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1.6.0 Helicopter crash site unlootable/enterable

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Date/Time: 5/27/2012 10:20 pm website time

What happened: I found a crashed helicopter west of Grishino north of the NW airfield. Upon killing the zombies surrounding it I came up to the chopper and had no option to loot or get in the gun seat. The chopper's gun has a locked muzzle flash on the side mini gun, sounds of smoldering but no smoke.

Where you were: West of Grishino north of the NW airfield

Current installed version: 1.6.0

Server you were on: Dallas 7

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Same problem on Dallas 25, chopper was between Stary and Pogorevka. No options in context menu and minigun locked forward with a muzzle flash permanently visible.

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just found a second one, looking closely it seems like its the wrong helo being spawned. also no luck getting in

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2 helicopters fould on norway 1 server. Only zombies no loot. Version

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just found a second one' date=' looking closely it seems like its the wrong helo being spawned. also no luck getting in


Yeah I looked at the code to see what has changed, it is a different chopper that gets spawned (DayZ custom one). Looks like it tries to add loot to spawn sites, but I went back to check my chopper site again and there is nothing there that I can see. Possibly all looted already?

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Date/Time: 27.05.2012 around 23.45 (gmt +2)

What happened: Found downed chopper, UH-1Y(on mouseover) no possibility to enter gunner's seat or interact with it in any other way.

Muzzle flash from gun seemed frozen.

Around 6 zombies spawned.

It was at night so could not tell if it was the "right" colour.

Where you were: Somewhere close to a forrest south-ish of Dubrovka i believe.

What you were doing: Sneaking up to it to grab the loots.

Current installed version:

Server(s) you were on: SE5

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I'd found one earlier this morning, 1.6.0, and figured It'd just been looted. Damn should have figured it was bugged out when I saw the Gun was stuck with it's muzzle flash.

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same problem here, two helicopters no loot at all. Minigun seemed to be stuck on the shooting animation also

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Countless downed hawks comfirmed unlootable.

Where is this loot supposed to be? Nothing on the outside, nothing in helicopter gear.

5-8 Military zombies if i recall correctly. Norway #2

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You should be able to enter the gunner seat and access the internal gear storage from there.

I'd tell you exactly how but unfortunately I've never found one that hasn't been bugged in some fashion.

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I made a video of it to, all true, crashed heli's are not enterable and there for non lootable...


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I can also confirm this.

Found a heli near kabanino - no loot, minigun stuck at shooting animation and a couple of zombies around it.

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