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Servers randomly teleporting people?

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Since I started playing DayZ a few days ago, I have gone on 2 server that have teleported all players to random "arenas". The first one was something the server called "mortal combat". Everyone got teleported into an arena and had to press V when close to someone. Then they died and I think they lost all there items. This time, everyone got TP'd outside the map, without trees. And all vehicles to. Being feared of dieng and loosing all my loot me and my friends imedietly disconnected. One of us saw all the vehicles laying close by. We are guessing that the point was that you where to go take a vehicle and then drive out of there. However the problem is that since we disconnected my 2 friends are stuck 900 grids from the main map. I was lucky enough to have a bit of lag and was returned to the same place I was before. So is there a way to get to the main map without walking 900km?

Also the server we where on was SE #500 with "no name MP44] at the end.

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900 km is like a 5 minute walk I think.

Did you mean 9000km?

You stop responding to people, you do not have any idea what 900km is.

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i've got teleported from airfield to coast area this morning -.-'

luckily i spawned next to a bike and just needed like 10mins to get back :3

man that was fun. a bushman on a bike.

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welcome to the world of

A. Stupid admins

B. Hackers

you will get used to it , find a server u like and stick to it .

your best off finding a server ran by decent admin that post on here

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You stop responding to people, you do not have any idea what 900km is.

No I'll respond how I please.

Besides I wrote "I THINK", not "I'm sure I'm right"

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No I'll respond how I please.

Besides I wrote "I THINK", not "I'm sure I'm right"

You saved it right on the edge there mate... was about to post a facepalm picture :D

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No I'll respond how I please.

Besides I wrote "I THINK", not "I'm sure I'm right"

Well you should have written "I have absolutely no idea but my best (horribly inaccurate) guess is"

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HanoverFist, you may want to stop with the thinking, seems you are not equipped for it.

OP: Welcome to DayZ. Unfortunately, the game is no longer worth playing since any equipment can and will be randomly stripped from you by hackers mass killing everyone. I suggest you try out Vanilla ArmA II or one of the many other excellent mods. Personally, I'd recommend Project Reality or Vietnam: The Experience.

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Sigh , so much for trying to help.

I'll just stick to one liners and snide comments from now on.

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none of you get what hanoverfist is saying. he is making fun of the tc of his situation and we ALL know the make isnt remotely far any where on the map that is 900km. you cant get 900 km from point a to point b anywhere on the map. hanoverfist is just being technical while making fun of tc also mentioning almost a popular meme but not quite to show how tc fail to achieve 9001

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Hehe, we havn't been attacked by to many hackers, one of them even went invissible and gave us NV goggles. And yes we mostly stick to a server but today it went offline... Hopefully not forever. Oh and my friends wernt as far from the map as we thought. They are aproaching NW airfield as we speak

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So just a couple of minutes away then?

Glad it worked out for you guys.

Edited by HanoverFist

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900km is not equal to 900m. 900km run would take you about... Roughly 45 hour running at 20km/hour..

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Guys. Let's get back on topic

To answer your question OP, my answer is: Servers act diffrently from time to time. And if you see you are spawned way off the map, then you might just relog onto another server. It happens sometimes, just change server and you might get back, it isn't a permanent.

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