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LOW FPS 5-10

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So in dayz no matter what settings ive got for the graphics, the fps is TERRIBLE,

ive done the



in both the arma 2 cfg files and set them to read-only

Heres a screenshot of systemrequirementslab.com when i test if my pc can handle dayz


and heres a screenshot of the recomended pc and MY pc


do i need to update my video drivers or something?

This is a huge problem since i spent 24 euro on the game and it doesnt even run correctly even tho it really really should

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Try reinstalling your GPU drivers. Also, what does GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1;

GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; do? Is that a general performance boost or specific GPU only or something?

Edited by TheGunWizard

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They came from another forum post - I tried them too. The only increase we see in FPS is when I delete the log file on the server and restart.

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turn off anti aliasing, make sure your screen resolution is the same as your monitor. get game booster that might help you out.

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I've been having this issue as well. I've tried everything. I got a few more frames by running a ramdisk with structures.pbo, anims.pbo and chernerus.pbo, using gamebooster and overclocking my CPU. But it's still not what I'd call playable (12-20fps)

Edited by galhast

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Got my framerate up to 17-20 fps outside citys and 8-10 in towns (elekto and cherno)

but comeone, i should have so much more !

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