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Swoosh Bear

I Shouldn't be Alive - The DayZ Edition

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I shouldn't be alive. This is the story of a faithful little survivor against a big, expansive ocean with nothing but his wits.

It was dusk on the server US 922, my home server. After searching the coast north of Berezino for tent and vehicle camps I found a small boat spawned on the coast. After a short raid into the Berezino industrial district, I had one jerry can to fill up my new boat. After doing so, I got it unstuck and started sailing south. But just then, my mother came in and had me go do some chores. I decided I should be safe if I stay logged in, since there are only 5 other people online. I pointed the nose of my boat towards shore, cut off the engine, and went AFK in my boat about 15 meters from shore.

I came back to find my boat traveling 10 kph pointed away from the coast sailing into the horizon. I quickly turned around to find that I could barely see the coast. I looked at my grid coords... I was past the X coords, 153. So far past it that when I started heading west again, my GPS was stuck on the coords X 153, Y 64.

I was so far out that it wouldn't even show my progress or my cursor on the map. It took me 10 minutes of sailing before I ran out of gas and decided this is the end. I got out and began to swim back since I had:

Coyote Backpack





Every tool in the toolbelt

I started to swim and after a good 10 minutes, my cursor finally appeared on my GPS and I was making progress towards shore based on the grid system. And for some odd reason, my guy was swimming by himself, even when i was alt+tab'd out. So after a good 40 minutes of swimming, I finally hit shore with 4k blood from starving, and EVERYTHING still in my inventory somehow. Don't ask me how. Don't.

The things I don't understand about this.

1. How did my boat turn around and drift out to sea going 10 kph, its top speed when driving it. The engine WASN'T EVEN ON and it didn't use any gas.

2. How is my guy swimming by himself, even when alt+tab'd out.

3. How didn't I drop any items like my gun or pack after swimming like 2 km?

I really shouldn't be alive.

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Dropping things when swimming si a server side settings.. not all serves make you loose gear in the water.


good to know....

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5 nights ago, a friend and I decided we need medical supplies so we went to Stary....Well, after about 10 minutes of me providing overwatch, we pack up and leave only to have a hacker show up with an M14. He first aimed at my friend, I popped a round with my AS50, he stayed up so I ran. I zigged and I zagged, dove and aborted like a little bitch. Right before I disco'd I took a round but strange enough no damage. Just a dislocation or whatever that one thing is.

Spawned in on another server, unconscious with the slow timer and bleeding. I regain it, stop the bleeding, get into position to get my friend's stuff but he tells me to leave it.


Tonight on US 1440

Helping another friend out, I was walking (yes, WALKING) with my gun lowered and suddenly we're teleported. (I'm on survival day 35) and I immediately go "Fuck!" on ventrilo. You see all the players on the server grouped up and I begin to hear a silenced weapon being fired. I immediately try to Alt+F4 and it says "receiving" so I manually abort - everything goes grey.

I then go onto another server and find out I'm spawned where the hacker put all of us. This was great because I could tell my friend where his body was.....only to find out the server then crashed. No one could log in. They were all stuck at "creating character" or w/e.

I got out OK, and a few other folks. Now I have to make the trek back up north. -__-

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5 nights ago, a friend and I decided we need medical supplies so we went to Stary....Well, after about 10 minutes of me providing overwatch, we pack up and leave only to have a hacker show up with an M14. He first aimed at my friend, I popped a round with my AS50, he stayed up so I ran. I zigged and I zagged, dove and aborted like a little bitch. Right before I disco'd I took a round but strange enough no damage. Just a dislocation or whatever that one thing is.

Spawned in on another server, unconscious with the slow timer and bleeding. I regain it, stop the bleeding, get into position to get my friend's stuff but he tells me to leave it.


Tonight on US 1440

Helping another friend out, I was walking (yes, WALKING) with my gun lowered and suddenly we're teleported. (I'm on survival day 35) and I immediately go "Fuck!" on ventrilo. You see all the players on the server grouped up and I begin to hear a silenced weapon being fired. I immediately try to Alt+F4 and it says "receiving" so I manually abort - everything goes grey.

I then go onto another server and find out I'm spawned where the hacker put all of us. This was great because I could tell my friend where his body was.....only to find out the server then crashed. No one could log in. They were all stuck at "creating character" or w/e.

I got out OK, and a few other folks. Now I have to make the trek back up north. -__-

random post is random?

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My friend purposely crashed a heli from 1000 ft and survived, after I found his body and fixed every imaginable ailment he had. He even started coughing for some reason. But he lived.

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