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Tired of Hackers? Here's the solution: play on Expert Servers

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On Expert servers you have NO 3rd person view and no crosshair.

Hackers are little fucks with no balls that don't like things like that.

Also Expert servers usually have smaller amounts of people playing. So no fun for hackers.

Also² no crosshair and no 3DP makes everything a LOT more exciting for yourself!!

It's a completely different gameplay feel when sneaking through a town in 1st Person mode!

Try it! You'll love it!

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most hackers really do avoid those servers.


in my 3 weeks of playing dayz i was killed only once by a hacker on a veteran server (it was a full server with around 40 players)

edit: and wtf is an anal icer?

Edited by koy

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I have actually only experienced one hacker on my 50h+ on Dayz, so i haven't really had a promblem with them since it was right after spawn :/

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We've got an Expert server with a low pop and we still get hackers, we've been nuked, had helis spawned in, various weapons not in game etc. I havent played for nearly a week cause of them.

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Does it have anything to do with being expert mode or is it simply because those servers usually have nobody playing on them and most cheaters prefer to harass as many people as possible so choose high pop servers more often

Edited by smasht_AU

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I'll be honest, I find the first person view rather irritating, Kinda takes the shine of the game away, The bobbeling, limited view (Only 1 monitor at mo)

I get the theory but I guess they (Hackers) are about numbers, they seem to like to transport all players on full-ish servers, and of course they do it for the laughs.

I personally stick to low numbered servers and low ping ones, I play through the day, never on an evening. Never seen a hacker.

Just throwing this out there, as it has been going on for a while now, Isn't there a database of which server and what time it was hacked? This could give an idea of where the most common places (servers) are and allow closer monitoring of the situation.

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Listen here. Hackers only play on expert and veteran servers because there are no names. Play on regular or recruit servers with names.

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In counterpoint hackers are the reason we run our server at Regular settings with name tags on.

Otherwise you have just about 0% chance to identify who is fucking around without just about all your log analysis being made up of wild guesses.

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i would imagine. if i was a hacker, I would look for high population servers with no name tags, and with 3rd person, since most people play it (high pop) and its easier.

expert, veteran, none of that shit matters since the servers decide the rules they keep, doesn't matter what its labeled. ive seen expert with 3rd person, same as ive seen veteran with 3rd person. use DayZ commander and you will see what im talking about.

so in order to not play with hackers.

it would seem, lower population, with 1st person and name tags(puke) would probably be best bet.


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i have heard of hackers that can remove their nametags, so pretty pointless?

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I'll be honest, I find the first person view rather irritating, Kinda takes the shine of the game away, The bobbeling, limited view (Only 1 monitor at mo)

I get the theory but I guess they (Hackers) are about numbers, they seem to like to transport all players on full-ish servers, and of course they do it for the laughs.

I personally stick to low numbered servers and low ping ones, I play through the day, never on an evening. Never seen a hacker.

Just throwing this out there, as it has been going on for a while now, Isn't there a database of which server and what time it was hacked? This could give an idea of where the most common places (servers) are and allow closer monitoring of the situation.

I'll be honest, I find the first person view rather irritating, Kinda takes the shine of the game away, The bobbeling, limited view (Only 1 monitor at mo)

I get the theory but I guess they (Hackers) are about numbers, they seem to like to transport all players on full-ish servers, and of course they do it for the laughs.

I personally stick to low numbered servers and low ping ones, I play through the day, never on an evening. Never seen a hacker.

Just throwing this out there, as it has been going on for a while now, Isn't there a database of which server and what time it was hacked? This could give an idea of where the most common places (servers) are and allow closer monitoring of the situation.

If you look in the options you can turn the bobbing down or off :)

Edited by SponceUK
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with the op solution maybe you can avoid the 12y old pussies that buy the codes and are scared of the major impact 1st view has..if you cross a person who makes the hacks by himself i think there are no place to feel safe..low pop helps though

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i friggin' hate hackers!!!!! i was in us 607 and a guy called [T.L] MARIJUAWA who just happened to own the server... drove over to me and my mates and said " how's it goin fellas" and honked the horn attracting millions of zombies. by instinct we shot him and stole the car, i looted his body and he had: nightvision goggles, 50cal snipers, silenced pisols ect. he then spawned looking like a zombie right next our fleeing jeep and started playing wierd and slightly creepy music. then he spawned looking normal and blew up our jeep with a sniper, luckily only killing one of us :( . i exited just in time before he could kill me... but as we speak my friends are getting me bandages as we speak :lol:

buti also have all his weapons and gps's (dont no if thats a word? :blush: ) so hackers do have an advantage. i have a quick shot of us driving somewhere and the hacker shooting us and it will be up on youtube soon.

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