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Tent spawn information?

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I'm trying to find a couple of camping tents to start a new base camp and I was wondering if anybody knew exactly where they spawned and the chances of them spawning in those locations because I'm having trouble finding any.

Thanks :)

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Search high valued residential buildings and supermarkets, but it's still not common that you'll find one there.

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Here's a trick for you.

Markets have the best chance of spawning tents in my opinion simply because they have many "spawn-points". Get an ALICE pack and a simple weapon (Makarov will do) and go to a market (Berezino has two and there's usually less people there nowadays, at least on my experience). Once there, grab an infected and kill it inside the market. Use the ALICE pack to loot everything and dump it on the zombie. Hiding his body once you are done. Now leave and go loot some other building (if you are in Berezino, the other market would be the best choice) and then come back to find entirely new loot!

In my experience, once a place has spawned a certain item that item won't go away until someone takes it. This means that if you go to a market and there are no tents, they won't spawn until you or someone else "cleans" up some of the spawn-points to allow for new things to generate.


Extra-tip: If you ever find yourself short of medical supplies and come to a rather poorly stocked hospital, know that if you loot every item of a medical card-box (like those that spawn with only empty cans on them), new loot will immediately spawn! This usually means 10 bandages, 5 morphines, 5 epi-pens, 5 blood-bags and enough pain-killers to take the edge off an AS50 round!

Edited by Deathcall
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