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Im done, hackers win...

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But I haven't played a game before where the problem was as rampant as it is with DayZ, or where "hacking" (bullshit term, because scripting requires nowhere near the skills hacking needs, which is exactly why it is so rampant) has such a direct effect on your game experience.

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But I haven't played a game before where the problem was as rampant as it is with DayZ, or where "hacking" (bullshit term, because scripting requires nowhere near the skills hacking needs, which is exactly why it is so rampant) has such a direct effect on your game experience.

Are you kidding? Being killed by a hacker in this is fun, being killed by a hacker in CoD/CS:S is not fun. Do you know why? Competition.

Hackers have left me enjoying this game, when I get geared have/had my fun, a hacker comes and kills me and realizes "Hey, I have so much more I can do in this game now... I'm going to dry my eyes and actually do something."

Play on a dead server if other people are what you're scared of.

I guess i'm one of few who is trying to better DayZ, not quit because of a couple cheaters.

Edited by KeyaKev

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If you dont know how to alt+f4 fast enough then deal with dying by being thunderdomed, teleported, etc

Everytime I see my player in the sky I'm out of the game in milliseconds.

The only time I'm killed by hackers is when they teleport to me and shoot me.

Edited by MajesticShitstain

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It may be fun when a Hacker kills you with a roaring jet, a tank or things like that.

Yesterday I died to an artillery strike. I mean, where is the fun in that? It's boring as hell! Nothing much to say really "I went boom" isn't as fun as "So, there was that big Warthog that just shot me to death" or "I was teleported and transformed into a dog".

Will make a pause (and anyway, no access to PCs for 4 days).

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Im a little surprised this is still going on at such a large scale. Honestly, I thought they would get bored with doing it.

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Seriously guys. Start playing on lower populated servers if it's that bad. They not gonna target these servers when there is thousands of 50+ players on other servers ....

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Played for 5 hours with my friend today looted a corpse broke my legs and died instantly.

Hackers are ruining this game. Standalone cant come soon enough.

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Played for 5 hours with my friend today looted a corpse broke my legs and died instantly.

Hackers are ruining this game. Standalone cant come soon enough.

How do you know it was a hacker?

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How do you know it was a hacker?

There was no noise it was instantaneous there were also 3 bodies all around the same spot.

Just snap and then You died

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There was no noise it was instantaneous there were also 3 bodies all around the same spot.

Just snap and then You died

Haha, ultimate trap.

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I've almost given up as well. I really want to know one thing though, why?

Why do hackers do this?

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I've almost given up as well. I really want to know one thing though, why?

Why do hackers do this?

Because it is easy as hell.

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Not really a proper answer. Why so people want to ruin other people's fun and hard work? What sort of person gets enjoyment out of ruining someone else's fun? Are these people mentally I'll, do they not have an exciting enough life outside of gaming? Are these the same people that pick on nerds at school?

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Yeah there are a lot of hacker programs out there to dowload and so far supposedly 11,000+ people have been globally banned. I'm not saying this is bullshit but there may be loop holes to get in anyways. The amount of hackers I've seen are definitely growing. It's a pain when they can summon any gear, summon any player to them, be invincible, etc. I don't blame you for being frustrated and many guys here are going to put you down and call you names for bitching about it. Don't listen to them. It is a new mod and that's the problem with "free" online games = more cheaters. On a brighter note, DayZ is going to be a standalone game now so perhaps down the road these assholes will be dealt with. Until then, just play something else.


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To add to the bitching/whining fest. 6 games tonight in maybe 2 hours. All hacked. 3 or 4 of them were the 'kill all style', 1 invisible, 1 blatantly walling. This has gotten so bad I can't even get started. Try a low pop you say? Doesn't seem to matter much when you'd like to play with other people...sigh

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If you quit, remember that you couldn't help test an alpha because it's coding wasn't optimized.



We're not testing the alpha of Battle eye you nonce, we're alpha testing the dayz mod. BIS have done fuck all with regards to stop hacking though I notice since july 15, 11000 cheaters have been globally banned. The hacker's showed up when arma strted hitting record sales 3 or 4 years AFTER the game was released and now BIS don't know what to do about it.

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If you quit, remember that you couldn't help test an alpha because it's coding wasn't optimized.



Leaving a signature over another signature just makes you look petulent

Edited by Muncywolverine

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Leaving a signature over another signature just makes you look petulent



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BIS have done fuck all with regards to stop hacking

since july 15, 11000 cheaters have been globally banned.

So have they or haven't they? Make your mind up

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Or you can just understand it's a game and simply fuck around.

Are mods not games? Hath not a mod guns? Hath not a mod players, items, controls, graphics, senses, PvP, PvE? Played with the same keyboards, hurt by the same script kiddies, subject to the same bugs, patched by the same means, discussed in the same manner as a retail game is? If you exploit it, does it not get boring? If you add content, does it not flourish? If you abandon it, does it not die? And if you hack it, does not the community whine?
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