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Hacker activity on US 1479

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Server: US 1479

Time: ~10:30 or 11 PM PST, August 9, 2012

What happened: The server was filled with vehicles in amounts unnatural to the spawn algorithms of the game, and what's more, we saw them spawning before our very eyes. A couple players in particularly were teleporting around the map and killing players for their high end gear, and these were the same players who we saw spawning and driving the vehicles on the server, which included two Urals, a bus, and 2 helicopters, though we found a vehicle/player graveyard where they had been spawning vehicles near Kamenka. At this site there were multiple helicopters, several cars, and a ton of dead bodies, which included much of the loot from recently killed players, including my friend who had been killed by a group of teleporters for his weapon in the middle of the woods, a few kilometers north of where I witnessed the same players moments later crashing helicopters into Elektro.

The two player names I was able to get who I witnessed hacking were "Cookiez" and "Scotty G". Hopefully that helps.

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Looking through the log files at that certain date I had found that Scotty G and Cookiez were NOT spawning any items. I am sorry for you and your friend. Those two players must have stumbled upon those vehicles.

The hacker who was spawning lots of vehicles in 1479 was this guy. We banned him.


Edited by dezkit

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Thanks very much for reviewing the logs. We ran into these players multiple times, so it seemed like they were the culprits. I'm happy to know the true hacker has been dealt with, though. Thank you for looking into this and responding!

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