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Alpha Omega Clan Recruiting

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Your DayZ in-game name:

Your Timezone:


Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members):

Are you Immature or Mature?:

Do you have proper English grammar?:

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested):

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name?:

If you have been Accepted, please add MilknCookiesX at Skype and we'll go trough a short talk, either through Voice or Text, your choice.

1. Be mature, don't act childish.

2. Respect other members, treat them like you want them to treat you.

3. Obey higher ranks, do as they say, if someone is acting unfair, feel free to report it to the Adminstrators

4. When ingame, don't run around like an idiot, stick to the group.

5. Share your loots, ask if anyone wants it or needs it, don't be greedy.

6. Play fair, Don't Kill on SIght unless other members are, or you have been given permission.

7. Don't steal from other members, such as gear and equipment

8. Do NOT use hacks, or scripts, it's strictly forbidden and will be reported to the DayZ staff immediately, We play legit.

9. Don't act like a rank you aren't.

10. Don't take any vehicles without asking, if no'one is online or available, drive with another teammate, if not, use your legs.

11. Don't go rambo, we play tactical.

12. Do not click abort to avoid combat with zombies or players, it's exploit and forbidden in this clan.

13. Do not duplicate items

14. Do not log on other servers to get different loot of your current location.

15. Keep your role in the train, don't run as you'd like free unless others are, you will be given a spot in the train for movement tactics.

The official DayZ rules are also included in this list, only some of them written.


Questions and Answers

Q: Are we allowed to shoot a zombie if it runs towards us?

A: Yes, but don't waste a whole clip, only use what is necessary.

Q: Are we allowed to invite friends to the clan?

A: Yes, but they are required to fill out the official application form.

Q: If a player shoots at us, are we allowed to shoot back?

A: Yes you are, but share the loots of the player later on.

Q: Are we allowed to logout far away from the camp?

A: Yes, but i wouldn't recommand it, as we have to wait for you to come back the next day, or it's gonna be a far walk for you.

Q: If i die, what will happen to my stuff?

A: We will take as much of is at possible, and return it to you as soon as possible.

Q: Are we allowed to set up tents anywhere we would like?

A: Yes, But only within the camp area, and try to keep it as hidden as possible to prevent other players from looting them.

Q: Can we select any role we would like?

A: As in the beginning, Yes. But you can change your roles after talking with a Staff member, our current roles are Medic, Engineer, Marksman, Sniper, Looter, Trader and so on.

Q: Are there other roles for people, such as Camp management?

A: Yes there are. Some members overviews the camp, checks the position of the tents and keeps an eye on it, also when we are in movement, there is a specific spot in the train you're supposed to be at, you won't be able to choose whatever position you want. The staff pretty much goes first.

Q: Are we bandits or Survivors?

A: We are both, but i'd say we stick to the bandit side a few times, and inbetween the survivors side.

Q: Do we have our own server?

A: Yes! We recently got one, US2270, And you'll see the [AO] Tag in there.

Edited by Optimism
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Your DayZ in-game name:Dino

Your Timezone:GMT

Country: United States

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Yes

Are you Immature or Mature?:Mature

Do you have proper English grammar?:Yes

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assaukt, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): Marksman or Assault

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name? (Mine is MilknCookiesX): noturmoil

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Your DayZ in-game name:Dino

Your Timezone:GMT

Country: United States

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Yes

Are you Immature or Mature?:Mature

Do you have proper English grammar?:Yes

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assaukt, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): Marksman or Assault

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name? (Mine is MilknCookiesX): noturmoil

You have been Accepted please contact MilknCookiesX VIA Skype as soon as possible for the interview, You have 24 hours to do so.

Edited by Optimism

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Your DayZ in-game name: Dirtknap

Your Timezone: Pacific

Country: US

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Yes

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mature, 24 married

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): Whatever the team may need then switch later on possiably.

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name?: h4ck.iz.b4ck - No i am not a hacker btw I had a character named HackerPvProdigy on another game and it just stuck with me.

Also have 2 other friends who will more then likely want to come with me sense we started this game together.

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Your DayZ in-game name: Dirtknap

Your Timezone: Pacific

Country: US

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Yes

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mature, 24 married

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): Whatever the team may need then switch later on possiably.

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name?: h4ck.iz.b4ck - No i am not a hacker btw I had a character named HackerPvProdigy on another game and it just stuck with me.

Also have 2 other friends who will more then likely want to come with me sense we started this game together.

You have been Accepted, we will contact you shortly for an skype interview.

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Your DayZ in-game name: Zyvarx

Your Timezone: GMT

Country: England

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Both

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mature.

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes.

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): I would probably most suit the Marksman role, since I have always preferred to use a long range weapon in DayZ. If that is possible then I can supply my own Sniper Rifle(AS50, as that it what I have at the moment) or if I must be another role then I would gladly let the clan have it.

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name?: danielratiu

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Your DayZ in-game name:

Your Timezone: EST

Country: Canadia

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Yes I has a microfone. Semi grasp of the english language

Are you Immature or Mature?: Depends on how much ive smoked and drank

Do you have proper English grammar?: Sometimes

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): Freelance. Prefer to sit back and "snipe" SHoot at team mates and say I think I see a sniper in the bushes shooting at you

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name?: Dont use skype.. WHo the fuck uses a program that doesnt have touch to speak.

