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Hardcore Character Classes

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Vietnam vet - when hears a chopper starts firing madly into the air

Arnie - has to say a oneliner after every kill or is doesnt show up on debug as a kill

Food Allergy - can only eat rare berries found only growing in cracks along the NW Airfield runway

Haha, why aren't you working with Rocket on standalone Day Z.

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Liberal arts major(hipster)- vegetarian with a gluten allergy, can only eat pumpkins, only rides bicycle and only back pack he can use Is a satchel. Must wear rayban sunglasses at all times.

Alcoholic- has a sobriety meter, if it's starts blinking, and no alcohol is consumed, drunk tremors begins.

Edited by w_epley
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How about some Hardcore Achievements:

Football Hooligan - try and get as many zombies to chase you on the Berezino soccer field.

F1 Champion - complete lap of Chernarus staying on roads, never touching grass or fields.

Runway Sprinter - Number of laps up and down NW airfield runway (day server with more than 25 people online)

Zombie Train - most number of zombies chasing you on the railway line

Firebug - light as many fires as possible, bonus for spelling something on a hill or field

Hardcore Sniper - length of time spent atop the Elektro power station smoke stack popping Noobs, without DC-ing

Cherno Gauntlet - find a full day time server and with no weapons at all see how long you can survive running back and forth on full sprint mode

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Collingwood supporter: Cannot eat meat due to lack of teeth.

I am a collingwood supporter BUT YOU SIR DESERVE BEANS!

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Fat Bastard - needs 10x the amount of food or starves...

You'd think the fat guy would be able to live longer without food accounting for the fat he can burn off... Add fat zombies who take and dish out more damage hahaha.

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