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Chased By Psychopath, Scariest Moment Ever Experienced

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After meeting up with one of my old time friends we ventured towards Cherno. Along the way out of no where this music started playing... This is what happened...

Warning: Viewer Discretion is advised!

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"It's raining, it's pouring!"

Edit: What server? I wanna get chopped to bits by this dude.

Edited by allyourbase51
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Haha that was funny as hell, here take my beans for making me laugh so hard...

Edited by Furry_PawstarZ
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Moving to Day Z Gallery

Thanks! Sorry about that.

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Does this man have a name?

Don't know... The Butcher? Annibal? Rain Man?

We need to give this man a name!

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Could be just a hacker that changes his skin/weapon and then chases you guys.

What area is that anyway?

Edited by TSAndrey

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Are you sure that it's not a NPC? Why would a hacker go to all the trouble and try to kill soo many people in the same location?

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Hubert is such a bad ass. There are so many videos of this guy now, trolling has to be his full time job.

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Hubert is such a bad ass. There are so many videos of this guy now, trolling has to be his full time job.

He's no badass he's a lame script kiddie. He deserves nothing but to be globaliy banned!
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Would be sweet if Rocket actually added a NPC like this in the game

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This happened to me early today heard the music and singing coming up behind me, so i figure the best thing to do was DC sense i can't fight god mode -.-

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