If you have been Accepted, please add MilknCookiesX at Skype and we'll go trough a short talk, either through Voice or Text, your choice.

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Your DayZ in-game name: Currently, I go by Old Man Hatchet

Your Timezone: West Coast, USA

Country: USA

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Yes, I have both of these.

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mature, it's actually hard for me to be immature due to my quiet nature.

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes.

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): I'll do whatever is needed.

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name?: Brudagon

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Your DayZ in-game name: ViTo

Your Time zone: London England GMT + 1:00.

Country: Ireland.

Do you have a microphone and Skype?: Yes Both.

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mature.

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes I understand very good England (As Google auto-correct as my witness.)

What role do you wish to play as?: I like to sit back and snipe (Marksman) I cant supply my own sniper as I was killed 5 minutes ago due to hacks (Bastards!), but will use any ranged gun if necessary, Very bad at flying helicopters, im all right at driving cars.

Your skype name?: Ronan.Diamond -- Herbert Moon

Edited by ViTo

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The recruitments are hereby OPEN, Please apply with the application format and we will contact you as soon as possible!

Edited by Optimism

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Your DayZ in-game name: ViTo

Your Time zone: London England GMT + 1:00.

Country: Ireland.

Do you have a microphone and Skype?: Yes Both.

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mature.

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes I understand very good England (As Google auto-correct as my witness.)

What role do you wish to play as?: I like to sit back and snipe (Marksman) I cant supply my own sniper as I was killed 5 minutes ago due to hacks (Bastards!), but will use any ranged gun if necessary, Very bad at flying helicopters, im all right at driving cars.

Your skype name?: Ronan.Diamond -- Herbert Moon

I am sorry to announce that you have been Denied as we are currently full, be pleased to apply in the future.

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Your DayZ in-game name: ViTo

Your Time zone: London England GMT + 1:00.

Country: Ireland.

Do you have a microphone and Skype?: Yes Both.

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mature.

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes I understand very good England (As Google auto-correct as my witness.)

What role do you wish to play as?: I like to sit back and snipe (Marksman) I cant supply my own sniper as I was killed 5 minutes ago due to hacks (Bastards!), but will use any ranged gun if necessary, Very bad at flying helicopters, im all right at driving cars.

Your skype name?: Ronan.Diamond -- Herbert Moon

We are sorry to announce that you have been DENIED, the following reasons are: Lack of trust, Bad rumours.

Edited by MilknCookies

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Your DayZ in-game name: oVaneo

Your Timezone: Eastern Time zone


Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members):Yes

Are you Immature or Mature?:Mature

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes I do.

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): I wish to play as either assault or marksman, either would be fine as I have my own M4A3 and M107.

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name?:ovaneo27

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Your DayZ in-game name: Mjjs

Your Timezone: CEST

Country: Denmark, Copenhagen

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Nope i could install it if you accept me, but my microphone is abit buggy.

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mostly mature, but sometimes i can be pretty immature :D

Do you have proper English grammar?: Almost, i can understand nearly everything

What role do you wish to play as?: I would preefer Medic as i usually stay back when playing with friends.

Skype name?: N/A


Edited by Mjjs

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Your DayZ in-game name: Wesley.

Your Timezone: North American Eastern Time Zone.

Country: Canada.

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Yes.

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mature.

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes.

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): Any role the clan needs the most I will play, but I do prefer Marksman.

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name?: WesGouth

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Your DayZ in-game name: Wesley.

Your Timezone: North American Eastern Time Zone.

Country: Canada.

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Yes.

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mature.

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes.

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): Any role the clan needs the most I will play, but I do prefer Marksman.

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name?: WesGouth

We are pleased to announce that you have been Accepted, please contact MilknCookiesX through skype and you will be given a interview.

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Your DayZ in-game name: oVaneo

Your Timezone: Eastern Time zone


Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members):Yes

Are you Immature or Mature?:Mature

Do you have proper English grammar?: Yes I do.

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): I wish to play as either assault or marksman, either would be fine as I have my own M4A3 and M107.

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups

Your skype name?:ovaneo27

We are pleased to announce that you have been Accepted for a interview, contact MilknCookiesX over Skype and you will be given an interview.

Edited by MilknCookies

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Your DayZ in-game name: repp

Your Timezone: central standard time

Country: usa

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): yes

Are you Immature or Mature?: mature

Do you have proper English grammar?: yes

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): assault

Your skype name?: fradseffer

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Your DayZ in-game name: repp

Your Timezone: central standard time

Country: usa

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): yes

Are you Immature or Mature?: mature

Do you have proper English grammar?: yes

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested): assault

Your skype name?: fradseffer

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Your DayZ in-game name: Daydream

Your Timezone: EST

Country: Canada

Do you have a microphone and skype?(You are not required to talk, but you need to listen to other members): Both.

Are you Immature or Mature?: Mature

Do you have proper English grammar?: What's an grammar?

What role do you wish to play as?: (Scout, Medic, Marksman, Assault, Stealth (Will only be given an invite to Stealth unit, not requested):

For more information visit http://clan.iclanweb...megadayz/groups - I generally provide overwatch, can snipe and or spot.

Your skype name?: Daydream.Nation-

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