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M4A1 holo SD = legit?

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I killed 2 guys and found M4A1 Holo SD on both of them. Is this weapon legit or not? I know M4A1 CCO SD is legit cause I found one in the barracks.

Here's a pic:


Now I was pretty sure that these are hacked items or whatnot so I didn't take anything and hide both of their bodies.

The whole story was a little fishy with these guys (if you care to read) - I was in Gorka looking for parts for my car (which took me a whole day, 3 murders and 1 death to finally get). It was a night server so there were about 6 players in total. So I was looking for some parts and suddenly the server restarted, so I went back to the server because my vehicle was there. When I logged in I heard a M107 shot far away. I was pretty sure they weren't shooting at me because that has a very distinctive sound when a bullet is shot right near you. So I went out of the Gorka city a bit and what do you know, 2 guys in ghillies are just sitting on the road staring at eachother. I took my nightvision off so that my eyes would adjust to the dark and I killed them both with my AS50 from 100m away. Funny thing is I never found an M107 on them and I had previously just passed that road with my car and never saw anyone.

Here's a pic of those 2 guys sitting on the road (brightness and exposure was increased in post to make the pic more visible):


I'm not sure if this would even be report-worthy or not, but their names were [sLz] Shin and Mord.

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He's actually allowed to use it :P

An Assault Rifle with Nato Caliber destroys every vehicle in this game within 3 second's, even if he's allowed to use it, its not fair at all.

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An Assault Rifle with Nato Caliber destroys every vehicle in this game within 3 second's, even if he's allowed to use it, its not fair at all.

did u make that up? NATO isn't a caliber first off and second there are a lot of weapons that use NATO sanctioned rounds... so doubtful the use of one forces all vehicles to suddenly combust... sounds like you don't know what you're talking about

Edited by Acix

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An Assault Rifle with Nato Caliber destroys every vehicle in this game within 3 second's, even if he's allowed to use it, its not fair at all.

lol wat?

some people...

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So what your saying is... you saw two people sitting on a road and you murdered them.....

Umm, yes. That is exactly how it went down. If you're thinking I'm gonna go greet them with a smile on my face while holding some of the most valuable items in the game including a vehicle then you're mistaken my kind sir.

Anyway, as I read from the posts this is not legit. Atleast I got my confirmation.

Are there any other LEGIT suppressed assault rifles besides M4A1 CCO ?

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