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The Friendly Bandit

Trading for a SVD camo

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Hey guys, I have a Bizon SD that I will trade for a svd camo with at least 3 mags. I have 3 mags for the Bizon, and if you are willing to trade send me a message on these forums. Dont try anything hostile players, my 5 friends will be watching the deal with dmrs. Try anything and you will die. Thx

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kinda m8 i mean if was guna trade wiv u and u had 5 guys watching your back id bring my 20 guys to watch mine lol. but yeh u should av just 1 guy watching your back just to b safe

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As far as I am aware the SVD Camo is one of the rarest guns in the game, while the Bizon, whilst rare, is the most common drop at Heli crash sites. Try offering something with a little more value, (note I don't have one myself, but I doubt you will get anyone doing that trade)

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Ye no is swapping you an svd camo for a gun that takes 7 shots to kill a zombie at close range

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really iv had my svd camo for nearly 5 days now. didnt no its that rare. i better stop wasting ammo on shooting cows/sheep at long range lol

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