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Trade: Looking for NVG&GPS - have 2 FN FAL, 1 Bizon, 1 M16A2 M203. Other offers welcome.

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Will discuss location once deal made. Make any offers. Mainly looking for NVG.

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ITT: Guy wants to trade easy to find items for rarest items in game.

Also, he will shoot you and just take your stuff... You know this.

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ITT: Guy wants to trade easy to find items for rarest items in game.

Also, he will shoot you and just take your stuff... You know this.

Well, I don't plan on shooting them but I suppose only I know that. How do I not know they're just going to shoot me?

I said any offers and I've not been playing long but from what I know a Bizon ain't exactly easy to find.

Edited by AndrewM

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Hi I'll trade you NVG, but like the cartz said they're one of the rarest items in the game, I would like either coyote pack or rangefinder for them. cheers

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