

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Me and my friend found a crashed "loot-pinjata" heli today on chicago 10, just south from NW-Airfield. We killed a dozen army Z's around it, and then went to take a closer look. There was no loot, we could not interact with the heli *and* the heli had a bugged minigun graphics: it looked like it was still firing (big nozzle-flame).

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Confirming the same thing:

Found a couple of them on FR4, muzzle flashing Minigun to the side, not enterable.

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I have found at least 6 crashed helicopters in the last 2 days but none of them have had any loot and I cannot enter them. There are plenty of zombies around them though.

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I also found a crashed chopper with the same bug.

Server: CZ Beta

Position: near Polana

Version: 1.6.0

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Same here, playing since 1.5.7 and i was never able to loot any crashsite.

Well, how can rocket say that its [fixed] if its appearently not ?

Seems like were also fix-testers, besides alphatesters ... im okey with that, if he would just tell us that it isnt probably fixed and that we still have to test it ...

Im really wondering how he tested that fix.

Btw. loot is overally broken, compas got rare as nvg's ... and clocks are everywhere ... There are like four - five clocks in each market / bar ...

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I can attest to that as well, I came across 3 crash sites since and could loot none of them.

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happened right now to me too...

crashed heli, lot of heavy zeds around, heli has "burning" sound effect but no visual effect and the minigun has a "frozen" muzzleflash

was about 6am servertime on RU1 version


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Found one bugged also. it was a CZ beta server ( Dozen or so military zeds around it and the choppers doorgun was unusable plus no loot in the aircraft.

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Confirming un-enterable (and obviously unlootable) choppers immediately after server reboot. They couldn't have been looted yet.

1. Dead zombies around it - 5-8 of them.

2. Minigun animation stuck at a frozen flash.

3. Not possible to enter crashed heli - tried two different ones.

4. Version:

5. Server: Dallas 13

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Confirming this on 1.6.1, found 2 choppers in US5 and 1 in Dallas 29 many zombies around but no way to enter the door gunner or loot.

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I've found five chrashed choppers on different servers. No way to get in!

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Before 5 min i found too a chopper around with 4 zombies.After i start killing them 4 more appear from nowhere lol,also crash helli is bugged i hear fires (like is still burning but with no any sight of fire) and also is like the picture from RedNoak post.And no loot around and non entertable.

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