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Fighting the Fourth Dimension

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So you and your friends stock up some sandbags, some cat wire, and you decide you want to get set up for a nice defensive fire fight.

You go to a firehouse in some town, or maybe on an airfield, you get it all bagged up and open the doors and get ready for whatever comes at you.

You get one or two people maybe, then everything goes quiet. Then suddenly five minutes later, six people spawn directly inside your defensive perimeter and start capping defenders from behind before you can even realize you're now looking the wrong way.

Welcome to the Fourth Dimension of DayZ Survival, a world where any attempt to "survive" can be completely circumvented by group of people leaving the server you're defending on, moving to another server together, getting inside the building you've set up defensively, then logging back in to the server you're trying to enjoy a straight bit of fun on, simply so they can shoot you in the back rather than attempt to outfight you from the front.

Some might call this smart play, but I don't.

Everyone thats played DayZ for a fair amount of time complains that there isn't much to do beyond death match in Cherno or Elektro or on the NW Airfield, and that the "Survival" aspect of the game is a little shallow.

But the minute ANYONE sets up some kind of survival situation, where they're more than willing to defend what they've set up defenses for, all people want to do is find a way to exploit their way past the challenge simply so they can "win" easily.

I'm really starting to be of the opinion that server swapping needs to put people that swap servers back on the beach, in completely random spawn points.

This would severely retard groups "wall hopping" defensive survival encampments simply by moving into the position of a defended area on another server, and logging into the contended area and nullifying its defenses entirely by abusing trans-dimensional travel.

This would also put a pretty quick stop to people dupe farming on one server and moving their entire stock load to another server because nobody is going to want to haul their crap from the beach to wherever they are setting up on a new server.

Its also a good fix for people that are moving from server to server hunting Stary and NW Airfield for high grade mil spawns and attempting to do so with as little risk as possible.

Overall though, attempting a long term "survival" situation in DayZ, fortifying ANY position and trying to hold it, is largely a worthless endeavor, you are very rarely going to get a straight up fight in these situations, someone is always going to abuse the server hopping mechanic to "win"....ruining what otherwise could have been fun for both sides.

And this isn't even bothering to mention what a travesty ESP hacks make of attempting to build a "Survival" encampment anywhere in Chernarus. This is just touching on game resident features.

Overall, I see no reason why people that are willfully server hopping of their own choice need to spawn EXACTLY where they logged off on another server.

But if this is unreasonable at least add some kind of wormhole graphic that renders whenever someone is about to pop in from a parallel dimension....least then it would be slightly believable...in a completely sci-fi and totally unrealistic way.

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I think you're looking for the "DayZ Suggestions" section. Allow me to direct you:


Actually no I'm just sorta discussing this at the moment. Trying to see what others feel about it.

I think it sucks, so I'm putting my opinion forward on it and saying what I feel would fix it. Doesn't really mean I'm making a suggestion as such. Someone else might have a better counterpoint to my argument and render any suggestion made invalid.

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its easy, rocket should put in something that players can loot that wont let anyone spawn in a certain radius, maybe a final use for the generator found in the thunder dome loot boxes? Even though its the hackers fault there's the thunder dome but hey its an idea none the less.

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Hopefully a solution to hopping will be implemented before the stand alone.

Edited by BioHaze

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That does suck.

Maybe Rocket can implement that you can only log out when you in the forest?


Edited by opeth

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yeah... that is kind of BS. i think they should implement something that you cant spawn within a certain radius of a player (about 30-50 meters)... altho that could prove fatal when logging in on a rooftop and someone else is sniping there :D

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That does suck.

Maybe Rocket can implement that you can only log out when you in the forest?


what if your power or internet give out?

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What about some kind of system where your spawn location when switching servers is randomized based on how long you've been offline?

For example, if you've been offline for less than 1 minute spawn at a random location within a 1000 m radius of where you logged off. If you were offline for less than 5 minutes spawn within a 200 m radius, less than 10 minutes, within 100 m. If you were offline for more than 1 hour spawn in the same place you logged off.

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what if your power or internet give out?

And thats my problem how? Not sure where you are going with that...? I doubt Rocket is designing anything with the thoughts of "Holy shit his power may go out, I better not do that?!?!"

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I just came here to give props for using a 4D analogy.

Edited by Swineflew

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That does suck.

Maybe Rocket can implement that you can only log out when you in the forest?


I personally didn't think of this, but i do think it would be an ideal fix for this, the idea can also be tested and tweaked from forests, to certain areas of the map/ certain buildings or something like that? Good thinking i say
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ok well what happens when some asshole barbwires the entrance to somewhere that you can clearly see good loot in? the only way to get through the wire without a toolbox is server hopping.

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ok well what happens when some asshole barbwires the entrance to somewhere that you can clearly see good loot in? the only way to get through the wire without a toolbox is server hopping.

Be a man, ditch the loot, or find a toolbox and come prepared in future...? Edited by Cpt.Carramack

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ok well what happens when some asshole barbwires the entrance to somewhere that you can clearly see good loot in? the only way to get through the wire without a toolbox is server hopping.

I'm of the opinion the toolbox should be replaced with a multi-tool and everyone should spawn with one. Cause its not just "good loot" places that get wired up and impossible to access. Medium value residential spawns all over the coast line of a server thats been up for awhile will see the same level of wiring out and its hardly cause someone was actually trying to use it as a defensive point, its cause someones trying to deny access to the area to anyone else...that doesn't have a tool box.

So the argument about being able to access areas in this way, by server hopping, isn't really the fix that the game needs. Just need more capability to actually remove these emplacements to be available.

There is a difference between a fortified location thats been fortified for purposes of survival and enjoying a good fight fight, and a meter of catwire and sandbags clogging up the Chernogorosk schoolhouse hallways so no one can get into the building...like...ever.

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