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Hackers are giving this game a bad rep

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I understand this game is still in Alpha so glitches and hacking are to be expected, but we have gotten to the point in which the game is so large and so many people playing it that it brings a lot of media attention to the game.

When a game is operating at a scale as big as this game it is not okay for hackers to be able to log into a server and spawn every single player in that server in mid air and drop everyone to their deaths or have everyone in the server spawned into the debug forest. It would be some what okay to have things like this happen if the game was in closed alpha but it isn't. It is sending a bad message to a lot of new players and I would hate to see people be turned away from such a wonderful game because of the excessive hacking.

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Hackers are giving BATTLE EYE a bad reputation.

Edited by AssClown

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Battle eye is giving battle eye a bad reputaion.

Banning non-hackers while hackers roam free.

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That's why the game is going standalone...

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That's why the game is going standalone...

That's all good and well, but I won't buy it.

I love the game don't get me wrong. Rocket has a great idea, but here's the rub....

Using a anticheat program that fails this hard and then saying "it's not our fault you have to talk to battleeye" is like a company saying "one of our employees stole your thirty bucks and won't let you use our product, while he lets other people in our store assault and harass people without kicking them out like we pay him for? WE DONT CARE!"

Saying that this is a battleeye issue is wrong. They are paying people at battleeye to protect them! So far they are less successful then the guys that guarded JFK.

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Sigh. As opposed to creating a new thread I will just vent on yours. It used to be every few nights I'd run into a hacker wiht my friends. We'd get teleported and die. Yada blah whatever. It didn't happen enough for it to ruin my fun for the most part. Now every night I'm dead from a hacker. It's just flat out ruining the game. I can quickly enough escape, alt-cntrl-del or alt f4 now to not die as of late but will be in areas that are remote enough to not make it fun to spend 30 mins running back to where I was to only have it happen immediately the next server I join. And it's just a game, I get it as well. I get that hackers find it funny and troll worthy to do this. But when every single server is doing the same thing of teleporting to the same spot just so they can all wipe out the server and hop to another and do it all night, doesn't that in itself start to get kinda boring?

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