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dvnt (DayZ)

Please add Fatigue / Stamina

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Why is it that I can run up hills, all around down, through forest, back up hills, more hills, running, running, running and have no negative side effects.

I should go through more water, use more food, be fatigued after a while, run slower, be noisier when fatigued etc when running around. You should not need just one soda and a can of sardines to run the length of the map, and then have no side effects, that's just crazy.

And what if you have a back pack full of scrap metal, canned food, ammo, car tires, engine parts...still run at full speed? WTF?

More in you pack, the slower and/or nosier you move.

Please add in fatigue/stamina and maybe weight penalties for your pack.

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lol ya thats a major flaw in this "survival" fps we play...if you can call it that. only thing survival about it is the fact that you have to eat and drink every so often or you will start to die.

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there is stamina (no fatigue) in the game, aready implanted by the ARMA 2 engine, but it only effects your accuracy and ability to sprint, not other stuff

though this is a game, even though its a survival sim, there will always be flaws in everything

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In arma 3 they have fatigue, and it increases when you have more things in your backpack. So there you go, it will be fixed in the standalone.

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"You need to eat and drink, but only enough to keep those icons from blinking. Running causes you to become hungry and thirsty more rapidly. Panicking from being attacked also increases your hunger.

Also I'm pretty sure heavier packs do make some additional noise.

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The only problem I see is that it forces you to limit your playtime to rest. Just like all those stupid Facebook games where you get "energy points" that you either have to wait a day to replenish or spend money to refill. Although it isn't very realistic, I would rather have an unrealistic game that allows me to play when I want for however long I want than an ultrarealistic game that tells me I can only play for a limited amount at a time.

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