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Getting kicked from DE 1079

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Well, the serveradmin "n0bAdl2142" got on the server, kicked everyone off. Reconnected twice after the first kick, got kicked both times, not instantly but with a slight delay. Server didnt get passworded, kicks keep coming if you connect. Hes still on there all alone.

Even after telling him i'd post it on the forums -> kick.




Now getting instantly kicked by him when joining the lobby.

Edited by rusef

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Please use the appropriate forum and follow the appropriate format for your post to complain about Admin abuse.

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Please use the appropriate forum and follow the appropriate format for your post to complain about Admin abuse.

The sticky in "Ban Appeals" states to post kicks/admin abuse in Server General. There is no sticky giving a template as to how to post the report.

Plus i pretty much covered all the info needed.

NVM, sticky found in the Server Reporting sub.

Server Name:

DE 1079




10th August 2012, ~12am

Server Admin:


What happened:

Everyone on the server got kicked off, everyone joining gets kick, after joining and getting kicked by the admin for several times he finished with a ban.



Please move thread to appropriate board.

Edited by rusef

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I had the same problem, repeatedly kicked then banned. I made a report on hear one and half days ago but still no sign of post. Others have posted same issues, so these admins are really bad abusers, this need to stop ASAP.

EDIT: It's pretty obvious from this Server Stastics that these admins are doing it to nearly everybody that joins and have been doing it for some time. This server needs blacklisting.


Edited by Skint

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