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To all server owners with no vehicles on their servers!

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I was wondering why we have no vehicles on our new server, although we have vehicles on our other two servers.

I got an official statemant from the dayz staff and also from my hoster:

Jonathan Dalton


It can take up to 7 days for vehicles to spawn.


And do they only spawn after a server restart or do they appear while the server is running?

Jonathan Dalton

After a server restart.


"In der Regel spricht man davon dass die Fahrzeuge innerhalb von 2-7 Tagen Spawnen, diese kommen wie alle anderen Sachen vom Hive Netzwerk."

Usually the vehicles should spawn within 2-7 days, because those things come from the DayZ Hive

I will make an update as soon as I can confirm our vehicles are spawned.


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And do they only spawn after a server restart or do they appear while the server is running?

Jonathan Dalton

After a server restart.

Correct to an Extent: If someone has taken that Vehicle already, and Saved that at a location, That Vehicle will not spawn.

Only Vehicles which were destroyed will re-spawn.

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That's good information to know for sure. We haven't found any vehicles on our server since we set it up. But its only been 3-4 days now. Will be keeping a lookout on them.

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Correct to an Extent: If someone has taken that Vehicle already, and Saved that at a location, That Vehicle will not spawn.

Only Vehicles which were destroyed will re-spawn.

On our other 2 servers the vehicles spawned after the first restart. This server now was started first time and we already were at the location, where the V3S spawns and there was nothing. All other spawns are empty.

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This seems to be a large issue with some recently setup servers at the moment, You will need to wait for Rocket to release a hotfix for this, Im pretty sure that its a Server bug causing this.

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