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sniping montage, about 20 murders 1080P FULLSCREEN!

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why dont you try sniping in a server that doesent show the distance?? pathetic noob sniper (like srsly... you are a noob and you snipe noobs)...

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hehehehe kill these fuckers are u on a 70 players server ? have u lose your gear to scripter ?

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I stopped watching when I noticed that most of them were on recruit servers with name tags and range on.

Sniping that way makes Sniper Baby Jesus sad.

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Only 4 zombis killed and you have full gear? You guys use scripts

You guys are on some noob server with newbie difficulty, you see whitespots everywhere... I mean get some skill

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You should at least sync music to the shots.

This is easily done with Sony Vegas, which you can get ... for cheap ;) .

What you really should do though!!! Is snipe people up north and sync it to some nice music. That'll probably get you an equal balance of hate/ interest . Rather than sniping noobs on the coast which will result in... >:(

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Whats the Point of This Vid?

Showing Other youre Smal Wiener?

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why dont you try sniping in a server that doesent show the distance?? pathetic noob sniper (like srsly... you are a noob and you snipe noobs)...

I stopped watching when I noticed that most of them were on recruit servers with name tags and range on.

Sniping that way makes Sniper Baby Jesus sad.

Nice name tags. Also missing static targets lol.

Suck it up. If you don't suck, you can avoid being found with name tags on.

Doesn't mean he sucks or doesn't. It's not like he's using the name tags to scan.

Probably the get the distance; but does it take that much skill to pull out a range finder?

Dumb assumption.

Whats the Point of This Vid?

Showing Other youre Smal Wiener?

This is a board meant for stories and bragging. We're bandits, we kill for thrills.

You might need to head over to the Survivor HQ if you have problems with it.

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Suck it up. If you don't suck, you can avoid being found with name tags on.

Doesn't mean he sucks or doesn't. It's not like he's using the name tags to scan.

Probably the get the distance; but does it take that much skill to pull out a range finder?

Dumb assumption.

This is a board meant for stories and bragging. We're bandits, we kill for thrills.

You might need to head over to the Survivor HQ if you have problems with it.

True that's completely understandable but I don't see how sniping on a nametag server in elektro would grant you any bragging rights.

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I stopped watching when I noticed that most of them were on recruit servers with name tags and range on.

Sniping that way makes Sniper Baby Jesus sad.

with the gear they had they probably had a range finder and when they got that it is just as easy to just have one of them spot and tell the distance.

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True that's completely understandable but I don't see how sniping on a nametag server in elektro would grant you any bragging rights.

Nametags mean nothing, really.

However, sniping in Elektro isn't really "that" amazing of a sport.

However, it is pretty fun; and easier to make a montage like this with.

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Suck it up. If you don't suck, you can avoid being found with name tags on.

Doesn't mean he sucks or doesn't. It's not like he's using the name tags to scan.

Probably the get the distance; but does it take that much skill to pull out a range finder?

Dumb assumption.

This is a board meant for stories and bragging. We're bandits, we kill for thrills.

You might need to head over to the Survivor HQ if you have problems with it.

I think he wasn't questioning about why he posted a kill video, but more of a "why are you posting such a lame video?" Anyway, yeah he's playing on a recruit server, I don't give a shit if he does, considering Ijust pick whatever server is up and join. This more often than not leads to crosshairs or third person or etc activated. The only thing that gets on my nerves is him sniping in Elektro. If it were hackers, yeah sure, that'd be cool. But they aren't. It's some dude sitting on a hill killing people that just have spawned. Considering his weapon I don't think he belongs down there anymore. If he was just like them, sure, that's cool, inexperienced fighting the inexperienced. But it's not.

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Only 4 zombis killed and you have full gear? You guys use scripts

You guys are on some noob server with newbie difficulty, you see whitespots everywhere... I mean get some skill

You do realise it's extremely easy to loose zombies and not aggro them, so you don't have to shoot and alert zombies. -.-

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I play on nametag servers just because of the stupid number of DCers and scripters. You can't identify them on servers without tags. Once those problems are gone I'll switch back to Vet/Expert.

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As other people have said. Recruit servers where peripheral dots can be seen through walls, and nametags with distance on almost every kill. Montages are a demonstration of kills and or talent. It's a shame in this case it's "or", because I definitely don't see talent here. If this had no name tags and I saw you using mil-dots to accurately range your rifle, I'd of clapped. Until then, I'll wait. CSB though?

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Fully kitted with so few zombie kills? Interesting. And you're killing the same guys over and over, not very impressive. No beans.

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Everyone missed the duped gillies and sniper rifles...No one snipes on Elektro hill and doesn't get killed unless they are 1337 d/c'rs..

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I stopped watching when I noticed that most of them were on recruit servers with name tags and range on.

Same here

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