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Kill self?

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Is there no way to kill yourself and respawn? Some asshat teleported my server in the middle of the water, I've been swimming torwards the shore for the past hour now and I havent moved and I'm not dead. Im hoping there's an easier way here instead of having to wait for who knows how long for my char to starve.

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Do you happen to have a grenade?, its a long shot, I feel for your pain though, the hackers are being more creative. They teleported my missus to a small island off the coast, she managed to live but when she logged in she died trying to scale down the side.

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Nope, I essentially just respawned after dying last night and not even being able to login to any game. Now I'm logged in and I cant even play. This mod is starting to turn out to be a big joke.

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They should never had removed the respawn option...

The only reason they did is so people dont keep respawning to get a Cherno/elektro spawn but its not hard to walk in to a bunch of zombies and die.

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Bump because I have nothing better to do.

Does starving not even work? My food and water have been red for a long time now and my temp is flashing, yet im still at 12k blood.

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Shame your not bleeding as you'd attract zombie sharks

Just a note.. I think you need to update your game files if you can still see your body temp.

Pretty sure that was removed last patch.

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Everything is up to date, just re-checked. Took me 3 hours to finally starve and die. :\

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Shame your not bleeding as you'd attract zombie sharks

Just a note.. I think you need to update your game files if you can still see your body temp.

Pretty sure that was removed last patch.

you still have a temperature icon that changes color and blinks when it gets low enough

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