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Looking for a tacitcal partner or group.

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IGN: Famous123

Age: 25






Gear: 1-2 days worth of food,hatchet, hunting knife, matches, military flashlight, map, watch, compass, tent, binoculor, frag gernade and ALICE pack

Main Weapons: AKS-74 Kobra (ammo: 9 clips)

Side Arm: PDW (ammo: various clips [used more then my main])

Medical: Bandage x3 Blood-pack x1 Morphine x2 Painkillers x1


Only had the game 3 days. Likes to play tactical. Slow and steady. Like to scout and recon. Hunting for NVG. Don't like playing at night. Mostly friendly. Follows the rules of engagement. (sometimes). Like to scavenge but also goes guns blazing. Rather run away from zombies then shoot them. Can read map and compass decently. Decently good at path-finding. Team player. Can't drive(never driven in Day Z or flew a helicopter). Have common sense.

Tactical Positions:

Point man, Recon, Assault team. Survivalist

Looking for a great team player who can watch my back. Must have common sense. Decent gear. Can play in a tactical position. Friendly. Mature. Good at communicating.

If your interested teaming up please fill little applications. thanks.



Must be Mature

What kind of communications you have? (ventrillo, team-speak.. etc)

Gear List:

Main Weapon:

Side Arm:



Tactical Position:

Squad Positions Needs To Be Filled:

Team Leader


Point Man

Heavy Weapons


Edited by Famous123
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Hi, you are welcome to check us out at The BSB Network. We're a social gaming community (not a clan) that is dedicated to fair and fun gaming. We have many members and clans within our community supporting Day Z that team up in groups using our TS3 Server to communicate and coordinate their

The community is mostly adult gamers over the age of 20 (well over in most cases!) but there are no age, time or skill requirements - all we ask is you play fair and have a bit of common sense about you!

Our members are based all over the world and are on at all times of the day and night, but all speak English and most are based in and around the UK, the US and Mainland Europe. We've been gaming as a community since 2002, so we're not some ad-hoc fly by night clan! I must stress we aren't a clan at all but we do have our own in-house "home" clan within the community that has members playing Day Z, and there are other clans within our community playing Day Z. There is no obligation to join our or any of our affiliated clans to take part.

If you're interested check out or website @


and hop on our TS3 server and say hi!

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Also looking for a partner/team currently have a few supplies and all the stuff to survive, hunting knife,hatchet and water bottle, only had the game 2 days myself. Ingame name Matthew ID 65601990

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Hey Famous,

You sound like a perfect survival partner.

My gear is a bit low cause I was killed by a hacker yesterday but got the essentials for surviving again (hatchet, matches, drinks).

Main weapon I use is mp5 cause it doesn't pull the whole continent when needed.

Strongest abilities are: navigation, general support

Weakest ability: Driving (havent done it yet)

Not looking for 'greedy' teammembers tho (the ones that does everything to be first at piles to snatch the best eq without sharing)

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Hey guys thanks for replying, But i'm really picky who i roll with. My survival #1 rule is "Trust No One". So if you guys can follow the format like what i did I would apperciate it.


Must be Mature

Comms is required

Gear List:

Main Weapon:

Side Arm:



Tactical Position:

What your looking for in a partner/group?

Thanks guys.

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Age 16

Must be Mature

Comms is required

Gear List: Cezch pack, bandages, food, drinks, 12 mags of ak ammo

Main Weapon: Ak74

Side Arm:none


Dosier: Bought the game 3 days ago partnered up with a few people but they arent on all the time. Looking for some people to play seriosuly with, the people i've come across all just screw around most of the time.

Tactical Position: heavy Weapons/point man which ever one

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Admin you can closed this thread down. i posted in the wrong section but i have corrected. thanks.

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Age: 13

Must be Mature: Yes i am mature for my age, i do not have an annoying squeaky voice am very serious about dayz will listen and won't aggro zombies purposely

Comms is required: yep i hav a mike

Gear List: Sodas, 2 water bottles,painkillers,

Main Weapon:lee enfield, 3 mags

Side Arm:none

Medical:3 bandages

Dosier:had game for about a week

Tactical Position:dnt mind

What your looking for in a partner/group? Dnt mind as long as they r trustworthy and will help me

Skype- cj-callen, united kingdom, email cassius_fierce_gladiator@hotmail.co.uk

Edited by Cjzombiepacer

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Age 14

Must be Mature very mature but i like to have fun.

Comms is required ventrilo and skype.

Gear List: food drinks hatchet hunting knife binocs matches medical supplies coyote backpack 24 slots map compass watch.

Main Weapon:as50 50 cal. sniper

Side Arm:m1911

Medical:alot of antibiotics blood and painkillers bandages

Dosier: had game for about a month and my 4 man squad is looking for more this was more of an invitation than a join request. feel free to email me at aeronethius@gmail.com

Tactical Position:sniper

What your looking for in a partner/group? security reliability the abillity to communicate easily and quickly survivability

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Age: 16


Communication: I have a mic and I know how to express myself in a situation (I use skype)

Gear: The basics, (compass, binoculars, food, etc.) Ammo, Backpack (coyote), NVGs, tool box, and a couple of other things.

Main weapon: DMR

Sidearm: G17

Medical: Bandadges, painkillers, heat packs and, morphine. (My buddy is the one that carries the medical supplies, so I don't have much)

Dosier: A little over a week but I know my stuff, because of friends and overall experience in "sticky" situations

Positions: I usually spot and range find for my friend, but I'm not a bad shot.

I'm just looking for a good time, someone to watch my back, and safety. I have a friend that plays already but it isn't too safe with just us two. The more the better.

Whether you want me to be in your group or not, good luck.

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Age: 22


What kind of communications you have? Vent, Skype, Mumble

Gear List: Map, compass, watch, hatchet, matches, hunting knife, military flash light, Bino's, Coyote backpack (24 slot), Tent.

Main Weapon: AKM- 4 mags

Side Arm: 1911- 4 mags

Medical: 4-Bandage, 1-blood pack, 2-pain killers, 1-heatpack

Food: 4- Canned food, 4- Drinks, 9 uncooked meat.

Dosier: 2 weeks at it have died over 20 times i belive lost count, 90% bandit related deaths 1 dehydration. Just looking for someone i cant trust with in the game and i know will have my back like i will theirs.

Tactical Position: Combat Medic. "will provide blood packs and bandages but wont back off from a fight"

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Please use the SEARCH function, or at least lôôk around before making a Thread in the wrong place.

Moved to correct Forum.

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