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This isnt a game it... changes people.

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The more i play and add people and pretty much just expose myself to this running simulator 2009, i find out what people are on the inside, i find peoples true colours and im not liking it. This is wrong on so many levels, after i started playing a friend of mine whom i have known for years before this and we have played game after game together and had alot of fun together, he bought the game so he could play with me, i taught him how to play i taught him how to find things and whats good and whats bad and generally how this game works, and this was over a month ago, earlier today he let it slip that he had a vehicle and a camp on a server we frequented, and he never told me...

I have had camps and vehicles but i always shared them with him, and then i find out he has one and never told me, and his reason was, he didnt want his items dissapearing, and after i confronted him about it he just ignores me and THEN i find out that hes found a clan, who has been known to hack, exploit and generally break the rules in every way to get ahead of everyone, i thought i knew this guy, we were friends for years, and i just find out hes the one thing in this game that i hate most, and hes all of the above, and he never even told me or asked if i wanted to join him or anything.

This is basically the force, this is like the current star wars, more specifically this is the Knights of the old republic, there are about 200 thousand good guys, and 1 million bad guys, this is the embodiment of the dark side at work, all my friends are turning to the dark side while is stuck on good guy hill with my pants down while people snipe me. And i tell you, it doesnt feel good...

Im guna go drown myself in ice cream and videos of people being douchebags on dayz, i feel like crying manly tears of hate and neglect.

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You have the light side(helps their fellow man,) the dark side(only helps those closest to him,) and the scum of the earth that everybody hates(no life hackers.)

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thats how it is in life. its much, much easier to be a bad guy and an asshole. glad you saw through your supposed friend.

don't be too angry though, its my belief that people without any morals and standards are just less intelligent. they just don't comprehend their acts as selfishness and that if everyone did the same, the world would go to shit on so many levels. so its partially not their fault. they just can't grasp some concepts that you find to be pillars of a decent human being.

hope you find some people that aren't hiding their true personality from you to replace the void that came with loosing a friend.

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Whoa what a backstub....I suppose you can look at it from the brighter side and be glad that you undercovered ''potentially'' fake buddy rather sooner than later....And as they say, what doesn't kill ya makes you more of a man ;)

(or is it what doesn't kill ya makes you stronger? :0)

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Well right now im just having fun once again with no items after giving my high tier stuff to a new player via giving them a gun and letting them kill me, then i got stuff found a nice suprise but the only way of securing that surpise is if i have friends.

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Well right now im just having fun once again with no items after giving my high tier stuff to a new player via giving them a gun and letting them kill me, then i got stuff found a nice suprise but the only way of securing that surpise is if i have friends.

Well whenever I get killed i dont really giva toss tbh, as finding the basic loot and making your way up is just as fun

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yeah it can go both ways. i honestly have only killed 3-4 players and have been playing for months, reason is i usually avoid other players. only time i have killed someone is either when i stalked them and watched them kill another player then promptly drill them when they loot the corpse or when i kill someone when they try and kill me first (key is to constantly move and wait for them to reload then just drill them). the only players i trust are my clan mates besides that i avoid contact with other players.

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Don't take this game too seriously. I remember this story about Hulk Hogan. He once made himself out to be the ultimate good guy and role model and then became part of the bad guys. When he came out of the stadium to enter his limo, he was confronted by a mob of angry protestors and he wondered why they took it so hard. "Don't they know we're just entertainers?"

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Eh this game showed me exactly what I expected from a situation where laws are absent, guns are plenty and death means something.

Absolute Anarchy.

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I got your back ham, if you ever need a solid wingman!

p.s. have some beans nigga!

Edited by ptk

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Im up for anything, if anyone wants to get a team rolling PM me im up for anything, even better if you can record stuff or have a popular youtube channel.

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