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Banned from NY9

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Right after I was killed on NY9 - I was kicked and banned.

I assume the admin wanted to loot my body in safety and was hoping I didn't remember what server I was on. Either way, I didn't violate any rules and it's clear the admin doesn't care for the rules.

The player name I was using was "thisisformatilda"


Time line of events:

1) Get shot coming out of a grocery store

2) Get "You have been kicked" message while receiving data for my next spawn

3) Confirm it was NY9 I was on by reading the player list and comparing to several players I had remembered.

4) Attempt to rejoin - Connection fails

5) Attempt to rejoin - Get to "receiving data" and eventually receive another "You have been kicked" message.

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Well i didn't ban you and only 2 others have access to admin and they didn't ban you and nothing in the log shows a ban.

You were kicked for idling too long automatically.



In fact the only people I've actually kicked were 2 Russians spamming.

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Like LVG said, I am the only other one with admin on our server, and nobody has been banned from our server at all. I've kicked 1 person as well for repeated racism, but that was a few days ago.

I looked through the logs and exactly as LVG said, you were only kicked twice, and both times it was for idling too long.

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Well, it's either chicanery or bugs then.

I wasn't idle.

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Well you're not banned, and "it's quite clear the admin doesn't care for the rules"? I give a 15 minute warning repeated every 5 minutes several times before i restart the server for updates or due to lag, and I've currently been waiting 35 minutes to get into the server I made...

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Yes, all we can say is that we're sorry for whatever must have happened, and I can assure you, we did not ban or kick you ourselves.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

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"and eventually receive another "You have been kicked" message" Simply sounds like you took so long recieving data and respawning that the server thought you were idling in the lobby and kicked you.

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Well you're not banned' date=' and "it's quite clear the admin doesn't care for the rules"? I give a 15 minute warning repeated every 5 minutes several times before i restart the server for updates or due to lag, and I've currently been waiting 35 minutes to get into the server I made...


I both appreciate your contribution to this game and enjoy playing on your server very much. I also appreciate the efforts of your two volunteer admins. I'm sorry if this issue is causing you grief.

"and eventually receive another "You have been kicked" message" Simply sounds like you took so long recieving data and respawning that the server thought you were idling in the lobby and kicked you.

I've never been kicked for being idle while waiting to join a game. I always end up in debug forest.

In this case, however, I wasn't even waiting. For your reference, "Receiving Data" part is the first part of the spawning process that happens and it isn't the longest part. The "Receiving Data" window wasn't up for a whole minute before I was kicked both times. I also was never waiting in the lobby before attempting to spawn.

I don't know how else I can say I wasn't idle.

Would it have said "You have been kicked. (BattlEye: Idle)" if I had been kicked by BattlEye? That isn't the description I got when I was kicked.

Anyway, I've done my part in reporting this issue. I'll leave it to the DayZ staff.

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You were kicked for being idle by an Admin.

It's only fair to kick people who are idle to open up slots for any players who may be trying to get in, whether you were taking too long or were idling or not is questionable. But it's just one event and I don't think it's necessary to get all up in arms about it.

Whats interesting is in your first post is that you state "Immediately after I was killed I was kicked" like every other ban appeal and when everyone else is saying and showing to you that it was for being idle.

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It seems you've made your final determination and I would have to agree: If the extent of your investigation is my word against his then no action can be taken.

You were kicked for being idle by an Admin.

If I understand your post correctly, you said that the Admin kicked me manually, which means you've already caught them in a lie: the Admin said the kick was automatic, by BattlEye.

I would have liked to see this report come to some sort of solution, especially if it was a bug. But if you are insisting that the only possibility is one party is lying about what happened, then I am disappointed to come to the conclusion that the NY9 administrators have been lying the whole time and I was indeed wrongfully kicked for their gain.

Thanks for your efforts.

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As a DayZ Forum Moderator I speak of my own opinion here and say what has already been posted, whether they did kick you or not or through automatic is questionable. (When I said you were kicked by an admin, it is my speculation. My hypothesis. I have no real idea since I've never used BattlEye)

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I can assure you, it was not an admin kick. If BattlEye automatically kicks someone, it says Admin Kick (BattlEye - Idling too long) or something similar, but it is not an admin manually kicking you.

I will try to show you that it wasn't an admin kick, but rather that's just how BattlEye reports it. If an admin kicks someone, it will say (based on the message we've configured with an admin kick) something along the lines of "Follow the rules, rules can be found @ www.SteamGamers.com" - something along those lines.

I'll see if I can grab proof(ish) to verify what I'm saying.

We are more than willing to do whatever we can to keep everyone (players, as well as DayZ admins etc) happy, and unfortunately I can't give you more information on what happened aside from what the logs say. They say idling, if it was a bug (it might have been), I don't know what could have caused it, so I can't provide you with more information on the incident unfortunately.

Edit: (I've not wrapped the image in %7Boption%7D tags because the images are (kind of) large, the second one being quite wide.


As you can see from the image (I've not cropped it to hopefully improve credibility-I have nothing to hide), the first one I've highlighted in orange was a player getting kicked by BattlEye itself for idling too long. It says "18:57:22 : Player #25 Sheds (GUID) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Kick (Lobby idling to long)". It says Admin Kick, but it isn't, it's just BattlEye.

The next one I've highlighted was when I was testing the kick feature, where I kicked myself. As you can see, it first says "18:58:36 : kick was issued by admin : Bob Loblaw". After that it recaps what happened "18:58:37 : Player #29 Bob Loblaw (GUID) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Kick (You broke a rule! Read our rule list @ www.SteamGamers.com!)"

The only rules we enforce are pretty much racism. We expect our players to be respectful, but I don't think anyone has been kicked for anything but racism. I've kicked one person for racism (name Alpha-so it wasn't you lol) and that's the only person I've kicked-aside from myself to test it lol.

I hope this clears things up, and again I'm sorry we couldn't resolve this issue and find out exactly what happened. The logs are only saying for idling too long :\.


Here is a cropped version to hopefully prove the difference (I've opened it in notepad++ so it reads carriage returns (notepad doesn't which is why it's just a jumble of words with no new lines).


As you can see, an admin kicking someone will say the admin kicked them (and will say the bit about the rules), Idling too long just says BattlEye : Admin Kick. Why it says Admin Kick I'm not sure. But again, it wasn't an admin kicking someone by hand.

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During your test, do you happen to know how long you were idle before you were automatically kicked?

Is this duration a variable setting?

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My favorite part is that, either the one who wrote the BattleEye got worse grammar than me or the admin got worse grammar.

"To long" is very.. very incorrect.... so im sure it was an admin just putting it as an excuse.

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My favorite part is that' date=' either the one who wrote the BattleEye got worse grammar than me or the admin got worse grammar.

"To long" is very.. very incorrect.... so im sure it was an admin just putting it as an excuse.


Way to bump a thread that is irrelevant any more seeing as the majority of the posts are missing due to the roll back, and please just stop posting.

Go bitch to whoever made BattlEye

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My favorite part is that' date=' either the one who wrote the BattleEye got worse grammar than me or the admin got worse grammar.

"To long" is very.. very incorrect.... so im sure it was an admin just putting it as an excuse.


no it actually is spelt like that however the auto-kicked is a 3rd party tool for battleye.

Too many noobs who don't know how things work stamping thier feet when something goes against them. As far as i know the recieving data bug is dayz related. If you get stuck in the lobby for too long with thus bug the auto-kicked will.. er... kick you.

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