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How do you know if a server has bullet drop?

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A while back I was on a server with a lee and was going to shoot at someone on a firehouse and was trying to judge with distance how much the bullet would drop and blah blah. So I take a couple shots over his head, both missed, so I said screw it and aimed right at him and It hit. I was completely confused.

Now since that time I've gotten myself a DMR with plenty of ammo and was wondering how do you know if a server has bullet drop or not? I tend to like to make the first shot count instead of wasting one not knowing if bullet drop is on or off.

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Are you serious? Some of these new threads make me laugh...this sort of stuff should be in the new player discussion if you feel it is really necessary to ask idiot questions

Edited by S1ippery Jim
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Some weapons, like the M14 AIM, are known to have very little bullet drop. I think you can pretty much aim dead on the dot up until 600m. I'm fairly sure that bullet drop is built into the engine and disabling it is not an option. Feel free to correct me, however.

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The bullet drop is a function of the physics engine within Arma2. All servers using Arma2 engine have bullet drop and other 'realistic' bullet effects.

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Don't they all have bullet drop, this isn't a server side setting afaik

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If you're like 300m away of course it's gonna have drop.

This runs on arma 2 engine, a game made for a A MILITARY SIMULATOR!

Of course all the servers have bullet drop.

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seriously? did you just ask that? If you were on a server and could see someone on a firehouse, you were within 2 to 300 yards. shots at 800+ provided you arent rocking an as50 u will understand bullet drop.

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I think he understands that.

He was confused because his shots did not drop like he thought they where going to. I assume that was a somewhat long shot with the Lee for him to try and judge the drop.

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Well thanks for people that aren't douchebags, I've made 600-700 yard shots before compensating for bullet drop when I was lucky enough to of found a rangefinder and DMR, but I guess when it comes to the lee I over judge my distance.

Didn't help I was in panic mode trying to save my friend whom was on the very top of the firestation at the time with no ammo.

Edited by XOLiD

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Best thing to do is to check the DayZ wiki and see what the weapons default zero is set for, then you will know that anything beyond that initial zero will be where the bullet starts dropping.

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