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Beans v.s Pasta?

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While playing Day Z, does anyone get way too obsessed with little things, like choosing Coke over Pepsi, or a can of pasta over beans, because that's what you would choose in real life? Or is this just another sign that I really really really need to get a life?

Edited by TowahOfPowah54

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Ha! He's choosing Coke over Pepsi can you believe it!?

Edited by FaceAche

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Water bro, you wanna be as healthy as possible!

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Coke, just because I like red... Like sardine cans

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Look at my head. What do you reckon I choose every time?

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Frank n beanz when there's a choice, but nothing smells or tastes as good as a steak sizzling over a campfire.

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sardines with peanut butter.

oooh, you mean in-game? sardines with boar steak.

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lol if this were realistic, my guy would be a baloon cause he hasnt relieved himself from the 2000L of pop and water, and 3 cows worth of meat and beans/pasta i've fed him.

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Pasta. Great source of Carbs for quick energy. Beans are good protein but lack all the amino acids the body needs. Nothing beats cooked meat for protein! Of course, none of this has anything to do with the game. I like to collect sardines, cooked meat and a canteen for water.

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Pasta is superior to beans as beans, eaten at the wrong time, may cause an inconveniently loud expulsion of gas when you're trying to sneak by zombies.

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Dude, baked beans are amazing, take than and some water or coke.

Maybe some lamb chops, some bacon from a wild boar.

Got yourself a damn feast bro!

Than and macaroni is really good.

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lol if this were realistic, my guy would be a baloon cause he hasnt relieved himself from the 2000L of pop and water, and 3 cows worth of meat and beans/pasta i've fed him.

Maybe they can add that in the proper release. You have to shit and piss in the woods, or you can't walk properly and attract zombie attention when you shit yourself in town.

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I would rather starve than eat sardines, but it has not come to that yet.

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Coke over pepsi..franks and beans over beans or pasta..the sardines make a nice break though.

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I like to have mixed variations of each food, but if we are talking about drinks, pepsi all the way

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Frank n beanz when there's a choice, but nothing smells or tastes as good as a steak sizzling over a campfire.

I went camping last year for the second time and my gf and I cooked some sausage links in a cast iron pan over the open fire. It was the best thing ever. It was so good that now from time to time, I start a fire in the fire pit and cook food over the fire in my backyard just because it's amazing.

"cool story, bro"

You're fucking right it is.

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